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DRIED “PASTA”. PRODUCTION Mixture of durum weath semolina with water Chemical reactions: weath starch hydratation that makes the mixture increase its.

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Presentation on theme: "DRIED “PASTA”. PRODUCTION Mixture of durum weath semolina with water Chemical reactions: weath starch hydratation that makes the mixture increase its."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRODUCTION Mixture of durum weath semolina with water Chemical reactions: weath starch hydratation that makes the mixture increase its volume; gluten proteins (gliadin and gluteinin) hydratation Gluten is very important because it creates a sort of grid that traps weath starch grains in order to help pasta stand cooking.

3 MANUFACTURING PROCESS Kneading machines long processing gives pasta more consistence and plasticity. The cut gives pasta different shapes Drying process: alternation of warm air ventilation and moments of rest to let moisture emerge from inside the product Maximum allowed moisture is 12,5%

4 NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Pasta is a complete and well balanced food: - High glucide intake (80% of weath starch) - A respectable amount of proteins (10%) although lacking in essential amino acids. - A limited quantity of lipids, mineral salts and vitamins, that can be balanced by adding tomato sauce and parmesan. - Energy attrib. of 100 grams of pasta = 350kcal (It may varies according to the dressing)

5 PACKAGING Cardboard boxes or plastic bags Packaging indicates: -Denomination -Weight -Expiry date -Suggestions for cooking -Nutritional information -Weight -Place of origin and producing firm

6 COOKING - 100 grams of pasta, 7/10 grams of coarse salt for each person - Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Add coarse salt -While boiling, add pasta and stir often -Cook without a lid and keep the water boiling -When “al dente”, drain the pasta with a colander - Whip in a pan with the chosen sauce IMPORTANT: watch carefully the cooking time!

7 SERVICE Serve warm in serving bowl or dishes Ways of serving pasta: -English style: with butter and grated parmesan; oil, chili and garlic; -With vegetable sauces: vegetable ragout; aubergines; peppers; courgettes; broccoli; peas; mushrooms etc. -With meat sauces: “amatriciana”; “Bolognese”; ragout; sausages, poultry, tomato sauce and basil; “arrabbiata”, “carbonara”, pesto, aromatic herbs


9 Short Pasta

10 Pastina

11 “SPECIAL” PASTA - Egg pasta: (1 kg of durum wheat semolina and four eggs) - Flavoured pasta: (yellow, green, red and black made with vegetables, spices or cuttlefish ink ) - Stuffed pasta - Organic pasta - Wholewheat, spelt flour, buckwheat, rice fluor, rye flour, kamut pasta - Diet pasta

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