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Mr. Ermer World History AP Miami Beach Senior High.

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1 Mr. Ermer World History AP Miami Beach Senior High

2 * English Royal African Co. (RAC) controls African slave trade * Atlantic System becomes world’s premier trading system * Caribbean islands were first to see Europeans, first to lose native pop. * African slaves and European capital rebuild Caribbean economy * Sugar plantations form base for economy * Spanish begin to ignore Caribbean in favor of American mainland colonies * Northern Europeans focus on Caribbean (England, France, the Netherlands) * 1614: English concentrate on Caribbean tobacco trade * Chartered companies/colonies * Dutch West India Co. * Portuguese sugar model exported to Dutch, British, French Caribbean * African slaves brought to work sugar plantations


4 * 1700: French colony of Saint Domingue (Haiti) is world’s largest sugar producer * English establish Jamaica as their top sugar producer * For profit, plantations need own mills (crushing/processing) * Average plantation size=200 acres * some islands devote all land to sugar production, import food * Ecological shift, European introduced plants/animals thrive * Plantocracy * Slaves work under harsh conditions * Down period for seasoning * Specialized labor gangs * Long hours * Cruel punishment at hands of drivers


6 * Plantocratic Social Structure * Large Land Owning Whites * Non-Planter Whites * African slaves * Slave born children of whites freed—manumission * Sizeable freed black population emerges in Caribbean * Maroons, slaves who escape and form freed communities in mts.

7 * Based on Capitalism & Mercantilism * Mercantilism produces competition b/w powers * British and French defeat the Dutch, break their monopoly on Atlantic trade * The Atlantic Circuit * The Middle Passage




11 * Europeans more interested in African trade, not colonies * Africans capture rival Africans, chain them together, march them to coast, sell/trade them to Europeans * Europeans stuff African slaves onto ships, sell them in Americas * Also traded for gold, ivory, timber (later rubber) * Biafra and Angola suffer huge populations losses, large slave market * Islamic traders engage in eastern slave trade, Swahili Coast * European colonies are few * Portuguese Angola connected to Atlantic trading system * Dutch Cape Colony (South Africa) * Muslim traders bring religion to Sub-Saharan Africa * Songhai (Mali) * Bornu (Sudan)


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