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Published byGerald Banks Modified over 9 years ago
SURVCON 2012 The Interfacing between Land Surveyors and Engineers for Design Projects presented by: Albert Faraldi, PLS Nicholas J. Wunner, PLS, PE
1. ANY MAP OR PLAN THAT SHOWS: Property Lines: NJSA 45:8-28(e) Definitions and NJAC 13:40-1.3 Definitions (e) The term "practice of land surveying" within the meaning and intent of this chapter shall mean... for the monumentation of property boundaries... and perpetuation of maps, record plats, field notes, records and property descriptions... NJAC 13:40-5.1 Land surveyors; preparation of land surveys (a) The practice of land surveying includes surveying of areas for their correct determination and description and for conveyancing, and for the establishment or reestablishment of land boundaries...
1. ANY MAP OR PLAN THAT SHOWS: Locations of Existing Buildings and/or Physical Features and/or Improvements: NJSA 45:8-28(e) Definitions (e) The term "practice of land surveying“... the act of measuring and locating distances, directions, elevations, natural and man-made topographical features in the air, on the surface of the earth, within underground workings and on the beds of water... NJAC 13:40-5.1(f)9 Land Surveyors; Preparation of Land Surveys 9. Fences, tree rows, hedges, streams, ditches, building locations, easements and any physical occupation influencing property line determination.
1. ANY MAP OR PLAN THAT SHOWS: Locations of Existing Utilities: NJSA 45:8-28(e) Definitions and NJAC 13:40-1.3 Definitions (e) The term "practice of land surveying”...the act of measuring and locating distances, directions, elevations, natural and man-made topographical features in the air, on the surface of the earth, within underground workings... NJAC 13:50-5.1(g)4 Land surveyors; preparation of land surveys 4. Utility lines, easements of right-of-way lines, except when recited in the record deed or when such utility lines, easements of right-of-way lines affect the use of adjacent properties or the property in question;
1. ANY MAP OR PLAN THAT SHOWS: Locations of Easements: NJAC 13:40-5.1(a) Land surveyors; preparation of land surveys The practice of land surveying includes surveying of areas for their correct determination and description and for conveyancing, and for the establishment or reestablishment of land boundaries... Land surveyors; preparation of land surveys NJAC 13:40-5.1(f)9 Land surveyors; preparation of land surveys easements 9. Fences, tree rows, hedges, streams, ditches, building locations, easements and any physical occupation influencing property line determination.
1. ANY MAP OR PLAN THAT SHOWS: Existing Elevations, Contours or Topography NJSA 45:8-28(e) and NJAC 13:40-1.3 Definitions (e) The term "practice of land surveying" within the meaning and intent of this chapter shall mean... The act of measuring and locating distances, directions, elevations, natural and man-made topographical features in the air, on the surface of the earth, within underground workings and on beds of bodies of water... NJAC 13:40-5.1 Land surveyors; preparation of land surveys (a) The practice of land surveying includes surveying of areas...and such topographical survey... (n) Maps prepared to show topographic data or planimetric data... shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor and shall identify the vertical datum and include reference to a bench mark on the site. Such survey information may be transposed to construction plans or other drawings if duly noted as to the date of the survey, by whom, and for whom it was prepared.
1. ANY MAP OR PLAN THAT SHOWS: Hydrographic or Bathymetric Information: NJSA 45:8-28(e) Definitions (e) The term "practice of land surveying" mean... The act of measuring and locating distances, directions, elevations, natural and man-made topographical features in the air, on the surface of the earth, within underground workings and on beds of bodies of water...
1. ANY MAP OR PLAN THAT SHOWS: Post Construction Conditions – Horizontal and Vertical: NJSA 13:40-7.2(a) Depicting of existing conditions on a site plans (a)Survey: Showing existing conditions and exact location of physical features including metes and bounds, drainage, waterways, specific utility locations and easements. 1. Survey information may be transferred to the site plan if duly noted as to the date of the survey, by whom, and for whom. A signed and sealed copy of the survey shall be submitted to the reviewing governmental body with the site plan submission.
1. ANY MAP OR PLAN THAT SHOWS: Wetlands Delineation by Metes and Bounds or Coordinate Location: NJSA 13:40-7.2(a) Depicting of existing conditions on a site plans (a)Survey: Showing existing conditions and exact location of physical features including metes and bounds, drainage, waterways, specific utility locations and easement. 1. Survey information may be transferred to the site plan if duly noted as to the date of the survey, by whom, and for whom. A signed and sealed copy of the survey shall be submitted to the reviewing governmental body with the site plan submission.
2. FEMA ELEVATION CERTIFICATES & FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT NJSA 45:8-28(e) Definitions and NJAC 13:40-1.3 Definitions (e) The term "practice of land surveying" within the meaning and intent of this chapter shall mean... The act of measuring and locating distances, directions, elevations, natural and man-made topographical features in the air, on the surface of the earth, within underground workings and on beds of bodies of water... NJAC 7:13-1.2 Definitions: “NGVD” means the National Geodetic Vertical; datum of 1929, which is the reference datum for ALL surveying, topography and elevations described in this chapter. NJAC 7:13-1.2 (Flood Plain Management) “NGVD” means the national geodetic vertical datum of 1929, which is the reference datum for all surveying, topography and elevations described in this chapter. NJAC 7:13-15.1(f) 2. State plane coordinates shall be provided for linear projects such as railroads, roadways and utility lines as follows: i. For a linear project of one-half mile or more in length...for points located at 1,000 foot intervals along the entire length of the project; ii. For a linear project of less than one-half mile in length, the State plane coordinates shall include the coordinates for the end points of the project.
3. MAJOR AND MINOR SUBDIVISION PLANS NJSA 46:26B-1 “Recordation Act” (Formally as Map Filing Law) NJSA 45:8-28(e) Definitions and NJAC 13:40-1.3 Definitions (e) The term “practice of land surveying” within the meaning and intent of this chapter shall mean...for the platting and layout of lands and subdivisions there of and for the preparation and perpetuation of maps, record plats... NJAC 13:40-5.1(m)Land sureyors; preparation of land surveys (m) Subdivision plats, whether classified as major or minor, preliminary or final, shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor and shall be based on a new or existing current and accurate survey of the property being subdivided. NJAC 13:40-7.4 Preparation of a major subdivision plan (a) The general location of facilities, site improvements, and lot layouts: By an architect, engineer, land surveyor, planner, or certified landscape architect. (c) Final subdivision map with metes and bounds: By a land surveyor only.
MAP FILING LAWRECORDATION ACT MAPS NJSA 46:23-9.10NJSA 46:26B-1 2. DefinitionsB-1 Definitions a. Mapa. Adds subdivision plat, and wording from NJSA46:23-18 b. Municipal Engineerb. Included c. Professional Engineerc. Included d. Land Surveyord. Included e. Proper Authoritye. Included f. Right of Way Parcel Mapf. Included g. Entire Tractg. Included h. Condominium Planh. Included, but refers back to M.F.L. (46:23-9.11) i. General Property Parcel mapi. Included
9:11 Requirements for ApprovalB-2 Requirements for Approval or Filing of a Map 3. Shall be approved by the proper authority and conforma. Must be approved by a proper authority and meet the The following requirements requirements of this section and for following kind of maps Subdivision Plat, Major 1. Included to meet all requirements R.O.W. Parcel maps to meet certain subsections 2. Included only to meet listed subsections Were required minor subdivision to meet certain subsections3. Included to meet all requirements with exception to and exceptions subsection b.(8) Condominium plan to meet certain subsections 4. Included to meet listed subsections Maps must conform to following requirementsb. Included a. Clearly drawn, 4 mil thick mylar, etc. Included at NJSA 26 A-5d b. Size of sheetsIncluded at NJSA 26 A-5d c. Scaleb.(1) Included d. Dimensions, etc.b.(2) Included e. Lot and Block numbers b.(3) Included, slightly reworded f. Reference Meridian b.(4) Included g. Municipal Boundary Lines b.(5) Included h. Watercourses, etc., easements on R.O.W. b.(6) Included i. Permanent Easements b.(7) Included j. Monumentationb.(8) Included k. Local ordinancesb.(9) Included l. Name of subdivisionb.(10) Included m. Date of survey, etc. b.(11) Included n. (1) P.L.S. Certification b.(12) Included (See Note 1) n. (2) If different P.L.S. b.(13)(a) Included P.L.S. who prepares map b.(13)(b) Included (See Note 1) n. (3) Monuments set at later date b.(13)(c) Included n. (4) R.O.W. Parcel map b.(13)(d) Included o. Municipal Engineerb.(14) Included (See Note 1) p. Affidavit record owners b.(15) Included q. Streets, etc. approved by Municipality & also namesb.(16) Included
B-3 Monumentation a. Maps to meet monumentation requirements based upon kind of map a.(1) Subdivision plats. All a.(2) R.O.W. parcel maps subsection b.(9) r. Monument sizeb. Included r. (1) Intersection of outside boundary with existing R.O.W.b.(1) Included r. (2) Intersection of outside boundary with one side of street b.(2) Included being established r. (3) One corner “T” type intersection b.(3) Included r. (4) Two corners “X” or “Y” intersection b.(4) Included r. (5) R.O.W. connected by curves b.(5) Included r. (5)(a) Point of Intersection b.(5)(a) Included r. (5)(b) Point of Curvature b.(5)(b) Included r. (5)(c) Point of Tangencyb.(5)(c) Included r. (6) Beginning and ending tangents b.(5)(d) Included r. (7) Point of Compound Curvature & Point of Reverse Curvatureb.(5)(e) Included (See Note 2) r. (8) Intermediate points b.(5)(f) Included r. (9) Reference monuments or off-set b.(6) Included r. (10) Impossible to set monumentb.(7) Included r. (11) Accessb.(8) Included (See Note 3) r. (12) R.O.W. parcel maps b.(9) Included r. (13) Minor subdivisionsb.(10) Included 9.12 Time for ApprovalB-4 Approval of Maps a. Within 45 daysa. Within 45 days 9.13 Acceptance of streetsb. Included
9.14 Prerequisites to filingB-5 Additional Prerequisites Certificate of approval by Municipal Clerk Included with some changes (Exception ROW Parcel Maps) or Planning Board Secretary a. Proper authority approved map b. Complies with provisions of this law c. Date maps required to be filed 9.15 Filing and indexing of maps, feeB- 6 (a thru d) Included 9.16 Repeals 1953 lawNJSA 46:26C- 3-2 repeals NJSA 46:23-9.7 thru 9.16 a/k/a/ “Map Filing Law” 46.23-10 DuplicatesB-7 Included 46.23-11 Approval and Filing of duplicatesB- 8 Included with word changes 46.23-18 Applicability of Laws Repealed (wording added to NJSA 46:26B-1 definition of map) NOTES: 1) Certification in NJSA 46:26B-b(12) and b(3)(b), b(4) refers to “Map Filing Law”. 2) Refers to subsection d of “MFL” should be B-2b(2). 3) Refers to “Map Filing Law”
4. DETERMINATION OF AREAS AND VOLUMES NJSA 45:8-28(e)and NJAC 13:40-1.3 Definitions (e) The term "practice of land surveying" within the meaning and intent of this chapter shall mean... The act of measuring and locating distances, directions, elevations, natural and man-made topographical features in the air, on the surface of the earth, within underground workings and on beds of bodies of water for the purpose of determining areas and volumes.
5. PREPARATION AND ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF TAX MAPS NJSA 18:23A-1.1(a)11 and 12 General provisions, scope, tax map and standards defined (a)11 (New) and (a)12 (Previously approved)...The seal, signature, and license number of the New Jersey Licensed Land Surveyor preparing the tax map shall be affixed... NJAC 13:40-5.1(k) Land surveyors; preparation of land surveys (k) Tax assessment maps must be prepared by a licensed land surveyor, who is obligated to prepare such maps in full compliance with the legal requirements pertaining to such maps.
6. PREPARATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BASE MAPPING FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS NJSA 45:8-28(e)and NJAC 13:40-1.3 Definitions (e) The term "practice of land surveying" within the meaning and intent of this chapter shall mean...The practice of land surveying shall include the establishment and maintenance of the base mapping and related control for land information systems...
7. FOUNDATION LOCATION SURVEYS NJAC 5:23-2.18(b)1ii(1)Inspections (b) Inspections during the progress of work: The construction official and appropriate subcode officials shall carry out periodic inspections during the progress of work to ensure that work inspected conforms to the requirements of the code. ii. Foundations and all walls up to grade level prior to covering or back filling; (1) For new construction, a foundation location survey showing all building corners of the foundation and elevation of the top of the soon as possible after the installation of the foundation wall. A land surveyor licensed in the State of New Jersey shall prepare the survey. NJAC 13:40-7.2(a) Depicting of existing conditions on a site plan (a) Survey: Showing existing conditions and exact location of physical features including metes and bounds, drainage, waterways, specific utility locations, and easements: 1. Survey information may be transferred to the site plan if duly noted as to the date of the survey, by whom, and for whom. A signed and sealed copy of the survey shall be submitted to the reviewing governmental body with the site plan submission.
8. SURVEY INFORMATION MAY BE TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER PLAN ONLY IF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS PROVIDED TO THE REVIEWING GOVERNING BODY: NJAC 13:40-7.2(a) Depicting of existing conditions on a site plan (a)Survey: Showing existing conditions and exact location of physical features including metes and bounds, drainage, waterways, specific utility locations, and easements: 1. Survey information may be transferred to the site plan if duly noted as to the date of the survey, by whom, and for whom. A signed and sealed copy of the survey shall be submitted to the reviewing governmental body with the site plan submission. NJAC 13:40-5.1(n) Land surveyors; preparation of land surveys (n) Maps prepared to show topographic data or planimetric data which also delineate property lines or street right-of- way lines thereon shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor. Such survey information may be transposed to construction plans or other drawings if duly noted as to the date of the survey, by whom, and for whom it was prepared.
9. SOME Other Requirements: NJAC 7:9A-3.5 (Septic Code) 2. A site plan, prepared in accordance with NJAC 13:40-7... Boundaries of lot; Locations of existing and proposed buildings roadways... Existing and finished grade topography using absolute elevations or relative elevations referenced to a permanent benchmark; NJAC 7:9A-3.18 Additional requirements for certification of sewerage facilities serving subdivisions involving more than 10 realty improvements... (c) 1. Lots with their dimensions and acreage; (c)2. Contours of existing topography (at an appropriate contour interval) using absolute elevations or relative elevations referenced to a permanent benchmark; (c)6. Existing and proposed storm sewers and subsurface drains;
9. SOME Other Requirements: NJAC 7:13-1.2 (Flood Plain Management) “NGVD” means the national geodetic vertical datum of 1929, which is the reference datum for all surveying, topography and elevations described in this chapter. NJAC 7:13-15.1(f) 2. State plane coordinates shall be provided for linear projects such as railroads, roadways and utility lines as follows: i. For a linear project of one-half mile or more in length...for points located at 1,000 foot intervals along the entire length of the project; ii. For a linear project of less than one-half mile in length, the State plane coordinates shall include the coordinates for the end points of the project. NJAC 7:7A-10.1 Basic application information (Wetlands) 3(q) When a survey is required, it shall be conducted and the documentation provided in accordance with requirements at NJAC 7:36 Appendix 2...
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