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1TM’s Philosophy Book records our explorations. We based our enquiries on pictures, books, things and people! What happens to things and people as.

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4 1TM’s Philosophy Book records our explorations. We based our enquiries on pictures, books, things and people! What happens to things and people as time gets longer?


6 the personal in the local and the global the global in the local and the personal If we can do this, our children will become learners who look for the personal in the local and the global and for the global in the local and the personal. from the centre out and back in again How can we build movement of thought from the centre out and back in again into our children’s curriculum learning?


8 AA Ann, where did Dorothy’s flowers come from ? ? ? ? They don’t grow in gardens round here. We don’t have a flower shop in Shirecliffe.

9 Hillsborough!

10 Sheffield Parkway Wholesale Market at 4.30 a.m.!

11 The Netherlands – biggest flower markets in the world!

12 95% of the UK’s cut flowers are imported Of these 77% come to us from/through the Netherlands, including all those channelled via the Dutch auctions from all over the world! Kenya

13 Kenya to the Netherlands to London to Sheffield? Carbon flower print? Fertilisation? Watering? Refrigeration? Transport?

14 KENYA Unsustainable water use? Polluted run-off? Local food shortages? Overcrowding, poor sanitation, increased poverty and disease?

15 What To Do? If you want to buy fresh cut flowers here are a few recommendations: Ask your local florists if they stock any local, greenhouse-grown flowers. Search the internet for information on how to order UK-grown organic flowers over the internet. Buy Fairtrade certified flowers, labelled with the Fairtrade logoFairtrade



18 What has this got to do with a citizen of the world?... as a member of my school? a member of my community?... as someone who lives in Britain ?... as a citizen of Sheffield?... just as me?... as a member of my family?

19 What has this got to do with a citizen of the world?... as a member of my school? a member of my community?... as someone who lives in Britain ?... as a citizen of Sheffield?... just as me?... as a member of my family?


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