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Revelation 4 and 5. Open Door – Where? What doors are there in Heaven? Heb. 8:2 – The temple in Heaven that God made and not man.

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Presentation on theme: "Revelation 4 and 5. Open Door – Where? What doors are there in Heaven? Heb. 8:2 – The temple in Heaven that God made and not man."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revelation 4 and 5

2 Open Door – Where? What doors are there in Heaven? Heb. 8:2 – The temple in Heaven that God made and not man

3 Sanctuary Scenes Rev 1-3; Jesus among the 7 lampstands Rev. 4-8; Jesus opens 7 seals by the throne Rev. 8-9; Jesus stands at the golden altar and sends 7 trumpets

4 Sanctuary Scenes Rev. 11-14; Ark of the covenant revealed, containing 10 commandments – judgment is pronounced on those that break the commandments

5 Sanctuary Scenes Rev. 15-21; sanctuary opens up, lets out angels to give 7 last plagues – probation is closed Rev. 21-22; no temple in Heaven

6 7 Seals Rev. 4:1 – “what must soon take place” This is the introduction of 7 seals – continuation of Rev. 2,3 Before the seals, there is a beautiful scene from the throne room of God – with all the Heavenly Beings praising God

7 Where is the Throne Room? There are 7 “torches of fire” before the throne The Most Holy Place isn’t opened until Rev. 11 This is the Holy Place

8 Description of Him on the Throne Rev. 4:3-6 24 Elders in white garments People that were resurrected with Christ – or angels that help people in their spiritual lives (5:8)

9 Four Living Creatures Were like: lion, ox, man, eagle Isaiah 6 – six wings (like John) Ezekiel 1,10 – four heads, four wings Symbolic – lion: strength; ox: service; man: intelligent; eagle: swiftness Probably angels (seraphim, cherubim) Satan was once one of these Praise God all the time, “Holy, holy, holy”

10 Revelation 4 The banners of the 4 divisions of tribes of Israel Ox – Ephraim, west Eagle – Dan, north Man – Reuben, south Lion – Judah, east

11 Rainbow around the Throne Rev. 4:3 – God has a rainbow around Him that reminds us that God is as true to His covenant with us as He was with Noah

12 God … Who is to Come! 4:8 – God…who was and is and is to come = ho erchomenos If the writer wanted to say that God is eternal and will be, he would have written = ho esomenes

13 God … Who is to Come! Rev. 6:16, “Hide us from the face of Him who is seated on the throne AND from the wrath of the Lamb”. Ps. 50:3-6 Rev. 8:1 – silence in Heaven during the Second Coming

14 Worshipping God! Worship is to celebrate God and his mighty acts – Ex. 20:8-11 Sabbath commandment God of creation Focus of chapter 4 – Deut. 5:12-15 God who saved you, redeemed you Focus of chapter 5

15 Why Worship? How do we think about the Almighty God? Why do you worship Him, how do you worship Him? – What mighty acts has He performed? – In your life is He worthy of your praise?

16 On the Throne God – Creator of all – 4:11 Has in His hand a scroll with seven seals – and no one is worthy to open it John is deeply saddened

17 Rev. 5 Rev. 5:1 Scroll with 7 seals – Written on both sides, possibly Eze. 2:9, 10 Could read “ and sealed on the back ” – At the right hand of God At the right side – 7 seals Roman legal document, 7 seals of the 7 who witnessed the document Number 7 in Bible = fullness, completeness, perfection

18 Revelation 5 Vs. 2 Who is worthy to take the scroll and break the seals? – Chapter 4 God is worthy -- He is Creator – Glory, honor, power, praise, rulership – Special position and task Vs 3-4 No one was able to open the scroll – Is the scroll beyond God ’ s power?

19 The Lion and … 5:5 – Weep not! The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered – Root of David Descendent of David Isa. 11:1 the branch of the root of David Jer. and Zech. “ branch ” for Messiah who is king and priest Messiah, par excellence

20 … The Lamb 5:6 – in the midst of the heavenly throng there was one like a Lamb Seven horns – holy authority Seven eyes – holy knowledge Seven spirits – Holy Spirit

21 Praise to the Lamb Heavenly throng praises the Lamb 5:8 - “Prayers of the Saints” – 7 seals that will be opened concern the history of God’s people

22 The Lamb is Worthy! Why? 1. Was slain 2. Ransomed men for God from every nation 3. Made a kingdom of priests for God

23 Myriads of Angels Rev. 5:11 - God is in control! During 7 Seals it appears like God is powerless and can’t control His own church Matt. 26:53 – During His crucifixion Jesus knew He could have called millions of angels to rescue Him

24 The Entire Universe Praises God and the Lamb 5:13,14 - Even though it appears as if things are chaotic on Earth – the whole universe acknowledges the goodness, holiness and authority of God

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