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9/051 California Aviation User Taxes California Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics.

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1 9/051 California Aviation User Taxes California Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics

2 2 California Aviation User Taxes 1.General Aviation (GA) Fuel “Excise” Taxes (assessed at refineries) 2.Sales and Use Taxes (collected by dealers) 3.Property Taxes and Possessory Interests (collected by Counties)

3 3 1.GA Fuel “Excise” Tax: Revenue Distribution  State Transportation Fund, Aeronautics Account:  State Operations: $3 Million  Airport Credits and Grants: $4.6 Million  Avgas Excise tax (18¢/gal): $5.2 Million  Jet fuel Excise tax (2¢/gal): $2.4 Million $7.6 Million

4 4 2. Sales and Use Taxes a.Jet fuel sold for general aviation (GA) aircraft b.Jet fuel sold to airlines for air carriers c.GA aircraft sold by dealers

5 5 2. Estimated California Sales and Use Taxes: Jet Fuel and General Aviation (GA) Aircraft: $136 Million Note: For FY 2001-02, 7.7% is the statewide effective sales tax rate. Source: California Board of Equalization State General Fund: $85.3 Million (63%) Local Public Entities’ Funds: $50.7 Million (37%)

6 6 3. Property Taxes and Possessory Interests: a.GA Aircraft: $65.7 Million b.Air Carrier Aircraft: $100 Million c.Possessory Interests (airport property leased to FBO’s, hangar owners, etc): $29 Million  Distribution of Revenues:  Education: School Districts  Local Governments’ General Funds $194.7 Million

7 7 Estimated California Aviation User Taxes: $338.3 Million [$47.6M from Sales and Use Taxes, $194.7M from Property Taxes and Possessory Interests]

8 8 Issues  Of the Aviation-Related Taxes collected annually, at most, $7.7 million (2%) is returned for aviation purposes  In the recent past, Aeronautics Account funds have been transferred to the State General Fund to help close the budget gap  Due to increased use of turbine-powered GA aircraft, Jet A fuel sales are increasing at the same time AV gas sales are decreasing, as a result funds available for return to aviation through the Division are decreasing

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