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Published byBathsheba Richardson Modified over 9 years ago
Electronic Properties of Coupled Quantum Dots
M.Reimer, H. J. Krenner, M. Sabathil, J. J. Finley. Walter Schottky Institut, TU München
Outline Motivation Project Objectives Introduction to quantum dots
Electronic properties of Nanostructures Quantum Wells Self Assembled quantum dots
Outline Cont’d Electronic properties of coupled quantum dots
How to model a quantum dot Electronic properties of coupled quantum dots Photocurrent Spectroscopy of single and coupled quantum dots Summary
Quantum Information Processing
Motivation wX Exciton Ground State a Rabi Oscillations have been observed for single quantum dots - Zrenner et al. Nature 418 (2002) Obtain coherent control of the two-level system via ps laser pulses State can be read by measuring a deterministic photocurrent Quantum Information Processing Target CNOT Initial State Final State Control For conditional quantum logic, two qubits are required Coupled Quantum Dots are needed Demonstrated by E.Biolatti et al. APS 85, 5647 (2000)
Project Objectives ? Project Objectives How?
Study and understand the electronic properties of coupled quantum dots Determine the coupling between these dots using vertical electric fields How? Optical techniques Photocurrent Measurements Photoluminescence Experimental Setup Single Quantum Dot Ensemble Coupled Quantum Dots PC technique successfully applied to single layer of quantum dots Stark Shifts Oscillator Strengths ?
Introduction to Quantum Dots
Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots
g0D(E) E E3D E0 E1 g2D(E) g1D(E) E00 Enm “Enlm“
Bulk ® Quantum Wells E2D E3D k=(kx,ky,kz) kxy=(kx,ky) tz tz~nm x=1 x=0
Band - j Subband - i x=0 x=1 tz~nm tz E3D k=(kx,ky,kz) Band - j
Quantum Wires and Dots Free motion Quantised Motion Dot Wire ty tz
g0D(E) E “Exyz“ Wire g1D(E) E E00 Eyz tz ty Fully Quantised
Interest in Quantum Dots
Lasers (Jth<6Acm-2) in visible and near infrared Optical data storage Optical detectors Quantum Information Processing and Cryptography “Atom-optics“ type experiemtns on man-made atoms
Requirements for Dot-Based Devices
Size DEc and DEv >> 3kBT High crystal quality Low defect density Uniformity Homogeneous electronic structure Density High areal density Bipolar-confinement Bound electron and hole states should exist for optical applications Electrically active matrix Enables electrical excitation
Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
Formed during epitaxial growth of lattice mismatched materials e.g. InAs on GaAs (7% lattice mismatch) Form due to kinetic and thermodynamic driving forces – energetically more favourable to form nanoscale clusters of InAs 1 x 1µm 10nm Some general properties Perfect crystalline structures High areal density (10-500µm-2) Strong confinement energies (100meV) Already many applications Lasers (Jth<6Acm-2) in visible and near infrared Optical data storage Optical detectors Quantum Information and Cryptography 10nm
SAQDs - Electronic Structure
z For SAQDs - z-axis confinement is generally much stronger than transverse quantisation x,y (Ez>>Exy) QD states are often approximated as a 2D Harmonic oscillator potential – Fock-Darwin states y x z x,y Orbital character of QD states similar to atomic systems The shells n=1,2,3 - often termed s,p,d,.. in comparison with atomic systems DEe0-e1~50-70meV, DEh0-h1~20-30meV, Exciton BE ~30meV Dipole allowed optical transitions Dn=0 Single X transitions observable in absorption experiment PL requires state filling spectrosopy – excitons interact QW like potential ~ HO like potential 2D state (6) n=3 (4) n=2 0D states (2) n=1 Eg+Ez Eg Eg+Ez+Exy (2) (4) (6)
Properties of Excitons in QDs
Aperture of a near field shadow mask Diffraction limited resolution of µ-PL 1 µm nm Probe the optical properties of a QD Isolation of a single Quantum Dot Emission spectroscopy Power-dependence reveals the different configurations X0 2X0
Calculation of Eigenstates - QW
2D structures – V varies only in z-direction z Separate motion and || to QW 1D Schrödinger equation along – z HH2 LH1 HH1 E1 E2 Envelope functions
Electronic Subbands
Materials Discontinuities
Materials properties (e.g. m*) change accross interface Continuity equations for envelope functions z=0 mA* mB* Wavefunction continuous Probability flux=0 (Bound states) 1 2 Both conditions satisfield by BenDaniel-Duke form of Schrödinger equation. BenDaniel Duke SE
Contributions to Total Potential
The total potential (VT(z)) in BenDaniel-Duke Schrödinger equation may have several contributions 1) Bandedge modulation 2) Electrostatic Potential 3) Coulomb Interactions (e-e, e-h) 4) Image Charges (e-varies) ewell ebarrier Additional contributions can exist in special cases e.g. due to piezo-electric charges etc
Example E0 HH0 Undoped GaAs-Al0.3Ga0.7As Quantum Well DEc~60% 1940meV
m*e~0.067mo , m*hh~0.34mo 1940meV 1500meV n=0 n=1 Infinite-well approximation reasonable for estimating E0, HH0 Better for wider wells (d>75Å) Approximation poor for excited states (n>0)
How to Model a Quantum Dot
A step by step introduction
Choose the Shape of Dot Dot shape has influence on strain and electronic structure Pyramide Lens Semiellipsoid
Enhanced lateral confinement
Choose the Alloy Profile of Dot Linear Trumpet Inverted pyramidal P.W. Fry et al., PRL 84, (2000) T. Walther et al. PRL 86 (2001) M. Migliorato et al. PR B65 (2002) Enhanced lateral confinement N. Liu et al. PRL. 84, (2001)
Define the Structure Define structure including substrate, wetting layer and QD on a finite differences grid. wetting layer QD substrate (GaAs) Resolution below 1nm
Calculate the Strain Minimization of elastic energy in continuum model. Lead to Piezo electric polarization GaAs tensile InGaAs compressive GaAs -2 -1 1 [%] -2 -1 1 2
Calculate the Potential
Solve Poisson equation. (Piezo, Pyro, electrons and holes) Conduction band profile including potential and shifts due to strain:
Calculate the Quantum States
Solve single- or multi-band (k.p) Schrödinger equation Electron wavefunctions s p p d d Hole wavefunctions
Calculation of Few-Particle States
Possible methods: Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) Configuration interaction (CI) Density functional theory (DFT) Kohn- Sham Equations DFT in local density approximation (LDA): Exchange and correlation depends on local density r(r) Binding energy for exciton in typical QD ~ 20 meV
Electronic Properties of Coupled Quantum Dots
Coupled Quantum Dots InGaAs-GaAs self assembled QD-molecules
10nm WL d=6nm 7nm Materials system, perhaps TEM / strain profile of coupled QD molecule What can be varied ? - Coupling strength (7-13nm) Growth conditions – MBE, density, high pairing probability ? InGaAs-GaAs self assembled QD-molecules Self alignment via strain field
Vertically Correlated QDs
Upper layers of dots tend to nucleate in strain field generated by lower layers Strain field extends outside buried QD 10nm Transmission Electron Micrograph of single coupled QD molecule
Potentially useful as coupled QBITs for Quantum Logic Operations
Stacking Probability 5 – vertically aligned InAs QDs d 10nm STM-image For InAs QDs in GaAs - Pairing probability ~ 1 for d<25nm Enables fabrication of coupled layers of dots and QD superlattices Potentially useful as coupled QBITs for Quantum Logic Operations
1D Model of Coupled Wells: Holes
Holes in a double well as a function of well separation 2 4 6 8 10 bonding anti-bonding Energy [eV] Well separation [nm] 20 Well 1 Well 2 width [nm] 5.0 Indium content 0.305 0.300 potential [meV] 137 135 Weak splitting due to large effective mass (mh~ 10 × me)
1D Model of Coupled Wells: Electrons
Electrons in a double well as a function of well separation 2 4 6 8 10 Energy [meV] Well separation [nm] bonding anti-bonding 100 Well 1 Well 2 width [nm] 5.0 Indium content 0.305 0.300 potential [meV] - 215 -212 Strong splitting due to small effective mass (mh~ 10 × me)
What happens in a Real Structure?
Quantum mechanical coupling Splits electron states into bonding and anti-bonding Leaves hole states almost unaffected Strain effects - Increased hydrostatic strain increases gap which leads to higher transition energies - Complicated effect on holes Coulomb interaction of electron and hole in exciton - Binding energy between direct and indirect excitons differs by ~ 20 meV
Strain has Long Range Effect
xx WL 6 nm WL
Strain Deforms Valence Band
HH-valence band 1.65 2nm 6nm 10nm 1.60 Slice through center of QD 1.55 Energy [eV] 1.50 1.45 1.40 1.35 10 20 30 40 50 60 Growth axis [nm]
Single Particle States
Electron 2 4 6 8 10 815 840 Energy (meV) QD separation (nm) upper dot lower dot anti-bonding state bonding state ~ 3 meV ~ 22 meV Quantum coupling Strain 2 4 6 8 10 -0.444 -0.436 Energy (meV) QD separation (nm) upper dot lower dot ? strain Heavy hole Quantum coupling Strain
Bonding and Anti-Bonding State
Excitonic Structure quantum coupling + strain + Coulomb interaction
anti- bonding 1.29 1.28 1.27 indirect Ex Exciton Energy [eV] bonding 1.26 Coulomb interaction [~20 meV] 1.25 direct Ex 1.24 2 4 6 8 10 Dot separation [nm]
Coupled Dots in an Electric Field
What do we Expect? Direct exciton Indirect exciton + - EL HL Dipole: Field Quadratic Stark shift Linear Energy
Single QD Layer – Stark Shift
Transitions exhibit quadratic dependence on electric field Maximum transition energy occurs for F0 Source: P W Fry et al Phys. Rev. Lett 84, 733 (2000)
Analysis of Stark Shift
Origins of quadratic and linear components of Stark Shift ? Anisotropic QD shape – e-h separation at F=0 p(F)=e.(s0+bF) DE=p.F=es0F+e bF2 Zero Field e-h separation Field Induced e-h s0 E = E0 + s0eF + ebF2 First order term provides a direct determination of s0 b Effective height of dot
Anomalous Stark Effect
QD separation 6nm QD separation 2nm 1.32 1.32 indirect direct anti-bonding bonding 1.30 1.30 1.28 1.28 single QD Exciton energy [eV] 1.26 Exciton energy [eV] 1.26 1.24 1.24 1.22 1.22 1.20 1.20 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 Applied Field [kV/cm] Applied Field [kV/cm] -60 -40 -20 20 40 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Overlapp Applied Field (kV/cm) -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Overlapp Applied Field [kV/cm]
Influence of Coupling Ground state energy e-h overlap
Progressive quenching Not observed for single layer Weak coupling Kink Strong coupling Smooth
Electronic Structure: Coupled QDMs
The electronic structure of coupled quantum dots is determined by three main effects that are all of the same order: Strain effects Quantum coupling Coulomb coupling Comparison to recent experimental results shows qualitative agreement
Photocurrent Spectroscopy
Experimental Setup Excitation source - monochromated 150W Halogen Lamp
Photocurrent measured using lock-in amplifier Low noise screened setup (<50fA) Low incident optical power density (~3mW/cm2) <<1 e-h pair per dot
Thermal activation eV Tunnelling EMISSION ABSORPTION Sample structure Operation in PL and PC regimes Ensemble measurements to obtain general properties QD-molecules embedded in n-i Schottky photodiodes Electric field dependent optical spectroscopy
What Does it Tell Us? T>200K - thermal activation faster than excitonic spontaneous lifetime All photogenerated carriers contribute to measured photocurrent PC Absorption Electronic Structure Information about excited states Oscillator strengths of the transitions Advantages over Luminescence Provides a sensitive method for measuring low noise absorption spectra Provides a direct measure of the electronic states in the single exciton regime Excited state energies can be determined (Luminescence probed the ground state) Absorption techniques give the oscillator strengths of the transitions
Photocurrent – Quantitative Measure of Absorption
QDM Photocurrent E0 Strong Stark shift Strong Stark shift
Oscillator strength Observations differ strongly from single QD layer samples Strong Stark shift Oscillator strength Observations differ strongly from single QD layer samples T=300K E0
Single Layer vs. Coupled Layer
Reverse Bias
Comparison with Theory: Transition Energies
Estimated dipole of ground state (black line): exp~ 2.1 nm theory~ 3.6 nm Stark Shift Qualitatively Similar, but off by a factor 3 Enery splittings similar ~ meV
Comparison with Theory: Oscillator Strength
Ground State quenches at higher electric fields More rapid quenching of the ground state is observed with increased distance between layers
Spacing Layer Dependence
Expect dipole to increase with increased separation
Photocurrent vs. E and T Single Layer
Carrier Escape Mechanisms
Carrier escape mechanisms – sensitive to Temperature and E-field T~5K - Tunneling escape dominates T>200K - Thermal activation dominates All absorbed carriers contribute to measured signal – PC=Absorption
Temperature Dependence: Coupled Layer
Summary In good agreement with predicted theoretical calculations!
PC technique provides a direct measurement of the absorption Ensemble of single dot layer exhibits quadratic stark shift in electric field Maximum transition energy occurs for non-zero field Behavior of coupled quantum dots strongly different Stark Shift: Qualitatively similar Energy splittings of same order ~ meV Oscillator Strength: Ground state quenches at higher electric fields More rapid quenching of the ground state is observed with increased distance between layers In good agreement with predicted theoretical calculations!
Discussion Both dots assumed to be identical – in reality, the upper dot is ~ 10% larger Further investion of theoretical modelling required Demonstrates an asymmetric curve about the crossing points
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