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Experience on Mainstreaming for Climate & Disaster- Resilient Development in the Republic of Korea Yongkyun KIM UNISDR Office for Northeast Asia and Global.

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Presentation on theme: "Experience on Mainstreaming for Climate & Disaster- Resilient Development in the Republic of Korea Yongkyun KIM UNISDR Office for Northeast Asia and Global."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experience on Mainstreaming for Climate & Disaster- Resilient Development in the Republic of Korea Yongkyun KIM UNISDR Office for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction

2 Checklist for Integrating DRR and CCA into Scoio-Economic Development by NEMA Korea The Asia Pacific region is one of the most vulnerable regions to natural disasters. Economic losses from disasters are rising exponentially as more and more of our recently developed infrastructure is affected. In addition, the region’s vulnerability to climate change is likely to increase. Climate change will affect all sectors of our society. All sectors must be involved to meet those future challenges. Guided by Incheon REMAP, which was adopted by 53 ministers and high-level officials at the 4 th AMCDRR in Oct 2010 Developed by NEMA Korea, Yonsei University and UNISDR GETI with the support of UN ESCAP, Northumbria University, GCAP, ADPC, NDMI Korea, and Seoul National University.

3 Provide tools and guidance for integrated development planning in Asia Pacific countries. Open a dialogue for integrated development planning among Planning Ministries, climate change committees, local governments and national Disaster management Organisations (NDMOs) in Asia and Pacific region Support key actors in assessing the status of those functions to integrated development planning and to identify opportunities for early action Encourage leadership among socio-economic planning ministries for effective DRR & CCA integration into development planning II. Objectives The guidance note aims to:

4 III. Ten Check List Policy: Development Policy Statements Partnership: Partnership working Capacity: Capacity development for integrated development planning at the local and national level Innovation: Testing Innovative Options Budget: Assign budget for essential DRR and CCA activities Knowledge: Knowledge Management Science: Science Advice for development planning Guideline: Guidelines for integrated development planning Screening: Climate and Disaster risk screening system Readiness: Review institutional readiness and status of mechanisms for coordination and cooperation

5 i.Do you have existing policies on Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation(CCA)? ii.Are those policies integrated into sustainable development strategies? iii.Does your existing development policy designate roles and responsibilities for DRR and CCA between national government and local authorities? iv.Does your policy statement include objectives and measurable targets? Essential # 1. Policy: Development Policy Statements Essential # 2. Partnership: Partnership working i.Do you work with partners as an integral part of your development practice? ii.Are there clear guidance and procedures for engaging partners? iii.Are beneficiaries and community leaders active partners

6 i.Do you have a strategy for capacity development for integrated development planning at the local and national level? ii.Have these programs been implemented? Essential # 3. Capacity: Capacity development for integrated development planning at the local and national level Essential # 4. Innovation: Testing Innovative Options i.Do you have a system for evaluating DRR and CCA innovative options? ii.Do you provide incentives that promote innovation in the community and private sector? iii.What programs do you have to test the scalability of innovative initiatives?

7 i.Have you allocated resources specifically to support DRR & CCA? ii.Have these resources been specifically allocated to sub-national and local levels? iii.Do you have a long term financial plan to support this programmatic Essential # 5. Budget: Assign budget for essential DRR and CCA activities such as risk assessment, early warning systems and public awareness Essential # 6. Knowledge: Knowledge Management i.Do you have systems to access relevant knowledge for development planning? ii.Are knowledge management systems in each ministry accessible for integrated development planning? iii.Do you use knowledge management system to seek for innovative options?

8 i.Do you have a scientific capacity for climate change and disaster risk reduction? ii.Do you engage with the scientific planning community? iii.Are you able to bring the latest scientific advice into development planning processes? Essential # 7. Science: Science Advice for development planning Essential # 8. Guidelines for integrated development planning i.Do you have guidelines for development planning at the national level? ii.Are these guidelines integrated with DRR and CCA? iii.Are these guidelines informed by good practice at the local and sub- national level?

9 i.Do you have climate and disaster risk assessment systems? ii.Do you have screening systems for development plans with disaster and climate risk assessment? iii.Are outcomes used to improve development plans? Essential # 9. Screening: Climate and Disaster risk screening system Essential # 10. Readiness: Review institutional readiness and status of mechanisms for coordination and cooperation i.Have you assessed current institutional readiness to carry out concerted actions of DRR and CCA? ii.Have you consulted? iii.Have you planned?

10 NEMA Korea’s Experience Used for advancing Mainstreaming Adaptation and Disaster Reduction into Development (MADRiD) in Korea Used at the national multi-stakeholder consultation for the Post-2015 DRR Framework by Task Force under Prime Minister Office Used for improving Pre-Disaster Impact Analysis and Comprehensive Flood Protection Plan Used for the provoking dialogue between NEMA Korea and Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to enhance social protection system considering persons with disabilities and elderly group

11 I. MADRiD Programme ♦ a multi-year initiative designed: increase social demand and political commitment for integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into overall economic and social planning processes; promote the establishment of sustained human resources capacity development for implementation of integrated development planning MADRiD Social Demand Political commitment Integration of DRR & CCA into Development Sustained Human Resources Capacity National Planning Economic Social Environment...

12 To increase social demand and political commitment for integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into overall economic and social planning processes To promote the establishment of sustained human resources capacity development for implementation of integrated development planning To promote enabling environments, pilot a customized set of advocacy, outreach and capacity development activities To provide access to guidance material and technical resources To engage key decision makers and diverse national champions through a series of cumulative leadership development forums to facilitate learning, sharing of experience and building alliances 13. Mainstreaming Adaptation and Disaster Reduction into Development (MADRiD) multi-year initiative

13 I. MADRiD Programme Leadership Development Forums(LDFs) Technical Resources Coalition Building Global Outreach Promoting in-country implementation Structured dialogue & joint problem solving with related stakeholders Sharing guidance, tools and related information Advance political commitment with various stakeholders at the local, national and regional levels MADRiD champions’ participation in international and regional forums National and Local Level Implemtation

14 MADRiD TRAINING MODULES DaysMADRiD 2012 Master Training Modules Facilitating Agency Day OneModule # 1. Disaster and Climate Resilient DevelopmentUNDP Day Two Module # 2. Spatial Planning Module # 3. Critical Facilities and Infrastructure UNISDR GETI UNDP Day Three Module # 4. Governance and Legislative Systems FIELD TRIP AND EXERCISE UNDP/IFRC NEMA Korea Day Four Module # 5. Sectoral Programmes for Socio-economic Development Module # 6. Climate Information Services for DRR and Adaptation ADPC WMO Day Five Module# 7. Engaging Stakeholders Module # 8. The Way Forward UNISDR GETI

15 MADRiD TRAINING MODULES DaysMADRiD 2013 Master Training Modules Facilitating Agency Day One Module # 1. Disaster and Climate Resilient Development UNISDR GETI UNDP Day Two Module # 2. Climate Information Services for Mainstreaming Module # 3. Governance for Mainstreaming WMO UNDP Day Three Module # 4. Sectorial Mainstreaming: Agriculture FIELD TRIP AND EXERCISE Host Country Day Four Module # 5. Advocacy for Mainstreaming Module # 6. The Way Forward UNISDR GETI UNISDR/UNDP

16 Programme Outcomes More than 300 high level government officials, policy makers and parliamentarians from 27 countries and 18 International Organizations received training on MADRID. - In 2012, three (3) Global Leadership Development Forums (LDFs) for 6 participating countries: Armenia, Gambia, Mongolia, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Republic of Korea. - In 2013, two (2) Regional Peer Learning Forums (PLFs) and one (1) Leadership Development Forum (LDF) were organized and convened for: 5 countries from African region: Rwanda, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Gambia; 5 countries from CAC region: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Armenia.

17 Programme Outcomes Examples of 2013 National Work Plans integrated with MADRiD MADRiD Mainstreaming Capacities High level DRR Advocacy Regional Outreach National Work Plan IMPLEMENATAION State Academy for Disaster management’s textbook material Briefing material for Permanent Secretaries from key government ministries Briefings material for the national parliaments Informed the National coordinating committee for Climate change & the national planning process for 2014 Enhanced cooperation among line ministries led b by Mongolian NEMA and the UNCT MADRiD advocacy at the National Assembly and High-level gov’t officials in line ministries

18 Thank You! for more Information visit us at

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