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Horticulture Science Unit A Horticulture CD Growing Media, Nutrients, & Fertilizers Problem Area 4.

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2 Horticulture Science Unit A Horticulture CD

3 Growing Media, Nutrients, & Fertilizers Problem Area 4

4 Understanding Properties of Growing Media Lesson 1 Vermiculite>>>>>

5 Interest Approach What makes a great basketball team? 5 or more members that work well together. At least 1 who can score points from 20’ +. At least 1 who can be used inside the key. 1 or more who can control the ball. 1 or more to push the ball inside. Each player has their strengths!

6 Interest Approach What makes a great growing medium? Several components that work well together 1 or more that hold water. 1 or more that hold air. 1 or more sources of nutrients. 1 or more to help defend against pest. –Components that are sterilized.

7 Interest Approach Which Makes the Best Growing Medium? Sand Peat Moss Field Soil Vermiculite Pearlite Water Gravel

8 Student Objectives By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: 1. Identify the types of growing media. 2. Describe the functions of growing media. 3. Explain the relationship between growing media and plant growth.

9 TERMS Aeration – the presence of air Growing medium – material used for plant growth Hydroponics – growing plants w/o “soil” Leach – to remove by percolation Pore spaces – voids for water or air holding Soil – outer layer of the earth suitable for plants Soilless medium – sterile product/s used for plants

10 What are the types of growing media used in floriculture production? Is “soil” used? Soil – the earth’s outer crust is full of life! –Bacteria –Fungi –Invertebrates

11 What are the negatives of using “SOIL” for containers? Unknown history of: –Pesticides –pH –Fertility level High shrink / swell –Soil shrinks as it dries – forming cracks Higher disease probability

12 So what media should you use? Sand?Dries to quickly. Peat moss?Dries to slowly. Coir?Hard to get wetted. Water?To little air. Pearlite?To much air. Vermiculite?Pricey. Potting soil mixes? Just right.

13 The 3 basic types of media! Soil – natural layer of the earth that supports life. Soilless – any material for growing plants not containing topsoil. Hydroponics – plants grown primarily in nutrient solution.

14 What are the functions of the growing media? Must provide AIR. Must provide WATER. Must provide Nutrients. Must provide ANCHORE / SUPPORT.

15 What effect does growing media have on plant growth? Supplying Nutrients Some media cannot hold essential elements for plants. Nutrients are leached out to rapidly. Stressed plants are prone to disease and insect damage – increasing loss. Reduced growth = lower returns

16 What effect does growing media have on plant growth? Supplying Air As air is reduced, plant stress increases. Roots need oxygen and water – both in moderation. Increasing stress increases pest susceptibility and profit loss

17 Necrotic line patterns in the foliage of a cyclamen affected by impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus (INSV).

18 What effect does growing media have on plant growth? Uniformity Large scale production demands that all plants perform equally. This is only possible if all plants get equal inputs from a uniform media.

19 Review

20 What are the 3 types of media? Soil –define Soilless –define Hydroponics –define

21 What are the functions of growing media? Supply Air. –Why? Supply water. –Why? Supply nutrients. –Why? Supply support / anchor. –Why?

22 Why is it important for media to: Supply nutrients? Increase healthy plants,growth and returns. Supply air? Reduce diseases and increase profit. Supply uniformity? Plant schedules require uniform plant growth!

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