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GET CONTROL! Avoid The Headache… Five Simple Steps to a Safer Computer – NUIT Tech Talk.

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Presentation on theme: "GET CONTROL! Avoid The Headache… Five Simple Steps to a Safer Computer – NUIT Tech Talk."— Presentation transcript:

1 GET CONTROL! Avoid The Headache… Five Simple Steps to a Safer Computer – NUIT Tech Talk

2 Agenda Get Control Web site 5 steps to secure your computer: –Virus protection –Software updates –Password security –Spyware detection –Firewall protection Other Security concerns & resources

3 Get Control on the Web OR and click on Computer & Network Security

4 Viruses: Disguised programming code that causes unexpected or undesirable events. Often self-replicate, spread to other users Can be destructive, alter & destroy files Can execute immediately/on specific date Many exploit user’s address books Step 1: Virus protection

5 How do you get infected? File sharing software Weak password “Worm” via Unpatched OS File sent via e-mail or instant messenger

6 Step 1: Virus protection FREE Symantec AntiVirus software Mac & PC-compatible To download, visit:  Computer & Network Security  “Download Symantec/Norton AntiVirus software”

7 Step 1: Virus protection Keep virus definitions updated Run a scan once a week Don't open unexpected attachments Always scan files you receive from others Turn your Macro security to High in MS Office applications

8 Step 1: Virus protection A word on junk e-mail & viruses Subject lines & social engineering E-mail viruses more common now Both may appear to come from known and trusted e-mail addresses Poor grammar, strange attachments

9 Viruses: Think you have one? Check the Get Control Web site Consult your UNITS rep/local tech Check virus hoax Web sites Call 847-491-HELP (4357)

10 Windows Update Microsoft Office updated Baseline Security Analyzer (ask your local tech support) tools/mbsahome.mspx Step 2: Software updates

11 Mac OS X: Updates are available Software updates: System Preferences  Software Update (set to run automatically) Office security updates:

12 Step 2: Software updates Don’t forget to update other apps, especially those that connect to the Internet: Eudora & other e-mail software Firefox & other Web browsers Spybot – Search & Destroy & other anti-spyware software Security alerts and patches and version updates can be found on the software company’s Web site

13 Step 3: Password security Strong system password/phrase –As long as possible (8+ characters) –Use symbols: %^*.,! –E.g., “w.ld!*c,at5” (NOT “wildcat”) It only takes a few seconds to crack a short, alphanumeric password Don’t leave Administrator account passwords blank Change passwords routinely

14 Step 4: Spyware detection What is spyware? –Any type of technology that collects and transmits information about a person or their browsing, often for advertising purposes

15 Malware maliciously attacks your computer or is used for illegal purposes. Includes so-called key loggers that record everything from passwords to credit card numbers. Adware collects information about your browsing habits, geographic location, and possibly the contents of your computer. Adware is usually legal. The two major “flavors” of spyware Step 4: Spyware detection

16 Installed without your knowledge Bundled with software you install Shareware/freeware programs File sharing programs May not work if spyware removed Spyware-esque tracking cookies are picked up from Web sites; often unsavory ones! Spyware can be very difficult to remove

17 Step 4: Spyware detection Suspicious behavior: Machine running very slowly Lots of unfamiliar programs in Windows Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) Unusual Web browser activity Contact local tech support if you see anything strange Don’t try to manually remove any components yourself

18 Step 4: Spyware detection Spyware removal Spybot - Search & Free for University & home use Has updates just like antivirus program Scans computer for known spyware Backs up files it removes

19 Spybot – Search & Destroy

20 Step 5: Firewall protection Protects your PC from unauthorized access by an individual (hacker) or a program Enables you to specify which network ports (“doors”) are open Mac OS X & Windows XP* have built-in (native) firewalls –* Built-in to Windows XP Professional and XP Home SP2

21 Step 5: Firewall protection Once it’s up, keep it up! XP firewall prompts you if a new program wants access You can also configure manually:

22 Step 5: Firewall protection Manual configuration of Mac OS X firewall

23 Other Security Concerns “Phishing” scams Identity theft Junk e-mail Illegal file sharing and copyright violation Online harassment See the Get Control Web

24 Virus resources (Symantec Security Response) (Computer Virus Protection at Northwestern) (F-Secure Corporation) (Virus Bulletin) (Computer Emergency Response Team at Carnegie Mellon University)

25 Privacy & Security  NUIT Computer Usage Policies & Guidelines   Edit Your Directory Information   Security and Privacy for Home users 

26 Questions? Don’t forget to visit the Get Control Web Site!

27 Next Tech Talk Safe Keeping An introduction to backing up your information Backup, archiving, and more! Date: TBA (see our Web site for details) Same locations, Noon – 1 p.m. Please register online:

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