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Revised August 2011 Growing Success: Late & Missed Assignments.

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1 Revised August 2011 Growing Success: Late & Missed Assignments

2 Whenever possible, teachers will ensure that they are assessing work completed in class. This ensures that work is done by the student and that there should be no missed assignments. Homework or work completed outside of the supervision of the teacher should be assessed more appropriately in the learning skills section of the report card with comments made to this possible weakness.

3 Late & Missed Assignments If an assignment deadline has been missed, teachers must consider the following steps: contact parent / guardian ask the student to clarify the reason for not completing the assignment; referring the student to the Student Success team or teacher (if applicable); taking into consideration legitimate reasons for missed deadlines; holding teacher-student conferences; reviewing the need for extra support for English language learners; reviewing whether students require special education services; understanding and taking into account the cultures, histories, and contexts of the student A late penalty may be applied to assignments if all available options have been considered. Late penalties will be assessed up to five (5) days after the missed deadline.

4 Late & Missed Assignments Late penalties will be determined by the Principal in consultation with staff members at the start of the academic year. Penalties will range from 5-15 % depending on the weight of the assignment. Penalties must be made clear to students when the assignment is given. Missed assignments may be given a "zero" value after all other reasonable alternatives and procedures have been explored and followed. Students are encouraged to hand in all completed work even after a zero is assigned to receive descriptive feedback.

5 Late & Missed Assignments At the Secondary level, work completed after a zero has been assigned may be considered for credit rescue. In Grades 1 to 6, late and missed assignments for evaluation will be noted on the report card as part of the evaluation of the student’s development of the learning skills and work habits. When appropriate, a student’s tendency to be late in submitting, or to fail to submit, other assignments (including homework) may also be noted on the report card as part of the evaluation of the student’s development of the learning skills and work habits.

6 Calculation of Final Mark Missed assignments will be given a "zero" value after all other pathways have been explored for alternative assessments. This will allow teachers to use a mathematical calculation in coming to a final term mark. This mathematical calculation is used as a tool along with the teachers professional judgment and student-teacher consultations to make a final grade determination.

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