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In sanskrit, pragati means progress. Project management tools market When 31% of the projects failed in 1994, only 15% failed in 2002. Total cost of financial.

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Presentation on theme: "In sanskrit, pragati means progress. Project management tools market When 31% of the projects failed in 1994, only 15% failed in 2002. Total cost of financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 in sanskrit, pragati means progress

2 Project management tools market When 31% of the projects failed in 1994, only 15% failed in 2002. Total cost of financial waste and budget overruns from challenged and failed projects is down. When $140 billion was wasted out of $250 billion spent in 1994, only $55 billion out of $255 billion was wasted in 2002. - Standish group chaos chronicles 2002.

3 PM tools growth in last 5 years 5202005 3902004 4202003 3502002 250 million USDYear 2001 Gartner – DQ

4 Opportunities Top 10 Reasons Projects Fail 1) Inadequately trained and /or inexperienced project managers 2) Failure to set and manage expectations 3) Poor leadership at any and all levels 4) Failure to adequately identify, document and track requirements 5) Poor plans and planning processes 6) Poor effort estimation 7) Cultural and ethical misalignment 8) Misalignment between the project team and the business or other organizations it serves 9) Inadequate or misused methods 10) Inadequate communication, including progress tracking and reporting source -

5 What is pragati? A software process engineering tool binding together project management and software engineering practices

6 features integration to back end data bases like mysql and oracle integration to bugzilla (prototyping) integration to Remedy (a typical defect management system) very powerful graphical reporting blog facility capture lessons

7 features Project definition –Project master info –Estimation (wide band delphi implementation) –Work break down structure Personalization –My projects –My Tasks

8 features Work break down structure –WBS creation –WBS generation (planned) –WBS inheritance (planned) Effort data capture - planned Vs actual Vs remaining Schedule tracking – Planned / revised / actual start – end – Planned effort – Actual effort –Earned value – Prototyping

9 features Effort / Schedule / Defect based charts Risk management Requirements management (planned) Review management Integration to a scheduling engine taskjuggler (suse) - planned

10 Screen shots

11 my projects

12 effort management

13 risk management



16 review management


18 Reports

19 reports

20 Pragati Architecture

21 technology agenda Briefs on technologies used in Architecting the System Architectural Diagram of the System Insight into the System

22 technologies used Turbine as an overall Framework Velocity, for front end SVG in XML, for representing graphs Java, for implementing business logic Torque, for database abstraction LDAP for authentication MySQL, as backend

23 t urbine framework S ervlet based, web application framework works completely on object oriented principles allows to develop scalable, robust, maintenance ease, complex secure web applications quickly. event based Action handling ACL based security system that uses Roles and permissions logging to a file facility

24 t urbine framework Integration with JavaMail other services like Scheduler Service Intake Service Cache Service Pull Service XSLT Service Security Service Upload Service

25 Velocity/SVG Velocity –Velocity is a java-based template engine –It permits you to adopt MVC model. –It separates Java code from web page, permits web page designer to reference methods defined in Java code SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) –A language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML –It allows for three types of graphic objects: vector graphic shapes, images and text.

26 torque Torque is a database access layer, using which makes application independent of database Supports following RDBMS –MSAccess –DB2 –MS SQL –Oracle –MySQL –Postgres –Sybase etc Torque uses a single XML database schema to generate the SQL for target database.

27 Pragati Architecture HTML/ vm DB Interface/Engine (Torque, a persistent layer) eDir TCD B Execute Turbine Servlet  Execute Page XML Gateway DB Synchroni zer Email Servic e Email Server Client Presentation HTTP Client Request / Response Turbine Framework (for Web Application Development) Web Server (Apache) Authentication Module Logging Service Schedule r Service Excepti on Handle r Datab ase Mana ger Import_Exp ort Module Configuratio n Module File System SEP T REM EDY DB Driver LDAP DB Driver SMTP Relational Database: MySQL Velocity Template Engine is used for Page Designing Backend Server Presentation Data Retrieval Request Invoked Periodically HTTPServlet

28 Pragati and future a framework for integrating the project management and software engineering “one-stop” information store for projects – team, tasks, milestones, schedule, effort, defects and so on... forecasting and tracking Showcase / repository of best practices within the organization

29 Pragati & Open Source a stepping stone in understanding the real world Software engineering practices – on both technology and processes evolving the “best-in-class” project management tool by pooling the experience of the community wrapper or an umbrella system for various similar efforts on Project Management tools – like taskjuggler

30 Pragati & Open Source An open source tool built on open source products and components for usage by the open source community by promoting open source paradigm! "In India, open source code software will have to come and stay in a big way for the benefit of our billion people." -- Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, President of India, May 28, 2003

31 How to participate…. email


33 Thank you….

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