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UGANDA.  Uganda is a country in Africa home to 35,873,253 Ugandans. The age in Uganda is typical from 1-64 years old with the median being around 15.1.

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Presentation on theme: "UGANDA.  Uganda is a country in Africa home to 35,873,253 Ugandans. The age in Uganda is typical from 1-64 years old with the median being around 15.1."— Presentation transcript:


2  Uganda is a country in Africa home to 35,873,253 Ugandans. The age in Uganda is typical from 1-64 years old with the median being around 15.1. Only 2.1 % of the population is over 65.Uganda did not achieve independence until 1962 with numerous military leaders, leading the country until 1986 when Yoweri MUSEVENI lead a regime against the violence that plagued Uganda at the time.

3 FACTS ABOUT UGANDA  The capital of Uganda is Kampala, home to about 1.5 million Ugandans.  On the northern part of Uganda is the country of Sudan where most of Uganda’s exports are sent.  To the West is the Rep. of Congo and to the east is Kenya.  On it’s southeastern border is Lake Victoria, the biggest body of water in Uganda and also the lake that the Nile ends up in.

4 FACTS ABOUT UGANDA  The country’s natural resources include fertile soils, mineral deposits of copper and cobalt, coffee, tea, cotton, and untapped reserves of crude oil and natural gas.  80% of the population is employed in agriculture.  Coffee is the leading export in Uganda although, Uganda is considered one of the poorest countries in the world.

5 ECONOMY OF UGANDA  Before 1986 and the rise of Museveni, the economy of Uganda was very unorganized suffered from it. Then after Museveni took office, things began to change. Monopolies were made illegal for coffee, cotton, power generation and telecommunications.  The government also removed the foreign exchange restrictions that lead to greater prosper for the country.  Most of the exports include Sudan 15.3%, Kenya 10.2%, Rwanda 8.5%, Democratic Republic of the Congo 7.8%, UAE 7.7%, Netherlands 6.4%, Germany 5.4%, Belgium 4.1%

6 PROBLEMS WITH UGANDA  One of the problems in Uganda and most of the African countries are diseases such as bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, malaria, plague, African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), and schistosomiasis  Also, especially in Uganda, many children are being kidnapped and forced into an army run by outlaw Joseph Kony. For this reasons most kids do not live past 20 and are forced to fighting at ages as early as 12.  Not only are things bad for children but also the economy is still suffering from it’s previous state before 1986. Hospitals are scarce and doctors are even rarer. When most of the population is dead before they are 30, kids take care of there family and often drop of school. The literacy rate is 66.8%

7 SO WHAT DO WE DO?  Since Uganda is said to have the most fertile soil in Africa, Uganda should focus on their agriculture productivity such as coffee, their main export.  Another area should be there natural resources. Uganda has not even begun to look for natural resources the land may offer in their country.  Mainly, Uganda needs help not just with a couple of things, but help with it’s entire country. The government needs to work with the people and the workforce with incentives and witness daily improvements and standards of living.  Perhaps the government should focus on improving technology and communications to improve productivity on exports to take in more money.

8 BIBLIOGRAPHY    ECONOMY.html#b  INTERNATIONAL-TRADE.html  factbook/geos/ug.html

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