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1 National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education. Mid Day Meal Scheme.

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1 1 National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education. Mid Day Meal Scheme.

2 15 th August 1995 : 3 Kg dry food grain/month. November 2003 : 3140 Government School in 19 districts. October 2007 : Extended to Upper Primary Schools.. the launch

3 1.Food grains: 97414.80 M.T 2.Conversion Cost: Central:15012.67 lakhs : State:12500.00 lakhs 3.MME: Central: 379.82 lakhs 4.Transportation Cost: Central: 730.61 lakhs 5.Kitchen Sheds: Central: 3270.00 lakhs : State: 1090.00 lakhs 6.Kitchen Utensils: Central: 879.23 lakhs size of programme 2009-10

4 No. of Institutions schools availing MDM : 2009-10

5 children availing MDM no. of Children

6 No. meals served number of meals served

7 Food grains (in Mt) food grains availabilty and utilization Allocation

8 Cooking Cost ( Lakhs Rs) utilization of cooking cost

9 Amount (in Lakhs Rs.) utilization of MME and transport assistance lakh Rs.

10 Utilization of Kitchen Shed 2006-07 to 2008-09 * Unutilized amount Rs. 4713.40 couldn’t be withdrawn from State treasury. lakh Rs.

11 requirement of kitchen sheds No of Primary School No of Upper Primary School without Primary classes Total No of school Kitchen Shed constructed during 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 No of kitchen Shed for which allocation received in 2009-10 No of kitchen shed constructed through convergence No of school without kitchen shed No of kitchen shed Proposal for the year 2010-11 No of kitchen shed to be proposed in the year 2011-12 123456789 393267294005580362000170311298884784510

12 percentage Coverage and performance inference 01.04.2009 to 31.12.2010

13 Expenditure Report of Central Share as on 31.12.2009 (in lakh Rs.) Sl. No Nature of Central Assistanc e Stag e Sanctione d Allocation 2009-10 Outstand ing balance at beginning of Financial year Central Share released to districts (Till December 09) Total Total Fund Available 2009-10 Expenditur e during the Financial year (Till December 09) Total Unspent Balance % Exp. against Available Fund 12345678910 1 Assistance towards Cooking Cost (I-V) 12065.491826.9710116.3711943.346932.335011.0158.04 (VI- VIII) 2947.18 1585.13736.802321.932165.25156.6893.25 2 Assistance towards MME (I- VIII) 379.82 252.58127.24379.82269.17110.6570.87 3 Transporta tion Cost (I- VIII) 730.6134.83695.78730.61464.58266.0363.59 4 Total 12796.103699.5111676.1915375.709831.335544.37 63.94

14 Proposals for MDMS : 2010-11 PrimaryUpper PrimaryTotal No. of Children30,32,6379,98,94540,31,582 No. of working days251 Food grains (Rice)76119.19 MTs.37610.28 MTs.113729.47 MTs.

15 Financial Proposals for MDMS : 2010-11 (All figures in lakh Rs.) HeadsCentral ShareState ShareTotal Cooking cost22948.289968.8332917.11 Honorariums for cooks7655.942551.9810207.92 Kitchen cum Store17415.265809.0923220.30 Kitchen devices534.45- MME404.82- Transportation assistance852.97- Cost of food grains6425.71- Total56237.4318325.9074563.33

16 Cooking by Saraswati Vahini flow of funds and provisions Food grains a. Cooking Cost b. Honorarium to cooks c. MME d. Transportation Cost e. Kitchen Devices f. Kitchen Shed FCIHRD : DPE SFCDSE/DEO Block GodownsVEC SchoolsChairman and Convener MDM to children District Wise allotment of food grains

17 initiatives Comprehensive micro level monitoring system put in place.micro level »State level Monitoring Cell. »District level Monitoring Cell. »Block level monitoring Cell. »Touching base with 6000 schools daily. Landline telephonic networking of all the schools in the state. »2986 schools to be covered to start. Smooth flow of funds and grains. »District Superintendent of Education to withdraw the money at district level and making it available to Saraswati Vahini. »Regular interaction with FCI and SFC.

18 Capacity Building of Saraswati Vahini, Monitoring Personnel and DSEs. »Hygienic food preparation. »Food Safety. »Standard Protocols and SOPs. »Three tier training.Three tier training Intensive field monitoring by assigning one officer with each of the districts. Alternative ways of implementing MDMs. Zero tolerance policy against any sort of halt in MDMs. initiatives

19 Issues with FCI Simplification of the process of lifting of food grains especially in case of Godda, Sahebganj, Pakur and Chatra districts. Regarding quality of food grains. Lifting of food grains within fixed period.

20 issues with GoI Decentralized payment of the cost of food grains at district level. Funding of the State specific MDM Monitoring Project.Monitoring Project

21 Sense of accountability and responsibility in the officials and teachers about the MDMS. Mid Day Meal is served in almost all the schools on all the school days. Sensitivity about the scheme in all the stake holders. but there is a long long way to go… achievements


23 microlevel monitoring system State level Monitoring Cell District Level Monitoring Cell Block Level Monitoring Cell Schools and VECs Officer In charge Monitoring Coordinator Information Support Personnel Officer In charge Information Support Person Information Analysis Information Analysis Officer In charge Information Support Person DSEs & BEEOs BEEOs BACK

24 Capacity building in food safety Human Resource Development Dept. DPE SGS Standard Operating Procedures Food Safety Protocols Film State Level Training of DSEs & DEOs District Level Training of BEEOs, BPOs, BRPs, CRPs. Cluster Level Training of the Saraswati Vahinis UNICEF BACK

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