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NYS Farmers Market Wireless EBT Program. 2010 EBT Program eFunds Corporation Verifone v610 terminal –Verizon Digital service –24 hour technical support.

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Presentation on theme: "NYS Farmers Market Wireless EBT Program. 2010 EBT Program eFunds Corporation Verifone v610 terminal –Verizon Digital service –24 hour technical support."— Presentation transcript:

1 NYS Farmers Market Wireless EBT Program

2 2010 EBT Program eFunds Corporation Verifone v610 terminal –Verizon Digital service –24 hour technical support –eFunds training on terminal usage Signed market agreement Signed farmer agreements Issuance/redemption logs

3 Pricing structure Monthly wireless fee - $35 EBT transaction fee – 4¢ each Monthly fees debited directly from checking account Bounced check fee - $25

4 EBT Token $1 value Serialized, market specific No change given Valid only on food stamp authorized products Redeemable back through market manager Market responsible for all lost or stolen tokens if farmers redeem them

5 Federation Responsibility Provide wireless terminal Provide 1000 wooden EBT tokens, serialized, market specific Provide signage – market banner, farmer acceptance signs Provide media kit Reimburse monthly wireless fees and EBT transaction fees Liaison with eFunds Corporation, USDA FNS, NYS OTDA

6 Day Before Market Have signed farmer agreements on hand and copies with the Federation. Charge terminal battery. Count out enough tokens to accommodate sales for the next day. Be sure to have an adequate supply of receipt paper for the days sales.

7 Day of Market, before opening: Erect EBT banner at market manager or EBT booth to let customers know where they can purchase EBT tokens with their food stamp benefits. Be sure all eligible farmers have their Tokens Accepted here signs displayed.

8 During Market Have someone on hand with the EBT terminal at all times to perform EBT transactions. As sales of EBT tokens are made, keep the first transaction receipt for market records and the customer receipt is given to the customer. Although there is no expiration date on tokens and they can be kept from week to week, EBT customers are permitted to return unused tokens for a refund to their EBT account.

9 End of Market Day Batch out the terminal to transfer all transaction in the terminal, through the wireless network, to the market checking account. Reconcile batch report with the receipts obtained from each individual sale. Record batch total on Daily Summary Issuance Log. Redeem tokens from farmers and vendors, recording redemptions on Daily Redemption Log. Issue checks from last weeks redemptions. Complete the payment section of the EBT Redemption Log.

10 Working with your new terminal Three year warranty No need for seasonal closure with EBT only terminals Battery charge is 3-4 hours Power terminal down between sales If available, terminal can be operated while plugged in Let battery fully discharge periodically, then recharge Protect against dampness Remove battery if not being used for several days Paper rolls are single ply, thermal paper roll, 57 millimeters (2.24 inches) wide 24 Hour Help Desk - 1-800-737-5834

11 Farmers Market Wireless EBT Program EBT Daily Summary Issuance Log Market: ____________________________ EBT Manager: _______________________ Market Date Daily Total Issued Total Returned by Customer Total Redeemed by Farmers Season Total $ -

12 Farmers Market Wireless EBT Program Farmer Redemption Log List all farmers Date Redeemed $ RedemptionsCk # Date Paid Date Redeemed $ RedemptionsCk # Date Paid Total Redemptions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 Terminal Options Additional battery - $75 Carrying Case - $40 Recommend a vinyl cooler or fishing tackle box to protect terminal. All options are markets expense

14 EBT Incentive Waiver Complete contact Information for Incentive Program Administrator(s): Source(s) of Funding – Describe or Attach Copy of Agreement Showing: –Name of Organization –Funding Amount –Time Period Covered (start and end dates) If Report Required by Funder, Agree to Provide Copy to the State EBT Office at the Same Time Market Information: –Name(s) and Location(s) of Prospective Markets or distribution points (even if not yet authorized by FNS)

15 EBT Incentive Waiver Short Description of Incentive Project Operation - Include the Following Information: Proposed Distribution Method –Type (e.g., pre-packaged produce at reduced rates, bonus coupons, special tokens, scrip, etc.) –Dollar denomination(s) of incentives –If incentive issued as tokens or scrip, describe how they will be differentiated from regular SNAP tokens or scrip Frequency and Limitations of Distribution –Description of what comes in reduced-rate packages or can be purchased with incentive (e.g., only fresh produce, all SNAP-eligible items, etc.) –Matching ratio (e.g., dollar for dollar, $2 for every $5, $20 package for $6, etc.) –Minimum purchase required to get incentive –Maximum frequency and value (e.g., $5 incentive for each transaction, $15 per week, one package per month, etc.) Send request to Farmers Market Federation for processing

16 Debit/Credit Program Central terminal market system Visa and Mastercard Opportunity to reach additional consumers, adding sales potential to farmers Second token helps create a new economy in the market building retail excitement Second token reduces stigma for EBT token users

17 Debit/Credit Token $5 token Serialized, market specific Full color for easy recognition by farmers Change can be given No limitations on its usage Redeemable back through market manager Cost of tokens is markets responsibility

18 Fee Structure Discount fee - 1.75% Mid and Non- qualified are higher Transaction fee - 22¢ each Debit transaction fee - 40¢ Daily batch fee - 30¢ Minimum monthly fee - $15 per terminal Chargeback fee - $17.75 Fees are NOT reimbursable by the Federation Seasonal closure required to suspend minimum fees. –Fees are subject to change

19 Additional Fees I Payment Access Service –Online statement –$9.95 per month –Can opt out by calling number on statement Annual PCI Compliance Fee –$139 mandatory fee - October Early Closure Fee –$350 before first year anniversary –$100 betw first and second year –No charge after second year

20 Fee Recovery Fees are charged back to the farmer when tokens are redeemed. To fully recover charges, farmer redemptions will be charged 25¢ per token –Farmer receives $4.75 per $5 token As sales are made, the discount fees are applied against the minimum fee.

21 Farmers Market Wireless EBT Program Db/Cr Transaction Log Time ofIssuanceBalance Transaction# tokens opening bal 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total0 Value $ - Customer returns Farmer Redemptions End Inventory0

22 Farmers Market Wireless EBT Program Db/Cr Redemption Log List al farmersDate Redeemed # Tokens Redeemed Value of Tokens RedeemedDiscount $ Total paid to FarmerCk # Date Paid Total Redemptio ns $ - Market: Debit/Credit Redemption Log

23 Media Kits Materials for promoting all facets of the NYS Farmers Market Wireless EBT Program Instructions in best usage of materials and how to get the most media support for your market. Copies are being given to each county Cornell Cooperative Extension office Best to reach out to community partners to assist in using materials and promoting the programs.

24 Poster English and Spanish EBT only EBT/Debit/Credit PDF or Word Doc To ad your market information –Using word doc version - add with a text box in the blue section, no fill, no line –Printer may add information using pdf file for higher resolution

25 Consumer Brochure

26 Print Ads ¼ Page Size

27 Additional Materials on CD Press Releases –EBT Only –EBT/Debit/Credit Instructional guide on how best to use the media kit

28 Signage Banner for display at EBT manager booth Farmer signs –We Gladly Accept Tokens Farmer instructions –How to accept/redeem tokens

29 Consumer oriented –How to use food stamp benefits and farmers markets –Locations of EBT markets –Recipes, hints and tips for using fresh produce –Resources for finding services Service provider guide and brochure

30 Just Say Yes to Fruits & Vegetables Advance notice is required for scheduling and food preparation permits (60 days prior to the event). Scheduling is done through our central office and subject to availability. Consider the following: Will there be 50 or more people in attendance at my event? Is the event intended to serve low income neighborhoods and/or food stamp populations? Is there adequate parking for the truck? (The truck is 25 foot long, 12 foot high and 7 foot wide!) Anna Ficorelli, Southern Tier Region (518) 408-0407

31 Just Say Yes to Fruits & Vegetables – Regional Offices Western Region Erin Burch NYC Region 1 (Kings, Richmond) Jennifer Horan NYC Region 2 (Manhattan, Queens) Brooke Loewenstein Southern Tier Region Anna Ficorelli Rochester Area Leslie Elliott Long Island Region Dana John-Goodrich Westchester Region Cara Cox Central Region Roseanne Jones

32 Just Say Yes to Fruits & Vegetables – Regional Offices Northeastern Region 1 (Albany, Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Otsego) Kerry Leary Northeastern Region 2 (Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster) Julie Tresco Administrative Coordinator Janis Graziano All contact phone numbers: 518-408-0407

33 Questions? My contact: Diane Eggert 315-637-4690

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