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The effects of different light on make-up
BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Production Arts (Make-Up)
Lighting controls makeup to a high degree
Lighting controls makeup to a high degree. Make-up can lose its effectiveness due to incorrect stage lighting. Conversely, skilful lighting can greatly aid the art of make-up. Close communication between the lighting director and the make-up artist is crucial for the best possible effect.
Artificial light Artificial lights (especially when the occasion is in Photography or Cinema) are mostly yellow and harsh white lights but their brightness is mostly softened with shades, which directs the amount of light given out downwards. The light is concentrated on the face and as a result some of the colours are changed, especially with yellow light, which simply turns purple to a bluish colour. It also reduces the intensity of red, making it appear darker. It reduces and softens the intensity of gold colour as well. While white light (even though it is the closest to the natural day light) immediately makes the face look white, so that if the wrong foundation has been applied and not properly blended, the mistake is revealed. It has the tendency as well to make bright colours look too bright.
Natural light Natural lights reflects onto the face from any surface it hits. Unlike artificial light, natural light shows up the true colours and textures of the makeup. This is because natural light doesn't cast shadows. When makeup that should be worn under natural light or during the day is applied under artificial light, the true shades are shown and the application mishaps are revealed by the time it is seen under natural light.
Coloured light Pink tends to grey the cool colours and intensify the warm ones. Yellow becomes more orange under pink light. Flesh pink flatters most makeup. Fire red ruins makeup. All but the darker flesh tones virtually disappear. Light and medium rouge fade into the foundation, whereas the dark red rouges turn a reddish brown. Yellow becomes orange and the cool shading colours become shades of grey and black. Bastard amber is flattering because it picks up the warm pinks and flesh tones in the makeup. Amber and orange intensifies and yellows most flesh colours. They turn rouges more orange. Cool colours are greyed. Green greys all flesh tones and rouges in proportion to its intensity. Green will be intensified. Yellow and blue will become greener. Light blue-green lowers the intensity of the base colours. One should generally use very little rouge under this type of light. Green-blue washes out pale flesh tones and will grey medium and deep flesh tones, as well as all reds. Blues grey most flesh tones and cause them to appear more red or purple. Violet causes orange, flame, and scarlet to become redder. Rouge appears more intense. Purple affects makeup like violet lighting, except reds and oranges will be even more intense, and most blues will look violet.
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