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CONTESTING HISTORY OPPOSING VOICES 14: Lemass: Economic Liberator or Defender of the Status Quo?

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2 CONTESTING HISTORY OPPOSING VOICES 14: Lemass: Economic Liberator or Defender of the Status Quo?

3 Lemass: Economic Liberator or Defender of the Status Quo? 1948: Feb: General election – first inter-party government formed under John A. Costello 1948: Dec.: Republic of Ireland Act passed by the Dáil 1949: April: Ireland became a Republic & left the commonwealth 1950: foundation of the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) 1951: May: General election - Fianna Fail victory 1952: Establishment of Bord Fáilte 1954: General election – second inter-party government formed 1955: Republic admitted to the United Nations

4 Lemass: Economic Liberator or Defender of the Status Quo? 1956: T. K. Whitaker appointed as Secretary to the Department of Finance 1957: General election – FF returned to power 1958: May: first draft of Whitaker’s Economic Development presented to the government 1958: July: Industrial Development (Encouragement of External Investment) Act passed 1958: Nov.: Programme for Economic Expansion presented to the Dáil 1959: June: De Valera elected President 1959: June: Seán Lemass succeeded as Taoiseach 1961: Oct.: General election – FF victory 1961: Dec.: RTE began transmissions

5 Lemass: Economic Liberator or Defender of the Status Quo? 1963: March: Terence O’Neill appointed prime minister of Northern Ireland 1963: June: John F Kennedy visited Ireland 1963: Aug.: Publication of the Second Programme for Economic Expansion 1965: Jan.: Lemass and O’Neill met in Stormont 1965: Feb.: Lemass and O’Neill met in Dublin 1965: April: General election – FF victory 1965: Dec.: Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement signed by Lemass and Harold Wilson 1966: Nov.: Lemass resigned and was replaced by Jack Lynch as Taoiseach

6 Lemass: Economic Liberator or Defender of the Status Quo? Further Reading: Bew, Paul, & Patterson, Henry, Se. Bew, Paul, & Patterson, Henry, Seán Lemass and the Making of Modern Ireland, 1945-1969 (1982). Farrell, Brian, Se. Farrell, Brian, Seán Lemass (1983). Murph. Murphy, Gary,& Girvin, Brian (eds), The Lemass Era: Politics and Society in the Ireland of Sean Lemass (2005). Savage, R., Se. Savage, R., Seán Lemass (1999).

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