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Biosynthesis of peptide hormones DNA (gene) Hormone.

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Presentation on theme: "Biosynthesis of peptide hormones DNA (gene) Hormone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biosynthesis of peptide hormones DNA (gene) Hormone

2 Protein secretory pathway

3 rough endoplasmic reticulum Protein secretory pathway

4 Secretory pathway rough ER

5 Signal sequences & SRP

6 SRP (signal recognition particle)

7 Multiple hormone cleavage products pro-opiomelanocortin polypeptide (POMC) ACTH  -lipotropin  -MSH  -lipotropin  -MSH CLIP  -endorphin  -MSH MET-enk

8 Steroid hormone synthesis tissues involved in steroid hormone synthesis: testosterone estradiol

9 Steroid hormone synthesis synthesis occurs in cholesterol

10 Biosynthesis of steroids cholesterol (C27)

11 Gluco- and mineralo-corticoid synthesis glucocorticoid mineralorticoid

12 Androgen & estrogen synthesis androgen estrogens

13 Vitamin D synthesis UV light liver, kidney

14 Thyroid hormone synthesis thyroid hormone synthesis forms of active thyroid hormone:

15 Thyroid hormone biosynthesis

16 Biosynthesis of eicosanoids arachidonic acid

17 Biosynthesis of eicosanoids

18 Anti-inflammatory drugs & eisosanoids thromboxaneleukotriene inflammation response phospholipase A arachidonic acid fatty acids

19 Hormone delivery endocrine: paracrine: autocrine: neuroendocrine:

20 Plasma transport of hormones

21 Hormone turnover typical half-life peptide hormones steroid & thyroid hormones

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