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What is the difference between a policy and a program?

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2 What is the difference between a policy and a program?

3 A policy is an overall plan that contains general goals and broad guidelines. A program is a plan or system under which action may be taken towards a goal.

4 Who causes the most pollution problems in the world?

5 Answer: People The main sources of pollutants are -agricultural -industrial -municipal -transportation

6 Pollutants that are raw or inadequately treated sewage falls under which sources of pollutants?

7  Answer: Municipal What is the Clear Water act?

8 The Clear Water Act is a clear goal to restore and maintain chemical, physical, biological integrity of the nations water.

9 What is the difference between marine sanitation devices and collection, holding, and transfer systems?

10  Marine Sanitations Devices {MSD}- treats sewage for overboard discharge  Collection, Holding and Transfer System {CHT} –retains sewage onboard for later discharge

11  Vessels may not discharge unpulped trash at sea within _______nautical miles from the US coastline and pulped trash within ________of the US coastline. Answer: 25nm/12nm

12  Submarines may discharge negatively buoyant compacted trash not less than ________ nautical miles from the US Coastline only if the water depth is greater than _________fathoms. Answer: 12nm/1000

13  What type of material is prohibited for overboard discharge ? Answer: Plastic

14  Where do we get most of our petroleum oil from and what form does is come in? Answer: Middle East/Crude oil

15  What is petroleum oil used for? Answer: It is used as fuel for our Navy ships and aircraft carriers.

16  What is the Navy’s policy on Energy conservation? Answer: The Navy will make all efforts to improve the way it uses energy resources.

17  Who set of the Navy Sponsor Program and what is it’s purpose? Answer: CNO, to ease relocation of Navy Personnel and there families when the PCS to a new duty station.

18  Extra Credit: What is the instruction for the Command Sponsorship Program Answer: OPNAVINST 1740.3

19 True or False The Overseas Duty Support Program is only available to Single Sailors that are being stationed overseas.

20 Answer: False, it is for Single Sailors and Navy families that are overseas who are reporting to a new duty station or who are deployed.

21  What program was designed as an incentive to effectively increase performance within the Department of the Navy? Answer: Military Cash Awards Program

22  MILCAP provides monetary awards of up to _______. Answer: $25, 000

23  What are the responsibilities of servicewomen regarding pregnancy? - Planning pregnancy to meet family/military obligations - Confirming pregnancy at a military medical facility - Notify CO/OIC - Perform military duties while pregnant - Comply with work/task related safety/health recommendations

24  Pregnant servicewomen “Will NOTs” - Travel overseas after the 28 th week of pregnancy - Remain on a ship if it takes longer than 6 hours for medical evacuation to a treatment facility. - Remain onboard a deployment unit beyond the 20 th week of pregnancy

25  Normally the CO grants _______ convalescent leave after the servicewoman has delivered the baby. Answer: 6 weeks/42 days

26 _________ extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure. ____________ intentional misleading or deceitful conduct __________ intentional wrong or improper use of government resources.

27 Answer: waste, fraud, abuse You can report fraud, waste and abuse by what following means? -Navy Hotline -NCIS -Congress

28  Who is responsible for the guidance and policy for the Command Managed Equal Opportunity Program? Answer: CNO

29 The ___________ are overall responsible for making equal opportunity a reality in their commands. Answer: Commanding Officer

30 ___________is defined as any conduct or activity that is cruel, abusive, humiliating, demeaning, or harmful. Answer: Hazing

31 What are the 3 criteria that must be met for sexual harassment to be present? Answer: Be unwelcomed, Be sexual in nature, Occur in or impact the work environment.

32 If I say “ Quid Pro Quo”, you say Answer: This for that

33 NAME THIS PERSON - Attends 20 hours of intense training - Promote good order and discpline - Liaison between Navy families and command Answer: Ombudsman

34  What chapter of the Navy Regulations deals with your rights and responsibilities? Answer: Chapter 11

35  What was established by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1955 because of the Korean Conflict? Answer : Code of Conduct

36  If you are captured what is the only info that you need to give? - Name - Rank - SSN - Date of birth

37  A Prisoner of War in confinement must be checked at least once every __________ hours. Answer: 4

38  What is OPNAVINST 3120.32 and what is it’s purpose?  Answer: SORN, provides guidance and regulations for duties/responsibilities for all personnel within a Naval unit.

39  When armed forces and military police combine as one unit, they are called what? Answer: Armed Forces Police Detachment {AFPD}

40  The Master-At-Arms on ships are headed by the Chief MAA. Who does the Chief MAA report to? Answer: XO

41 What does punishment teach? Answer: how the offense effects others and that must not be repeated.

42 True or False The purpose of discipline in the military is to bring about an effective military organization. Answer: False, efficient military organization

43  True or False Detaining is defined as taking a person into custody? Answer: False, Apprehension

44 True or False The SORN describes the rights and responsibilities of all Navy Personnel. Answer: False, US Navy Regulations

45  The ___________was signed into effect on 31 May 1951 by President ___________. Answer: Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)/Harry S. Truman

46 NAME THAT ARTICLE -Deserter -UA -Missing Ships Movement -Failure to obey an order -Mutiny -General Article Answer: 85,86, 87, 92, 94, 134

47 NAME THAT ARTICLE -Complaints of wrong doings by the CO -Protection of against self-incrimination -NJP by the CO Answer: 138, 31, 15

48 If you receive NJP, generally you have how many days to file an appeal? Answer: 5 days

49  ___________lists billet #, rate, divisional stations to be manned for various situations. What is omitted from this bill? Answer: Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill/ Cleaning stations are omitted

50  Why is it necessary to maintain a watch?  Answer: communications, security, and safety

51 What will probably be the most important log that you will ever maintain? Answer: Ships Deck Log

52  The ships deck log has _________importance and ______standing for use in a Navy or Civil Court. Answer: historical/legal

53  True or False At sea, the ship’s deck log is kept by the OOD on the quarterdeck. Answer: False, kept by Quartermaster of the Watch.

54 When you make a change in the deck log, you should initial where? True or False At the end of the watch both you and the OOD sign the deck log. Answer: Margin, True

55 What is the term deadly force defined as? Answer: Force which if used has potential to cause death or serious bodily form.

56  True of False The CDO can authorize deadly force? Answer: False the CO is the only one who can authorize deadly force

57 Fog Lookouts are normally on the ______and consist of _____personnel. Answer: bow/two

58  An object from a ship is called what?  How is it measured? Answer: bearing/degrees clockwise

59 There are three types of bearings, what are they? In what bearing does the lookout watch report in? Answer: Relative, true, magnetic/ report in relative bearing

60 Your best night vision comes after how long in being in the dark? What is this called? Answer: 30 minutes/dark adaptation

61  When you talk into the mouth piece of a Sound powered telephone, it should be ______inches from your mouth. Answer: ½ to 1 inch

62  What are the three categories of Sound Powered phones? Answer: primary, auxiliary, supplementary systems

63  Primary Circuits are designated JA thru JZ  Auxiliary Circuits designated with the letter _______  Supplementary Systems are usually _______ Answer: X/unmanned

64 On Sound Powered phones, messages are divided into three parts; what are they? Answer: Name of station called, Name of station calling, the message


66  CODE ALPHA –divers down  KILO –personnel working aloft  OSCAR-man overboard  PAPA-general recall, return to ship  QUEBEC-Boat recall, All boats return to ship  ROMEO-Ready Duty {in port} Preparing to replenish {at sea}

67  The preparative pennant is flown how many minutes before colors are held? Answer : 5 minutes

68 The official flag of the Navy was established when? Answer: 24 April 1959

69 NAME THAT FLAG STAFF INSIGNIA  Spread Eagle  Halbert  Ball  Star  Flat Truck

70  Spread Eagle – CIV/Flag Officer who rates 19 gun salute  Halbert- flag/general officer who rates less than 19 gun or CIV official who rates a salute of 11 guns or less  Ball – Captain/diplomats  Star- Commander  Flat Truck- Officer below the grade of commander

71 What happened on 13 Oct 1775? Answer: Second Continental congress authorized the purchase of 2 vessels

72 Ships-of – the-Line carries ____ to over _____ guns. Frigates- Generally carried ____ to ___ guns Sloops-of-war – carried _____ to ___ guns

73  Ships-of – the-Line- 60 to over 100 guns.  Frigates- 28 to 44 guns  Sloops-of-war – 10 to 20 guns

74 What was the first US Navy flag ship? Answer: USS Alfred

75 Who said “I have not yet begun to fight” And why? Answer: John Paul Jones

76 David Bushnell designed the Navy first what? What did he name it? Answer: submarine/USS Turtle

77  In the Civil War what is the name of the two ships that marked the true submarine attack? Who won? Answer: USS Hunley and USS Housatonic/ neither both ships went down

78 Alfred T. Mahan was one of the first instructors at the Naval War College. He influenced naval strategy defined __________ power. Answer : Sea

79 The USS _____was sunk while anchored in Cuba’s Havana harbor which lead to the __________ War Answer: USS Maine/Spanish American War

80  The Navy’s first operational submarine was the ___________. Answer: USS Holland

81  NAME THAT VESSEL  First nuclear submarine  First nuclear powered surface warship  First nuclear powered aircraft carrier  First aircraft carrier built from the keel up  First deep diving vehicle  First Trident submarine

82  First nuclear submarine – USS Nautilus  First nuclear powered surface warship – USS Bainbridge  First nuclear powered aircraft carrier – USS Enterprise  First aircraft carrier built from the keel up – USS Ranger  First deep diving vehicle- USS Alvin  First Trident submarine –USS Ohio

83  Name the battle for which two fleets never saw each other. Answer: Battle of Coral Sea

84  During what war did women enlist in the Navy on a large scale?  During World War II, women {WAVES} had how many eligible ratings? Answer: World War I/ 34 different ratings

85  What are the three basic components of the Dept of Navy? Answer: Navy Dept, Operating Forces, Shore establishment

86 True or False The DoD is headed by Joint Chief of Staff. Answer: False, SECDEF

87 The two elements of a ship’s organization are Battle organization and _________. Answer: Administration Organization

88  Each ship is organized into at least 5 departments. What are they? Navigation _______ Supply _______

89  Each ship is organized into at least 5 departments. What are they?  Navigation  Engineering  Operations  Supply  Weapons/Deck

90  NAME THAT TITLE - Advises the CO/XO on all matters concerning the Drug/Alcohol abuse program - Maintains/distributes educational courses/training aids - Senior enlisted member who acts as a liaison between the officer and enlister community - Assistant to the Chief Engineer - Responsible for the safe operation and care of all the propulsion/auxiliary machinery

91 - Advises the CO/XO on all matters concerning the Drug/Alcohol abuse program {DAPA} - Maintains/distributes educational courses/training aids {ESO} - Senior enlisted member who acts as a liaison between the officer and enlister community {CMC} - Assistant to the Chief Engineer {DCA} - Responsible for the safe operation and care of all the propulsion/auxiliary machinery {Chief Engineer}

92 The length wise of the ship goes in what direction? Answer: Fore to aft

93 NAME THAT TERM  Front of the ship  Rear of the ship  Backbone of the ship  Plates the form the ships hull  Vertical distance from the waterline to the ships main deck  Distance from the waterline to the ships main deck  Solid part above the ships main deck

94  Front of the ship - bow  Rear of the ship – stern  Backbone of the ship – keel  Plates the form the ships hull - strakes  Vertical distance from the bottom of the keel to the waterline -draft  Distance from the waterline to the ships main deck - freeboard  Solid part above the ships main deck- superstructure

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