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Education You must first go to a university or college and get a degree, attend medical school and graduate either as an MD this means Doctor of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Education You must first go to a university or college and get a degree, attend medical school and graduate either as an MD this means Doctor of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:


2 Education You must first go to a university or college and get a degree, attend medical school and graduate either as an MD this means Doctor of Medicine or DO this means Doctor of Osteopathy. The essential subjects that you need to know to be an orthopedic surgeon are English, biology, mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

3 What I Want To Be When I grow up I want to be an orthopedic surgeon. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical and nonsurgical means to treat musculoskeletal trauma, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders.

4 Training Being an orthopedic surgeon requires a year internship and four years of rotating through the major specialties in several hospitals to get experience in orthopedic surgery.

5 Where I’ll Work I’ll work at Beaumont when I grow up. I want to work at Beaumont because that is where my Grandma worked at for a long time. Also, that is where my sister got her eye surgeries at, so I know the doctors take good care of their patients.

6 Salary The average salary for an orthopedic surgeon is $415,000 a year.

7 Dangers Its kind of risky being an orthopedic surgeon because with one simple mistake during surgery, you could really damage someone’s bones, tendons, ligaments, etc. severely or even fatally.

8 Why Does it Interest Me? Being an orthopedic surgeon interests me because I like bones, I like watching the T.V. shows on the science or history channel when they find bones of famous old people. Bones interest me because there can be so many different sizes and shapes.

9 Who Inspired Me? My doctor inspired me to want to become an orthopedic surgeon because when I was little I broke my tibia in my right leg on a trampoline. He helped me regain strength in my leg. I’m thankful that my doctor helped with my leg or I wouldn’t be walking today. I want to help other people like he did.

10 Now You Know Now you know what I want to be when I grow up, an orthopedic surgeon. Also the education and training needed and a lot more.

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