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EXPLAINING GOD John 1:1-18. JOHN’S PROLOGUE (1:1-18): JESUS AS THE ETERNAL ‘LOGOS’ John adopts a philosophical explanation of the person of Jesus John.

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1 EXPLAINING GOD John 1:1-18

2 JOHN’S PROLOGUE (1:1-18): JESUS AS THE ETERNAL ‘LOGOS’ John adopts a philosophical explanation of the person of Jesus John highlights the deity of Jesus without minimising his humanity

3 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 1.Was John writing to a Greek or Jewish readership? The mastermind or architect of the universe A rational mind which provides orderliness to the universe Nevertheless, an abstract and impersonal principle a) Greek understanding of the ‘Logos’

4 b) Jewish concept of the ‘Logos’ Intended as a parallel to the creative Word in Genesis 1 Can be identified with the personified ‘Wisdom’ in Proverbs

5 Encapsulation of two key ideas: A Communicative Word The ‘Logos’ is God’s concrete revelation of himself (see Hebrews 1:1-2) A Creative Word The ‘Logos’ is the source of all life forms (see John 1:4)

6 2. What is the purpose of John’s Gospel? John 20:31 An evangelistic objective? An edifying objective?

7 A) THE PRE-EXISTENCE AND DEITY OF THE WORD (vv 1-5) 3 major points a) ‘In the beginning’ was the Word (v.1) John 1:1 precedes Genesis 1:1 To emphasise the pre-existence of Jesus, who is the eternal ‘Logos’. Cf which John 8:58; 17:5)

8 b) The Word was with God (v. 1) First emphasis : the relational side of the ‘Logos’ Second emphasis : the different personality of the ‘Logos’

9 c) The Word was God (v. 1) The deity of the ‘Logos’ is set forth here. Note: John employs the Greek word ‘theos’ (God) rather than ‘theios’ (godlike) Thus, a strong refutation of the Jehovah Witnesses’ translation

10 Jesus as the ‘Logos’ is also the source of life (Greek ‘zoé’). See verse 4. 3 types of life forms: 1. Bios A reference to life in general, including plant and animal life Application : see John 20:31 3. zoé This term is reserved for spiritual life, which only God possesses. 2. Psuch é A special designation for human life

11 B) JOHN’S PERSONAL WITNESS TO THE WORD (VV 6-9) a)John regarded himself as a God-sent man (v.6) b)John viewed his role as pointing people to Jesus (v.8) Application : see John 20:21

12 C) THE WORLD’S RESPONSE TO THE WORD (VV 10-13) a)A rejection of Jesus by the world (vv 10- 11) b)Yet there are some exception (vv 12-13) Application: The Greek verb ‘believe’ signifies commitment to a Person John only uses the verbal form (pisteuo’ versus ‘pistis’) of ‘belief. Why?

13 D) THE INCARNATION OF THE WORD (VV 14-18) a)‘The Word became flesh’ (v14) Not the Word ‘took’ flesh, but ‘became’ flesh Greek ‘sarx’ (flesh) rather than ‘soma’ (body) Totally alien to Greek philosophy which views matter as evil and temporal

14 b)‘The Word tabernacled among us’ (v.14) Implication: The ‘Logos’ is personal in nature. Application: Nepali Ministry We are called to an ‘incarnational’ ministry

15 CONCLUSION John 1:12-13. Have you and I received this special gift for the New Year yet?

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