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“Proclaiming and serving Christ in our community and the wider world. Showing the love of God and Encouraging each other to follow Jesus”

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Presentation on theme: "“Proclaiming and serving Christ in our community and the wider world. Showing the love of God and Encouraging each other to follow Jesus”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Proclaiming and serving Christ in our community and the wider world. Showing the love of God and Encouraging each other to follow Jesus”

2 Key Verses: Chapter 1 v 18 “The important thing is....Christ is preached” [PROCLAIMING CHRIST]

3 Key Verses: Chapter 2 v 4 “Each should look.... also to the interests of others” [SERVING CHRIST]

4 Key Verses: Chapter 3 v 20 “...our citizenship is in Heaven” [SHOWING THE LOVE OF GOD]

5 Key Verses: Chapter 4 v 13 “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” [ENCOURAGING EACH OTHER TO FOLLOW JESUS]

6 7 clues to Encouraging each other..... 1) Agreeing in the Lord (v2)

7 7 clues to Encouraging each other..... 2) Helping one another (v3)

8 7 clues to Encouraging each other..... 3) Rejoicing in the Lord (v4)

9 7 clues to Encouraging each other..... 4) Being Gentle (v5)

10 7 clues to Encouraging each other..... 5) NOT being Anxious (v6)

11 7 clues to Encouraging each other..... 6) Praying (v6)

12 7 clues to Encouraging each other..... 7) Feeding the mind well (v8)

13 Agreeing, Helping, Rejoicing, being Gentle, not being Anxious, Praying + Healthy Thinking = God’s Peace (v7,9b)

14 7 practical suggestions to Encourage each other.... 1) House-Groups

15 7 practical suggestions to Encourage each other.... 2) Personal Communication

16 7 practical suggestions to Encourage each other.... 3) Recommend Books etc

17 7 practical suggestions to Encourage each other.... 4) Show Hospitality

18 7 practical suggestions to Encourage each other.... 5) Share Testimony

19 7 practical suggestions to Encourage each other.... 6) Pray for one another

20 7 practical suggestions to Encourage each other.... 7) Be Creative!

21 1) House-Groups 2) Personal Communication 3) Recommend Books etc 4) Show Hospitality 5) Share Testimony 6) Pray for one another 7) Be Creative!

22 “Proclaiming and serving Christ in our community and the wider world. Showing the love of God and Encouraging each other to follow Jesus”

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