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Purpose, Content and Implementation of Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) ECA Safeguards Training for PIUs Ankara May 16-17, 2011 Esra Arikan.

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1 Purpose, Content and Implementation of Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) ECA Safeguards Training for PIUs Ankara May 16-17, 2011 Esra Arikan

2 The Role of EMPs An Action Plan that indicates which of the EA report recommendations and alternatives will actually be adopted and implemented; The most important link to incorporate environmental factors into the overall project design; Identifies linkages to other SG policies relating to the project; Ensures environmental mitigation measures and their practical monitoring become a legal responsibility of the Borrower (LoA)

3 OP/BP 4.01 - related to EMPs For Category A projects, EMP is an essential feature of EIA (or a separate report is required); Some Category B projects may require only an EMP (if environmental issues are relatively minor and routine, not site-specific); other Category B projects may require EA reports with “tailor made” mitigation aspects; The implementation of EMP is included in the LoA; EMP should be an important part of the POM; The Borrower must report on compliance with EMP; Specific requirements for EMPs are set out in Annex C of OP 4.01 (not necessary to follow the format)

4 Who prepares the EMP? EMP is part of the EA prepared and financed by the Client; In case of FI Projects the EMP should be prepared by the sub-borrower The Client often places an existing PIU in charge of tasks such as EMP, EA, EMFs; The Client may hire local/international Consultants to assist the PIU in preparing EMP

5 According to OP 4.01 a good EMP includes… Summary of predicted adverse environmental and social impacts related to project; Description of mitigation measures and plan; Description of monitoring activities and plan; Institutional arrangements including training; Implementation schedule and reporting procedures; Estimated related costs and sources of funds

6 The Content of EMPs should… address all relevant environmental issues identified in the respective EIA report; be comprehensive, detailed but easily understood so that: the Borrower knows exactly what is to be done and who is responsible; World Bank team knows exactly what to look for during supervision to determine whether implementation is in compliance with the Legal Agreement and OPs

7 The EMPs Format No established format; Typical introductory text part followed by tabular format of specific mitigation measures (Mitigation Plan) for identified possible environmental impacts and of related monitoring activities (Monitoring Plan); Self-standing document vs. part of the EIA report; Incorporated in the POM (as chapter, annex or inserted throught the POM);

8 Mitigation Plan Defines the key environmental issues which should be managed; Describes specific mitigating measures to manage each possible impact, including specific actions to be achieved; Identifies the authorities responsible for mitigation implementation; Presents associated estimated costs

9 Environmental Mitigation Plan Project Activity Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Mitigation Measures(s) (including legislation/ regulations) Institutional Responsibility (including enforcement/ coordination) Cost Estimates Pre- Construction Phase 1) 2) 3) Construction Phase 1) 2) 3) Operation and Maintenance Phase 1) 2) 3)

10 Mitigation Plan cont. Identification of appropriate mitigation measures is critical; Based on the expertise and experience of the consultant preparing the EMP, and on sources such as the Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook; Mitigation measures should be feasible and practical; Mitigation measures should be easily observed and checked Bad example: “The construction contractor will assure equipment does not produce excessive noise Good example: “The construction contractor will assure all equipment maintains noise levels at or below 75dB [A] at 1 meter from the source (in accordance with National Regulation XYZ/123) by utilizing equipment which is designed and maintained to meet this standard

11 Example: Environmental Mitigation Plan For The Foundry Construction Phase Project ActivityPotential Environmental Impacts Proposed Mitigation MeasuresInstitutional Responsibility Costs US$ Use of land within the plant construction area, and along the access road route Damage to vegetation Appropriate clearing techniques (hand clearing, not mechanized clearing) will be utilized. Any trees of protected species will be relocated. In case relocation is not possible, the project developer will agree with the MoEnv on a practical compensation to protect specific trees Contractor/ Plant Operating Company “5000” Use of land within the plant construction area, and along the access road route Loss of fertile topsoil and soil erosion Fertile topsoil will be removed, stored in an isolated area away from construction activities, and covered with plastic to prevent runoff/erosion. Upon construction completion, topsoil will be returned and the area revegetated with plants similar to the original vegetation/native to the area. Contractor/ Plant Operating Company “5000” Construction worksAir pollution by dust When necessary, construction site will be sprayed with water, particularly during hot, dry, windy conditions. Contractor/ Plant Operating Company 2000 Construction worksNoise from construction works Construction will be confined to normal work- hours (7AM to 7PM). If construction must be conducted before/after these hours, local public will be notified at least one week in advance. Contractor/ Plant Operating Company -

12 Project Activity Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Mitigation MeasuresInstitutional Responsibility Costs US$ Coal Combustion Air emissions of NOx, SO2, CO, particulate matter Low-NOx burners and water injection to control NOx; Firing only low-sulfur (<0.1% by wt.) coal to control SO2; Good combustion control to control CO, PM and VOCs; Stack height at least 45 m to facilitate dispersion. Power plant operator Power plant supply and installation (S&I) contractor 0.8 million Equipment Operation Noise from equipment Acoustic enclosures for the combustion turbines to ensure that noise does not exceed 70 dB(A) at 100 m Power plant operator S&I contractor 150,000 All operation phases Workers Health and Safety Personnel protective equipment will be used (gloves, glasses, safety belts) WHS training will be provided to workers monthly Safety engineer will be assigned to the site Power plant operator 50,000 Example: Environmental Mitigation Plan For the Foundry Operation Phase

13 Monitoring Plan Defines selected indicators for ensuring that mitigation measures described in the Mitigation Plan are being implemented in an effective way (e.g., if there is a mitigating measure to control noise during construction, the monitoring plan should include noise measurements during construction); Ensures the project is complying with National environmental regulatory requirements and WB Safeguard requirements; Addresses concerns which may rise during the public consultation; Identifies authorities responsible for monitoring; Presents estimated related costs

14 Proposed Mitigation Measure Parameters to be Monitored LocationMeasurements (incl. Methods & equipment) Frequency of Measurement Responsibilities (incl. review and reporting) Cost (equipment & individuals) Pre- Construction Phase Construction Phase Operation and Maintenance Phase Total Cost for all Phases Environmental Monitoring Plan

15 Example: Environmental Monitoring Plan For the Foundry Construction Phase WhatWhereHowWhen/By whomCosts US$ Potential Environmental Impacts parameter is to be monitored? is the parameter to be monitored? Damage to vegetation Clearing techniques and relocation procedures utilized; record of compensation provided as agreed with MoEnv Plant site, pipeline and access road line routes Visual and by comparison with pre-construction photo survey Monthly throughout construction period; Contractor/ Supervisor Engineer - Loss of fertile topsoil and soil erosion Soil storage procedures and location Soil storage sitesVisualWeekly during site preparation and construction period Contractor - Air pollution by dust Dust levelAll active construction sites VisualDuring construction Contractor/ Supervisor Engineer - Noise from construction works Noise level, dB[A]All active construction sites Measurements by a licensed organization using certified measurement devices During construction, Contractor “Estimated standard costs”

16 Example: Environmental Monitoring Plan For the Foundry Operation Phase WhatWhereHow/CostsWhen/by whom Potential Environmental Impacts parameter is to be monitored? is the parameter to be monitored? Air emissions of NOx, SO2, CO, and particulate matter (PM) The applicable standards are: (1) NO2 ≤ 400 mg/m3; (2) SO2 ≤ 850 mg/m3; (3) CO ≤ 150 mg/m3; (4) PM ≤ 100 mg/m3 At the stack of the plant By continuous monitoring equipment supplied with the power plant; costs are part of the self-monitoring plan for the plant – could be easily estimated Initial test at commissioning and annual subsequently. Continuous for NOx and CO. Plant management Noise from construction works Noise level, dB[A]. Applicable limits are 70 dB(A) at 100 m At 100 meter from the border of the site (closest end to a residential area) Measurements by a licensed organization using certified measurement devices; national standard costs Once before commissioning of the plant and annually when the plant is in operation Workers Health and Safety Usage of personnel protective equipment Records of WHS training At the siteVisual by checking the practical usage of equipment and checking adequate among of equipment exists. Records of the trainings will be checked and if necessary improvements will be done Equipment: daily by safety engineer Training records: monthly by safety engineer

17 EMP Institutional Arrangements How the overall environmental management system works during the project implementation (construction and operation phases) and Who is responsible to implement it; Who will supervise the implementation of Mitigation Plan; Who will collect the data (from the Monitoring Plan); Who will analyze the data to produce information; Who will prepare reports (and how often) indicating how recommended actions are being taken, Who will receive the reports and act upon them (e.g. dismiss contractor, withhold contractor payment, authorize expenditures to correct problems etc) – must have the needed authority

18 Role of EMP Supervision To determine if the Borrower carries out the project in conformity with safeguard policies and legal agreement; To identify problems as they arise during project implementation and recommend to the Borrower actions/activities to resolve them; To identify the key risks to project sustainability To recommend appropriate risk management strategies to Client

19 Issues related to EMP Supervision Implementation (enforcement) of EMPs has often been problematic … 1. Unrealistic/inadequate monitoring indicators; 2. Infrequent site visits by team members; 3. Inadequate review and evaluation of monitoring aspects and reports; 4. Failure to revise the EMP in response to project changes during implementation; 5. Inadequate follow-up on Borrower implementation of agreed actions (from previous mission); 6. Ineffectiveness of proposed institutional capacity measures

20 Solutions to adequate EMP Supervision Assignment of a dedicated Environment Specialists to PIU is good practice; Use of Environmental Specialists in Bank teams in the project cycle as soon as possible; Monitoring and Reporting Program needs to cover practical environmental indicators; Bidding and Contracting Documents should include EMP provisions on mitigation/monitoring; Active supervision is needed, including fresh revision of mitigation measures, institutional assignments, etc.

21 Integration of EMP in POM 1. EMP as a chapter of POM 2. EMP as an annex to POM 3. Elements of EMP inserted throughout OM where relevant Recommended - 1 & 3 or 2 & 3


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