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Students acceptance of Tablet Personal Computers Mark Moran, Asst Professor College of BIS.

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Presentation on theme: "Students acceptance of Tablet Personal Computers Mark Moran, Asst Professor College of BIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students acceptance of Tablet Personal Computers Mark Moran, Asst Professor College of BIS

2 Research in progress  This is research that will be reported on in my dissertation for a Ph. D. in e-commerce.  Capella University, Organization Management core program.

3 Research Interest  Ubiquitous computing on college campuses.  Tablet teaching technology  Security

4 Notebook Universities  Brown, Ray, (2000), Retrieve from

5 Tablet Universities  Mayville State University 900 Gateway tablets  Winona State University Replace notebooks with Gateway tablets in Fall 2004, 8000 students…  Florida A&M Law School  Virginia Tech college of engineering 1250 students

6 More tablet initiatives  MIT  Purdue  Temple University School of medicine  Seton Hall University  University of Washington  Northwester University, Illinois  Bentley College

7 Continued  University of Ontario Institute of Technology  University of Texas at Austin  Brown University Awarded the Microsoft® $1.2 Million to establish a Center for Pen-Centric Computing  Cornell, Notre Dame, University of North Florida & others

8  Articles about Tablet PC Use in Education:  National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education – Tablet PCs in Education  Syllabus Magazine – Tablet PCs: The killer app for higher education  University Business – Is the tablet pc the future of college computing?  Motion Computing - Tablet PCs for Campus Mobility

9 Notebook Universities

10 Research Question  There is a lot of information about mobile PCs and tablet PCs in colleges but no research about if the users accept the technology.  The question – “Do university students accept the table PC?”

11 Technology Acceptance Research  Theory of Reasoned Action – 1975  Technology Acceptance Model – 1989 Fred Davis’s dissertation Paper  Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of technology (UTAUT) 2003 Verkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis*

12 Technology Acceptance Model Perceived Usefulness Reported System Usage Perceived Ease of Use Computer Experience Job Title Gender Age Davis, F. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340. Davis, F., Bagozzi, R., & Warshaw, P. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, 35(8), 982-1003.

13 UTAUT Research Model

14 Acceptance Determinants*  Performance Expectancy: the degree to which an individual believes that using the system will help him/her to attain gains in job performance. (Perceived usefulness)  Effort Expectancy: the degree of ease associated with the use of the system. (Perceived ease of use)  Social Influence: the degree to which an individual perceives that important others believe he or she should use the new system.  Facilitating Condition: the degree to which an individual believes that an organizational and technical infrastructure exists to support use of the system. *Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Venkatesh, Viswanath, Morris, Michael G.Davis, Gordon B. Davis, Fred, MIS Quarterly, 2003

15 Acceptance Model Components Determinents Performance expectancy (usefulness) Effort Expectancy (ease of use) Social Influence Facilitating Conditions Moderating Variables Gender Age General computer expertise Voluntariness Usage Use Behavior

16 Decisions  Who to survey.  What questions to ask.  When to conduct the survey.  How to conduct the survey.  How to analyze the survey data.  Where to publish the research results.

17  The research team decided to survey freshman students enter DSU during the current academic year.  Why this population?  How large is this population?

18 Survey Questions  Since this is for a doctoral dissertation it was decided to ask plenty of question to determine the model parameters.  Questions from the older TAM model were included to provide completeness. Useage questions measured students use of Tablet PCs.

19 Participant Demographics  Gender Male:143 Female:120  Class placement Freshman:128 Sophomore:68 Junior:49 Senior:18  College major  Arts & Sciences 61  Business& Info Sys 122  Education 63  Other 17

20  First use of computers Elementary 95 Middle 97 High 37 College 33 Don’t Use 1  Tablet PC period of use 1 month 1 2 Months 11 3 Months 33 6 Months 100 9 Months 36 12 Months 8 >12 Months 74

21 The Device Gateway M275 14.1”, DVD 1.8 GHz Pentium-M

22 Today’s Market: New Slates Sahara i213 12.1”, 1.6GHz Centrino Motion Computing Tatung TTAB 10.4”, 1 GHz ULV Tatung B12D 12.1” 1.2 GHz Centrino Fujitsu 5000 10.4/12.1, Indoor/Outdoor 1.1 GHz ULV NEC VersaPro, 10.4”, 1.1 GHz LE 1600 LS 800

23 Today’s Market: New Convertibles Acer C1xx C300 C250 Averatec C3500 AMD 2200+ 12.1”, DVD Electrovaya 1.4 GHz Centrino 12.1”, Biometrics Scribbler SC-2200 Gateway M275 14.1”, DVD 1.8 GHz Pentium-M SHARP Actius TN10W 12.1”, 1.1 GHz Toshiba M200, 12.1” SXGA+ 2 GHz Pentium-M ViewSonic 12.1”, 1 GHz Fujitsu T4000 IBM ThinkPad x41 HP tc4200

24 Today’s Market: New Hybrids & Ruggeds HP Compaq TC1100ULV Celeron or Pentium 10.4”, 1.1 GHz Walkabout Hammerhead 10.4”, 4.5 lbs 933 MHz P-III M Hybrid Ruggedized Itronix 8.4”, 933 MHz ULV Xplore iX104 10.4” 1.1 GHz ULV

25 Concept Design: New hinge

26 Today’s Market: Forecasts  Mobile Market Projections (IDC) Ultra-Portable 1 or 2 spindle,10-12” screen, 2-4 lbs. Ultra-Mobile 0 to 1 spindle, 5-8” screen, < 2 lbs. Thin & Light 2 spindle, 14-15” screen, 4-7 lbs. Transportable 2 & 3 spindle, 14-17” screen, 7-12 lbs. 0% 0% 8% 8% 30% 30% 2004 Market share 63% 63% 1% 1% 17% 17% 19% 19% 2006 Market share 63% 63% 3% 3% 31% 31% 10% 10% 2008 Market share 56% 56% Consumers, Mobile Professionals CY08 Market: 2.5M, CAGR (04-08): 40% Mobile Professionals, Information Workers CY08 Market: 28.4M, CAGR (04-08): 51.4%, Information Workers, Consumers CY08 Market: 51M, CAGR (04-08): 22% Information Workers, Consumers CY08 Market: 8.9M, CAGR (04-08): -11% Data source: IDC

27 The Analysis of Data  Individual model variables are tested to measure their reliabiltiy by using Cronbach alpha.  Cronbach alpha is commonly used in technology acceptance research to determine the index of reliability for a set of questions used to indirectly measure a model construct.

28  Alpha coefficients range from 0 to 1 The higher the score, the more reliable the generated data is. Current literature indicates that 0.7 is an acceptable coefficient. Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests. Psychometrika. 16, 297-334. Nunnaly, J. (1978). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.

29  Hypotheses  University students accept the Tablet PC.  The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) does predict the successful acceptance of the Tablet PC  The constructs of the UTAUT will demonstrate an effect on user acceptance of the tablet PC.  Computer self efficacy and anxiety does have an impact students acceptance of the Tablet PC.  Students use of the Tablet PC does not impact student’s acceptance of the device.

30 Survey Tool

31 Likert scale  The survey used a likert scale to determine the participants agreement with statements that, generally, indirectly measure the UTAUT variables.  1 = strong disagreement to  7 = strong agreement Some questions are reversed to check if the participants are reading the statements.

32 University students accept the Tablet PC.  Preliminary results PE statements are strongly in agreement  4.1 to 5.9, average is 5.06 EE statements are stronger in agreement  5.1 to 6.0, average is 5.8 SI statements are strongly in agreement  4.8 to 6.2, average is 5.2 FC statements are strongly in agreement  4.9 to 6.0, average is 5.7

33 UTAUT does predict the successful acceptance of the Tablet PC  Preliminary results  The preliminary results appear to support student acceptance of TPC.  Data will be analyzed with a partial least squares program commonly used in technology acceptance studies.

34 UTAUT constructs will demonstrate user acceptance of the tablet PC.  Preliminary results support this conclusion.

35 Computer self efficacy and anxiety have an impact on students acceptance of the Tablet PC  Preliminary results Self efficacy results a strongly in agreement on TPC use 5.0 to 5.5  Anxiety does not appear to be a factor on this campus Results do not show an effect! 2.4 to 3.5 which means mildly dissagree to neither.

36 Usage

37 Students use of the Tablet PC does not impact student’s acceptance of the device  Preliminary results I use my tablet in slate mode – mildly agree at 4.96 I use my stylus for navigation - mildly agree at 4.92 I use my TPC as a notebook –mild agreement at 5.31 I use windows journal with my TPC - mild agreement at 5.12

38 Next things to do  Analyze the data using PLS Graph provided by Wynn Chin, University of Houston.  Defend dissertation in the next couple of months!  Modify survey tool to survey faculty at the universities with TPC programs.

39 Acknowledgments  I would like to thank the following persons and groups. Mark Hawkes Omar El-Gayar DSU & the faculty research initiative Tom Farrell & Wayne Pauli for their support and encouragement. Faculty & students for survey assistance. My Mom & Dad, wife  Capella University, and on, and on, and on…

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