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200 400 200 400 600 800 1000 800 1000 Paradigms & Socialization Sociological Imagination Statuses & Roles DevianceIsms.

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2 200 400 200 400 600 800 1000 800 1000 Paradigms & Socialization Sociological Imagination Statuses & Roles DevianceIsms

3 The view that society is not really harmonious but is made up of groups in competition for resources

4 What is conflict paradigm?

5 This theory examine society on a micro level and focuses on how people read symbols and deal with their statuses (i.e. master status)

6 What is a symbolic interaction?

7 A process by which individuals acquire cultural competency and lasts for a person’s entire life

8 What is socialization?

9 A student who is tracked into a lower track at school and then decides that school doesn’t matter and starts a life of crime is committing…

10 What is secondary deviance?

11 In “Who Rules America” Domhoff shows what the rich do to help them and their children stay rich. The process is called…

12 What is social reproduction?

13 Considering the historical and individual context that shapes and explains behaviors

14 What is sociological imagination?

15 True or False: A sociologist looking at “why college students text during class?” using the sociological imagination would ask about how texting makes the professor feel

16 What is False?

17 True or false: If we were examining why Amy and Brandon got divorced in 2013 we would ask “how has the institution of family been affected by changes in the institution of economy?”

18 What is True?

19 Lucal applies the sociological imagination to this part of her own life

20 What is gender?

21 Working to enter research as more than an observer is called becoming a

22 What is a complete participant?

23 The status that others deem most telling about an individual

24 What is master status?

25 A man rejected from an education program because the admissions committee deems him nurturing enough because he is a man is rejected because of his

26 What is ascribed status?

27 A relationship based on an emotional connection without a specific goal in mind

28 What is gemeinschaft?

29 According to Lorber, individuals are born ____ but NOT ______; they are taught masculine and feminine over time

30 What is sexed; gendered?

31 True or false: Our sociology class is a primary group

32 What is false?

33 Kissing in public and having a hamburger for breakfast are violations of

34 What are folkways?

35 A drug dealer embodies this following response to anomie

36 What is innovation?

37 At a dinner party Albert drank too much and then drove home. This is most accurately a breach of

38 What is a more?

39 Child molestation and female infanticide are examples of

40 What is a taboo?

41 Groups that have beliefs, values or use material culture in ways that set them apart from larger (parent) culture

42 What is a counter culture?

43 The difference between prejudice and discrimination is that prejudice involves_______ and discrimination involves ____________

44 What are attitudes; behaviors?

45 If you went to a nightclub and saw a black woman dancing and said to your friend, “see, I told you black people can dance” it would be an example of

46 What is prejudice?

47 Mary hates men and goes out of her way to avoid them. True or false: this is reverse sexism.

48 What is false?

49 Driving to a white suburb to go to the grocery store rather than shopping in St. Paul is an example of

50 What is avoidance?

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