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Presentation on theme: "LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT with related laws, practices and trends Jenalyn A. Pancho-Nacar, RL DIVISION ORIENTATION-SEMINAR FOR TEACHER-LIBRARIANS."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT with related laws, practices and trends Jenalyn A. Pancho-Nacar, RL DIVISION ORIENTATION-SEMINAR FOR TEACHER-LIBRARIANS DepED Office Training Center, Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon May 02-03, 2013

2 Objectives: 1.Relate management theory to the management of school libraries. 2.Analyze the context of school library media services in an environmental scan of a specific community and the school. 3.Conduct a needs assessment of the facilities, staffing, collection and access to information, instructional program. 4. Develop and write a strategic plan for the school library, including vision and mission statements, goals and objectives, and an action plan.


4 Planning, that is working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise; Organizing, that is the establishment of the formal structure of authority through which work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and co-ordinated for the defined objective; Staffing, that is the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favorable conditions of work;

5 Directing, that is the continuous task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader of the enterprise; Co-Ordinating, that is the all important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work; Reporting, that is keeping those to whom the executive is responsible informed as to what is going on, which thus includes keeping himself and his subordinates informed through records, research, and inspection; Budgeting, with all that goes with budgeting in the form of planning, accounting and control.

6 Strategic Planning Needs Assessment of the community and school, including: a.Demographic description of school and community b.Established educational program articulated in the curriculum c.Mission statements, goals and objectives of the school

7 Strategic Planning Managing the basic elements of school library programs in the cultural context of schools. a.Instructional Services b.Staffing and Administration c.Collection and Access to Information d.Facilities and Technology e.Budget and Advocacy f.Evaluation of School Library Media Programs

8 Vision and Mission Statements Mission statement identifies your long- term support of the mission of the school. Vision statement identifies who will be affected and why it is important.

9 FLMS Library Mission Statement: The Mission of the Fort Lupton Middle School Library is to create a mecca of learning and literacy in the school which improves student achievement and prepare them for 21 st century success. Our goal is to empower students to be enthusiastic readers that think critically cultivating the students’ ability to adapt in a changing world; becoming life-long learners who are productive, responsible, ethical and safe users of information in society.

10 The Mission of the School Library The school library offers learning services, books and resources that enable all members of the school community to become critical thinkers and effective users of information in all formats and media. School Libraries link to the wider library and information network in accord with the principles in the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto. UNESCO/IFLA School Library Manifesto

11 Goals and Objectives These are the ultimate aims and steps to achieve a dynamic program. Goals are broad statements that envision where the library media program will go over the long term. They flow from the vision and mission statements. The objectives are the steps that need to be taken to reach the goal.

12 Goals of the School Library The school library is integral to the educational process. The school library fulfills these functions by developing policies and services, selecting and acquiring resources, providing physical and intellectual access to appropriate sources of information, providing instructional facilities, and employing trained staff. UNESCO/IFLA School Library Manifesto

13 Objectives begins with an action verb and must be measurable Formulate Produce Select Prepare Create Write Identify Differentiate Classify Analyze Discuss Solve Evaluate Explain Predict Compare Design Define

14 Action Planning Provides a step-by-step guide that measures and documents the school library media center’s progress toward its goals. These are updated yearly. PRESENT FUTURE (Vision/Goals) Objectives

15 Evaluation How far have you come? What is left to be done? How do we continue to move forward? LIBRARY COLLECTION STAFFFACILITIES SATISFIED USERS SERVICES FEEDBACK

16 ASSURE-ing Your Collection ASSURE Model –Analyze learners –State learning objectives –Select methods, media, and materials –Utilize methods, media, and materials –Require learner participation –Evaluate and revise

17 ASSURE Adapted to Collection Management Analyze users State collection objectives Select methods, media, materials, or format Utilize selection and deselection methods, media, materials or format Recruit library participation Evaluate and revise regularly

18 A balanced collection: Books Magazines Newspapers Graphic Novels Comics Talking books CDs and DVDs eBooks Databases Websites Games

19 Exciting Activities for the School Library A treasure hunt with clues hidden on certain pages of different books Book Character Parade Library Book Fair Storytelling Dewey Decimal Game Get Caught Reading Book Clubs

20 Trends in School Librarianship

21 Useful Websites for Teacher-Librarians

22 Related Laws UNESCO/IFLA School Library Manifesto R. A. 9246 DECS Order No. 6 s 1998 Standards for Philippine Libraries –DepED Order No. 56 s 2011

23 Activity 1 Community and School Environmental Scan –Describe the community and school which the library media center serves.

24 Activity 2 Needs Assessment and Action Plan for the School Library –Describe the current situation of your library and conduct a needs assessment, including: Instructional Program Collection/Access to information Staffing Facilities Budget and Advocacy

25 Set mission, vision, goals and objectives to address weaknesses in the library and its program and develop an action plan to implement the objectives in a three year sequence. Present the action plan


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