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The Irreducible Minimum Trainer Name Ministry. 2 Role Play “The Evangelist”

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Presentation on theme: "The Irreducible Minimum Trainer Name Ministry. 2 Role Play “The Evangelist”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Irreducible Minimum Trainer Name Ministry

2 2 Role Play “The Evangelist”

3 3 Role Play Discovery Questions What did you see? What did you see?

4 4 Role Play Discovery Questions What did you see? What did you see? What was the problem? What was the problem?

5 5 Role Play Discovery Questions What did you see? What did you see? What was the problem? What was the problem? Have you ever seen this kind of behavior? Have you ever seen this kind of behavior?

6 6 Key Verse If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 1 John 3:17

7 7 Key Verse Discovery Questions What is the relationship between loving God and loving people? What is the relationship between loving God and loving people?

8 8 Key Verse Discovery Questions What is the relationship between loving God and loving people? What is the relationship between loving God and loving people? Can you be a disciple if you care about the spiritual but not the physical and social needs of others? Can you be a disciple if you care about the spiritual but not the physical and social needs of others?

9 9 Supporting Verses Luke 10: 25-37 The Good Samaritan

10 10 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What two questions does Jesus answer? What two questions does Jesus answer?

11 11 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What two questions does Jesus answer? What two questions does Jesus answer? What is Jesus’ answer to the first? What is Jesus’ answer to the first?

12 12 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What two questions does Jesus answer? What two questions does Jesus answer? What is Jesus’ answer to the first? What is Jesus’ answer to the first? What is Jesus’ answer to the second? What is Jesus’ answer to the second?

13 13 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What two questions does Jesus answer? What two questions does Jesus answer? What is Jesus’ answer to the first? What is Jesus’ answer to the first? What is Jesus’ answer to the second? What is Jesus’ answer to the second? Which question was Jesus answering by telling the story of the Good Samaritan? Which question was Jesus answering by telling the story of the Good Samaritan?

14 14 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What terms are used for the law of love? John 15:12 Galatians 6:2 James 2:8 Matthew 22:36-40 Luke 6:31

15 15 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What terms are used for the law of love? John 15:12 My Command Galatians 6:2 James 2:8 Matthew 22:36-40 Luke 6:31

16 16 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What terms are used for the law of love? John 15:12 My Command Galatians 6:2 Law of Christ James 2:8 Matthew 22:36-40 Luke 6:31

17 17 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What terms are used for the law of love? John 15:12 My Command Galatians 6:2 Law of Christ James 2:8 Royal Law Matthew 22:36-40 Luke 6:31

18 18 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What terms are used for the law of love? John 15:12 My Command Galatians 6:2 Law of Christ James 2:8 Royal Law Matthew 22:36-40 Great Commandment Luke 6:31

19 19 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions What terms are used for the law of love? John 15:12 My Command Galatians 6:2 Law of Christ James 2:8 Royal Law Matthew 22:36-40 Great Commandment Luke 6:31 Golden Rule

20 20 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions Similarities/differences in Law’s summary? Matthew 22:36-40 Mark 12:28-31,33 Luke 10:27 Matthew 7:12 Romans 13:9-10 Galatians 5:13-14

21 21 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions Similarities/differences in Law’s summary? Similarities/differences in Law’s summary? Matthew 22:36-40 God and neighbor Mark 12:28-31,33 God and neighbor Luke 10:27 God and neighbor Matthew 7:12 Romans 13:9 Galatians 5:14

22 22 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions Similarities/differences in Law’s summary? Similarities/differences in Law’s summary? Matthew 22:36-40 God and neighbor Mark 12:28-31,33 God and neighbor Luke 10:27 God and neighbor Matthew 7:12 Neighbor Romans 13:9 Neighbor Galatians 5:14 Neighbor

23 23 What is the Irreducible Minimum of God’s Law? Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

24 24 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions How do these passages illustrate why the commandment to love our neighbor summarizes “the Law and the Prophets”? James 1:27 1 John 4:20-21

25 25 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions How do these passages illustrate why the commandment to love our neighbor summarizes “the Law and the Prophets”? James 1:27 - Perfect religion is … 1 John 4:20-21

26 26 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions How do these passages illustrate why the commandment to love our neighbor summarizes “the Law and the Prophets”? James 1:27 - Perfect religion is … 1 John 4:20-21 – If we say we love God but not our brother who we can see, how can we love God?

27 27 Supporting Verses Discovery Questions Matt. 5:43-45 Col. 3:12-14 I John 4:16 What did Jesus expect of His followers? What did Jesus expect of His followers? What virtue is most needed for service? What virtue is most needed for service? What makes the difference between blind obedience to law – and service springing from a loving heart? What makes the difference between blind obedience to law – and service springing from a loving heart?

28 28 How Do We Demonstrate Our Love For God? In our obedience In our obedience In doing the will of the Father In doing the will of the Father

29 29 Key Ideas If God is concerned about physical need … If God is concerned about physical need …

30 30 Key Ideas If God is concerned about physical need … If God is concerned about physical need … Loving neighbor is related to our salvation. Loving neighbor is related to our salvation.

31 31 Key Ideas If God is concerned about physical need … If God is concerned about physical need … Loving neighbor is related to our salvation Loving neighbor is related to our salvation Neighbor: One whose need I can meet Neighbor: One whose need I can meet

32 32 Key Ideas If God is concerned about physical need … If God is concerned about physical need … Loving neighbor is related to our salvation Loving neighbor is related to our salvation Neighbor: One whose need I can meet Neighbor: One whose need I can meet Terms: My commandment; Law of Christ; Royal Law; Golden Rule; Terms: My commandment; Law of Christ; Royal Law; Golden Rule; Great Commandment

33 33 Key Ideas If God is concerned about physical need … If God is concerned about physical need … Loving neighbor is related to our salvation Loving neighbor is related to our salvation Neighbor: One whose need I can meet Neighbor: One whose need I can meet Terms: My commandment; Law of Christ; Terms: My commandment; Law of Christ; Royal Law; Great Commandment; Golden Rule Irreducible Minimum: To love our neighbor Irreducible Minimum: To love our neighbor

34 34 Key Ideas If God is concerned about physical need … If God is concerned about physical need … Loving neighbor is related to our salvation Loving neighbor is related to our salvation Neighbor: One whose need I can meet Neighbor: One whose need I can meet Terms: My commandment; Law of Christ; Terms: My commandment; Law of Christ; Royal Law; Great Commandment; Golden Rule Irreducible Minimum: to love our neighbor Irreducible Minimum: to love our neighbor We demonstrate our love for God by loving our neighbor We demonstrate our love for God by loving our neighbor

35 35 Reinforcement Do the role play, “The Good Samaritan” Do the role play, “The Good Samaritan” or or Discuss cultural equivalents Discuss cultural equivalents

36 36 Reinforcement Do the role play, “The Good Samaritan” Do the role play, “The Good Samaritan” or or Discuss cultural equivalents Discuss cultural equivalents Memorize Key Verse Memorize Key Verse If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? John 3:17

37 37 Application Reflection Reflection

38 38 Application Reflection Reflection Commitment Commitment - New - Realistic - Written - Shared

39 39 Application Reflection Reflection Commitment Commitment - New - Grow beyond current lifestyle - Realistic - Written - Shared

40 40 Application Reflection Reflection Commitment Commitment - New - Grow beyond current lifestyle - Realistic – Can be done today - Written - Shared

41 41 Application Reflection Reflection Commitment Commitment - New – Grow beyond current lifestyle - Realistic – Can be done in the next week - Written - What, who, when, where - Shared

42 42 Application Reflection Reflection Commitment Commitment - New – Grow beyond current lifestyle - Realistic – Can be done in the next week - Written - What, who, when, where - Shared - Tell and pray in pairs

43 43 Application – Personal Reflection Who is a “neighbor” who needs to be touched by God’s love today, and to whom I could express His love in a new way that is right around me?

44 44 Application – Personal Reflection Who is a “neighbor” who needs to be touched by God’s love today, and to whom I could express His love in a new way that is right around me? Conference participants Conference participants Hotel/conference center employees Hotel/conference center employees People God brings to mind or to our attention People God brings to mind or to our attention Family and Friends Family and Friends

45 45 Action Plan - Commitment Write a specific plan for what you will do before the next session to express God’s love in a new way. Write a specific plan for what you will do before the next session to express God’s love in a new way.

46 46 Action Plan - Commitment Write a specific plan for what you will do before the next session to express God’s love in a new way. Write a specific plan for what you will do before the next session to express God’s love in a new way. What - What - Who - Who - When - When - Where - Where -

47 47 Action Plan - Commitment Write a specific plan for what you will do before the next session to express God’s love in a new way. Write a specific plan for what you will do before the next session to express God’s love in a new way. What - Take flowers to sick neighbor What - Take flowers to sick neighbor Who - Olivetta Who - Olivetta When - Tomorrow When - Tomorrow Where - Olivetta’s house Where - Olivetta’s house

48 48 Application Share your application plan with another participant and pray for each other.

49 The Irreducible Minimum Trainer Name Ministry

50 50 Irreducible Minimum Review Content Content What does scripture say is the irreducible minimum of God’s love?What does scripture say is the irreducible minimum of God’s love? How does this relate to loving God?How does this relate to loving God? Application Application

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