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COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing Session Two: Computer Software Acquiring Software.

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1 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing Session Two: Computer Software Acquiring Software

2 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software2 Proprietary Software Proprietary software has restrictions on its use and copying Prevention of use, modification and copying restricted by: –Technical means withholding source code releasing machine-readable binaries only –Legal means Software licensing Copyright Patent

3 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software3 Proprietary Software Can be sold for money as commercial software or at no price as freeware Examples: Microsoft Windows, Adobe Photoshop, Mac OS, WinZip

4 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software4 Open Source Any program whose source code is made available for modification or use Usually developed as a public collaboration and made freely available Examples: Linux, Apache, Mozilla Firefox

5 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software5 Types of Software Freeware Shareware Liteware Public domain Free software Postcardware

6 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software6 Freeware Copyrighted but given away at no cost Cannot do anything with the software unless expressly allowed by author Can be used but not sold Not to be confused with free software

7 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software7 Shareware Most delivered free of charge Author requests small fee is program is liked and used regularly Can be copied and sent to others, but also requires they pay fee Inexpensive; produced by one programmer, offered directly to customers – no packaging or advertising expense

8 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software8 Liteware Software that is distributed freely in a version having less capability than the full for-sale version Usually entices persons to purchase full package

9 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software9 Public Domain Free software that is not copyrighted Used incorrectly to refer to freeware Can be used without restrictions as components of other programs UNIX community has developed several types of these programs

10 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software10 Free Software Can be used freely, modified and distributed Restriction: any redistributed version of the software must be distributed with the original terms of free use, modification, and distribution (known as copyleft) Free software may be packaged and distributed for a fee – the “free” refers to the freedom of modification and distribution Linux is an example

11 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software11 Postcardware Freeware that requires only that the user send the software provider a postcard as a form of payment Idea is: –To “humanize” the transaction –To remind the user that someone else shared something freely –To remind the provider that someone is actually using the creation

12 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software12 Discussion Find an example online of each of the various types of software Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of each of the following types of software – freeware, shareware, liteware, public domain, free software Compare and contrast proprietary and open source software

13 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software13 Ways Of Acquiring Software Off-the-shelf Build to order Modifiable off-the-shelf – customization

14 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software14 Off-the-shelf Software that is ready-made and available for sale to the general public Designed to be implemented easily into existing systems without the need for customization Typically cheaper, easily available Product is used “as is” Example: Microsoft Office

15 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software15 Modifiable Off-the-shelf Off-the-shelf software whose source code can be modified May be customized to meet the requirements of the customer by: –the purchaser –the vendor –another party

16 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software16 Build To Order Software that has been designed and developed specific to the customer’s outlined requirements Tailored specifically to an organisation or individual

17 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software17 Assignment Discuss the circumstances which would be best suitable for each strategy of acquiring software

18 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software18 Obtaining Software In-store purchase Online download or purchase Catalog or package inclusion

19 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software19 Discussion What are the benefits to each of the methods listed previously for obtaining software? What are the disadvantages? Are there specific software applications best suited for each method?

20 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software20 Software Licenses Legal contract between a software application author or publisher and the user of that application Similar to a rental agreement User agrees to pay for the privilege of using the software, and promises the software author or publisher to comply with all restrictions stated in the license

21 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software21 Software Licenses Users indicates their acceptance by: –Opening the shrink wrap on the application package –Breaking the seal on the CD case –Sending a card back to the software publisher –Installing the application –Executing a downloadable file –Simply using the application

22 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software22 Software Licenses Users can refuse to enter into the agreement by: –Returning the software product for a refund –Clicking "I do not accept" during installation

23 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software23 GNU General Public License Used to protect GNU software (UNIX-like operating system that comes with code that can be modified, copied and redistributed) First term: programmers may freely copy and distribute verbatim copies of a software program's source code, under the condition that each copy displays a copyright notice, disclaimer of warranty, intact GPL notices, and a copy of the GPL Second term: requires the same conditions as the first, along with notification of any changes made to the software and deals with modification and redistribution of software

24 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software24 Volume License Allows installation by more than one user, or on more than one computer, for a single copy of the application

25 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software25 No. Of Clients Versus No. Of Users A license that specifies the number of computers allows: –Application to be installed on given number of computers –Multiple users can use the application for a given machine A license that specifies the number of users: –Limits the amount of installations to the given number of users –Means that application can be installed on less computers if more than one user per computer

26 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software26 Discussion Consider volume licensing. In a large organisation, which type of end user licensing agreement would you choose – number of users or number of clients? Do you think this would be different for a small organisation? Why?

27 COMP 6005 An Introduction To Computing - Session Two: Computer Software - Acquiring Software27 Links Reference –http://www.whatis.com –http://www.webopedia.com –http://www.wikipedia.org

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