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B IRTH C ONTROL & T EEN P REGNANCY Mark Peters 9 th -12 th Grade.

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1 B IRTH C ONTROL & T EEN P REGNANCY Mark Peters 9 th -12 th Grade

2 B IRTH C ONTROL P ILL The pill is most popular type of birth control. It usually comes in packs of 21 or 28. The pill is 92 to 99.7 percent effective if used correctly. The birth control pill can cost anywhere from $15-50 depending on the brand. It does not protect either individual from STI’s. Notice how every day has a pill.

3 C ONDOM Can reduce the risk of STI’s. Condoms can be up to 95% effective if used correctly. Are to be worn by the male before intercourse. The cost per condom can range from $.20 to $2.50 each. Most health facilities distribute condoms for free. Condoms are one of the few ways to prevent STI’s.

4 F EMALE C ONDOM Inserted into the women up to 8 hours before intercourse. Should NOT be used at the same time as a male condom. Can reduce the risk of spreading STI’s. The female condom is 79% effective. The cost ranges from as little as $2.50 to $5.00 each.

5 P ATCH The patch is a thin beige, square patch that sticks to the skin. It is used by a women. The patch works by releasing hormones through the skin to prevent pregnancy. The cost of the patch can range from $15-$50 a month. The birth control patch has a failure rate of less than 1% when used correctly. Notice how the patch can be worn where no one would see it.

6 V AGINAL R ING A small ring that is inserted in the vagina once a month for three weeks to prevent pregnancy. Easy to get with a prescription. The vaginal ring costs anywhere from $15-$70 a month. Convenient, safe, and effective to use. The ring can be up to 99% effective if used correctly. The ring is about 91% effective when not used as directed.

7 C ERVICAL C AP A silicone cup that is inserted into the vagina to prevent pregnancy. The cervical cap can last up to two years. The cost of the cervical cap ranges from $60-$75. For women who have never been pregnant before the cap is 86% effective. For women who have given birth before it is 71% effective.

8 D IAPHRAGM The diaphragm is a shallow silicone cup inserted into the vagina. The diaphragm can last up to two years. The cost can range from $15-$75 dollars. When used correctly the diaphragm is 94% effective. In women who do not always use the diaphragm correctly it is 88% effective. Similar to the cervical cap.

9 A BSTINENCE Abstinence is not having any kind of sex play with a partner. It is 100% effective. It is also the only form of birth control that prevents STI’s. Maybe I’ll just wait.

10 I MPLANON A implanon is a macthstick-sized rod that is inserted in the arm. The birth control implant must be inserted by a health care provider. It costs between $400-$800, but lasts up to three years. Is over 99% effective. Works by releasing hormones.

11 D EPO -P ROVERA Depo-provera is a shot in the arm that prevents pregnancy. A prescription is needed to get the shot. The shot lasts for 3 months and costs anywhere from $35-$75. The depo-provera is about 95% effective.

12 S PONGE The foam sponge is inserted into the vagina. A three pack costs around $12. The sponge works by blocking the sperm from meeting the egg. If used correctly the sponge is 91% effective. If not always used correctly it is 88% effective.

13 IUD An IUD is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus. It must be inserted by a health care provider. An IUD costs anywhere from $500-$1,000, but lasts up to 12 years. Considered to be one of the most effective forms of birth control. It is over 99% effective. Notice how effective an IUD is.

14 M ORNING AFTER PILL Can prevent pregnancy up to five days after unprotected sex. It can cost anywhere from $10-$70. This pill is known as an emergency contraceptive. Should not be used as a primary source of birth control.

15 O UTERCOURSE Outercourse is sex play that keeps the sperm out of the vagina. Outercourse can be 100% effective as long as pre- ejaculate is not spilled into the vagina. Outercourse also greatly reduces the spreading of STI’s.

16 S PERMICIDE Spermicide is a substance that prevents pregnancy by killing sperm. It costs about $8 per package. Spermicide is 85% effective if used correctly. If it is used incorrectly it is 71% effective.

17 W ITHDRAWAL METHOD Withdrawal method is also known as coitus interruptus or pull out method. The withdrawal method occurs when the male pulls out of the vagina before ejaculation. The withdrawal method is 96% effective if used correctly. However, the withdrawal method has a high tendency to be used incorrectly.

18 C ALENDER -B ASED M ETHOD This method is used by not having intercourse on the days of the woman’s menstrual cycle. To use this method you must know the length of the woman’s menstrual cycle. Typical use this is 75% effective. With perfect use it is 88% effective. Not always effective.



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