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NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013

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1 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ Nearly real-time monitoring system of TABOO seismic network activity.     Marzorati S.* and TABOO working group * National Earthquake Centre, Ancona Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

2 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ Nearly real-time monitoring system of TABOO: seismic network activity. Seismic Network Maintenance, Monitoring, Data quality check, Data analysis, site characterisation INGV-CNT Ancona staff: -Monachesi Giancarlo -Cattaneo Marco -D’Alema Ezio -Frapiccini Massimo -Carannante Simona -Ladina Chiara -Marzorati Simone Earthquake National Center (INGV-CNT) TABOO GROUP Ancona staff Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 0 / 10

3 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Data Transmission and Acquisition Ancona-INGV Acquisition Data Center Ancona INGV Acquisition Data Center TABOO seismic stations INGV seismic stations - Wi-Fi networks and UMTS routers transmit continous seismic data in real time - The Data Acquisition is managed by Seiscomp3 server - Data Archive: MiniSEED Alto Tiberina Wi-Fi Hiperlan TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS Local Radiolink MARCHE WAY Wi-Fi Radiolink 6.4 GHz SDH (155 Mbps) Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 1 / 10

4 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: REAL TIME Telemetry and Station STATUS Backbone node Real Time monitor Radiolink -Netscout -Seiscomp3 Seismic Station Telemetry Status NETSCOUT is a product of Ars Comm engineering company ( The software monitors the parameters and alarms of telecommunication networks in real time. Active No communication Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 2 / 10

5 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: REAL TIME Telemetry and Station STATUS Real Time monitor -Netscout -Seiscomp3 Seiscomp3 SCQCV client Seismometer status and a detailed view of Quality Control (QC) parameters: Delay, Latency, Offset, RMS, Gap,Timing of real time signals Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 2 / 10

6 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Reboot by Remote Controls -Netscout-UC34a -Health Control UC34 -Seedlink GAIA2 -SMS UMTS router Power Station Check at RadioLink backbone node UC34a Netscout shows power station levels (voltage, power, temperature on site). If a radiolink backbone node doesn’t work, we can try to stop and start the power station by a remote control push button backbone Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 3 / 10

7 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Reboot by Remote Controls -Netscout-UC34a -Health Control UC34 -Seedlink GAIA2 -SMS UMTS router H-UC34 ping GAIA2 Backbone node UC34 is a Control Unit of Ars Comm engineering company, devoted to check the connectivity between remote seismic station and backbone radiolink. A modified version communicates with INGV-GAIA2 data logger to monitor acquisition processes status Automatic Check of Connectivity and Acquisition at remote sites Radiolink backbone Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 3 / 10

8 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Reboot by Remote Controls -Netscout-UC34a -Health Control UC34 -Seedlink GAIA2 -SMS UMTS router Reset of the seismic station acquisition system Telnet connection with Linux O.S. in the GAIA2: -Stop and Restart of seedlink processes -Linux O.S. shutdown and reboot Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 3 / 10

9 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Reboot by Remote Controls -Netscout-UC34a -Health Control UC34 -Seedlink GAIA2 -SMS UMTS router UR5 UMTS router used on seismic stations out of the WiFi network. The SMS service is available to reboot the UMTS router by Configuration Menu Text of the SMS from mobile phone: «reboot» UR5 UMTS router Reboot Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 3 / 10

10 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Nearly Real Time Status History Three-day monitor -Power Supply -Tracked GPS Satellites -Gaps The last day The last week An automatic process on the Linux O.S. creates a file with power supply value registered by GAIA2 seismic data logger. By Crontab & SCP connection we extract and archive power supply values every 10 minutes. The power supply values are shown on three-day Monitor (updated every hour) to check the functionalities of the different power supply systems. The last month Constant supply: Electrical Power Line on site All data Gradient supply: (methanol) fuel cell Impulsive supply: Solar panels Power Supply Trends on each seismic station Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 4 / 10

11 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Nearly Real Time Status History Three-day monitor -Power Supply -Tracked GPS Satellites -Gaps An automatic process on the Linux O.S. creates a file with tracked satellites value on the GPS system of the GAIA2 seismic data logger. By Crontab & SCP connection we extract and archive tracked satellites values every 10 minutes. The tracked satellite values are shown on three-day Monitor to check the functionalities of the seismic station GPS system. Seismic station GPS check Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 4 / 10

12 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Nearly Real Time Status History Yesterday monitor -Power Supply -Tracked GPS Satellites -Gaps We apply «qmerge» Passcall software on each seismic channel to monitor the gap trends. The number of gaps are shown on «yesterday» monitor, but the whole gap history is archived. Satellite links in bad weather conditions (snow) Gap trends check Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 4 / 10

13 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Seismometer Performance and Site Quality Seismic Noise Probability Density Function (PDF) Evaluation of seismic noise over a long time by PQLX software (*McNamara and Buland, 2004) : trace statistics, Power Spectral Densities (PSD) and Probability Density Functions (PDF) . PQLX server writes the results to a MySQL database for quick access Implementation at INGV-Ancona acquisition center: PQLX server starts every day by crontab process Data extraction tools allow to evaluate noise levels and statistics about subset of data (in ex., diurnal and nightly data) The stationary background noise is characterized by the highest probability of occurrence (mode) Mode: stable noise model for each station *McNamara, D.E. and R.P. Buland Ambient Noise Levels in the Continental United States Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 94, 4, , 2004 Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 5 / 10

14 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Nearly Real Time Network Performance Nightly Earthquake Magnitude Detection Map - Extraction of diurnal and nightly PSD every day by «exPSDhour» PQLX tool - Evaluation of diurnal and nightly seismic noise mode at each station - Calculation of Earthquake Magnitude Detection Map from noise modes Depth Z = 5 Km Diurnal TABOO network: - Excellent detection threshold (negative magnitude) - Cultural seismic noise affects detection thresholds in daytime but << 1 for the whole network Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 6 / 10

15 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Network Performance 2 years Noise PDF stack and modes PQLX Data set: - TABOO area Surface seismic station 2 years of data at least Noise level Probability in TABOO area The distribution of seismic noise spans over dB but higher probability values range within 10 dB Anomalous low frequency response for ATMC and ATLO station Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 7 / 10

16 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Network Performance TABOO 2 years Mode Low Noise Model (TB2yMLNM) PQLX Data set: - TABOO area Surface seismic station 2 years of data at least TB2yMLNM represents the minimum of the most occurring noise levels in TABOO area Model: The minimum of all the modes at each period (*McNamara and Buland, 2004) Diurnal and Nightly Models from diurnal and nightly modes: Diurnal – Nightly Difference 5.0 ± 2.1 dB between 1 and 25 Hz Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 8 / 10

17 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Network Performance Noisy Noisy and quiet stations The minimum noise model is reference to assess the quality of each station Quiet Station diurnal mode Station nightly mode Area between 10th and 90th percentile of PDF Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 9 / 10

18 NERA/REAKT Workshop Zürich March 19-20, 2013
______________________________________________________________________________ TABOO SEISMIC NETWORK: Network Performance Borehole seismic stations Winter local microseisms BAT3 borehole setup: Vertical array of seismic (2Hz) sensors Depth: 0, 50 , 150, 250 m 250 m deep sensor BAT3 borehole performance (3 month statistic): the BAT3 mode values are smaller than TB2yMLNM at high frequency Good launch, Lauro! Nearly real-time monitoring system TABOO: seismic network activity Marzorati S. and TABOO Group 10 / 10

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