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“ Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” – Steven Covey.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” – Steven Covey."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” – Steven Covey

2 _detailpage&v=Z7O8s6NgAck

3 CREATED BY: KIM FORD Book Review Presentation

4 PowerPoint Sections About the Author About the Book The Book Highlights Conclusion Furthering Your Knowledge References

5 The Author Stephen R. Covey is an internationally respected leadership authority, family expert, teacher organizational consultant, founder of the former Covey Leadership Center, and Vice Chairman of Franklin Covey Co. Dr. Covey has received the Thomas More College Medallion for continuing service to humanity, the Toastmasters International Top Speaker Award, Inc. magazine’s National Entrepreneur of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award for Entrepreneurial Leadership, and several honorary doctorates. He has also been recognized as one of Time magazine’s twenty-five most influential Americans.

6 Milestones: Over 20 million books sold (in 38 languages) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was named the #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century Authored four titles with sales exceeding one million copies each: First Things First, Principle-Centered Leadership, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Latest book, The 8th Habit, has sold nearly 400,000 copies International Man of Peace Award National Fatherhood Award (father of 9, grandfather of 44) Author of the best-selling nonfiction audio in history (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) No. 1 best-selling hardcover book on family (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families) MBA from Harvard, doctorate degree from Brigham Young University Board of directors for the Points of Light Foundations Co-founder and vice chairman of FranklinCovey, the leading global professional services firm with offices in 123 countries International Entrepreneur of the Year Award Awarded eight honorary doctorate degrees

7 Covey’s Works (7 of 85) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families The 8 th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness First Things First Principle-Centered Leadership Living the 7 Habits Everyday Greatness

8 The Leader In Me Written By: Stephen R. Covey Copyright 2008 by FranklinCovey Co. ISBN 987-4391-0326-5 Price $16.99

9 The Leader in Me is the story of a growing number of extraordinary schools, parents, and business leaders around the world who are preparing a generation of children to truly lead their own lives and meet the great challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century.

10 The best way to prepare the next generation for the future is by emphasizing the value of communication, cooperation, initiative, and unique, individual talent for nothing undermines confidence more than comparison.

11 The Leader in Me shows how easy it is to incorporate these skills into daily life. It is a timely answer to many of the challenges facing today's young people, businesses, parents, and educators and one that is perfectly matched to the global demands of the 21st Century.

12 The Highlights Begin


14 Habit 1: Be Proactive Be a responsible person Take initiative Choose appropriate actions, attitudes, and moods Do not blame others for your wrong actions Do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking

15 Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Plan ahead and set goals Do things that have meaning and make a difference Be an important part of your classroom Contribute to your school’s mission and vision Look for ways to be a good citizen

16 Habit 3: Put First Things First Spend your time on things that are most important Say “ No ” to things your should not do Set priorities Make a schedule Follow your plans Be disciplined and organized

17 Habit 4: Think Win-Win Balance courage for getting what you want with consideration for what others want Make deposits in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts When conflicts arise, look for third alternatives

18 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Listen to other people’s ideas and feelings Try to see things from their point of view Listen to others without interrupting Be confident in voicing your ideas Look people in the eye when talking

19 Habit 6: Synergize Value other people’s strengths Get along well with others, even those who are different than you Work well in groups and Learn from others Seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because you know that by teaming with others you can create better solutions than doing it alone

20 Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Physically-Take care of your body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep Emotionally-Spend time with family and friends Mentally-Learn in lots of ways and lots of places not just at school Spiritually-Take time to find meaningful ways to help others

21 Why are the 7 principles important? “This is not one more thing we have to do, this is a better way of doing what we already do”. – Birdie Norton (TISD) “The keys to the kingdom are changing hands”. – Daniel Pink Right brainers are taking over the new economy People that are able to memorize endless facts and excel as test takers are no longer what businesses need or want. Analytical skills, creativity and innovativeness are now more important than ever.

22 We only get one chance to prepare our students for a future that none of us can possibly predict. What are we going to do with that one chance? Stephen R. Covey

23 ayer_detailpage&v=oC3SuQeQ84o

24 Teachers need to know: Business leaders are needing schools to produce students to who not only have the ability to read, write and use a calculator, but who have character and are competent.

25 Qualities & Skills Employers Seek Communication skills (verbal and written) Honesty/Integrity Teamwork skills Interpersonal skills Self-motivation/Initiative Strong work ethic Analytical skills Technology skills Organizational skills Creative minds

26 PRIMARY GREATNESS Is open to everyone Integrity Work ethic Treatment of others Motives Initiative Creativity Discipline Humble Can attain secondary greatness

27 SECONDARY GREATNESS Importance placed on titles Can be attained by select few Compares one person to another Social recognition

28 IDENTITY THEFT Losing one’s spirit As children begin to grow we start to try to change the unique characteristics about them

29 Conclusions Through our research, we found the Author to be highly creditable and the book be “ ALIVE ”. It has become the cornerstone to a program that is remarkably successful and the foundation for the AB Combs Leadership Elementary School. The website associated with The Leader in Me is a resourceful tool for all teachers. We highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who cares about our educational system, our youth, and the future of America. This book will reveal the simple steps and the importance of becoming a true Leader.

30 Our Opinions of the Book This book is truly inspiring. The beauty of “The Leader in Me” is that it has universal appeal. It is not just another book geared toward teachers..……. -LaToya Smith This is a very interesting book. I found myself researching ways to implement the 7 habits into my life as a result of reading “The Leader in Me”. -Kim Ford I thought the book was very informative on the inner workings of creating a young leader. - Carlos Simmons

31 “A pivotal teacher can cement mediocrity or inspire excellence in a student regardless of what subject is being taught”. - Steven Covey

32 Learn more:

33 Study Guide us/mail/get- attachment.aspx?uid=27794181&folder=Inbox&partId =3&saveAs=The_Leader_in_Me_Study_Guide.pdf

34 The Leader In Me website:

35 FYI Sean Covey follows in his fathers footsteps: of-happy-kids/

36 Become a member of The Community me/group_members.php

37 ty/groups/leaderinme/player.php?flv=C hilds_Eyes_400&w=640&h=400 Video: Through a Child's Eyes AB Combs Leadership Elementary School VIDEO: VIEWED BY MEMBERS ONLY

38 References The leader in me bookk ……………………

39 References of websites AB Combs video below Decatur, Alabama school…also mentioned in the book Sample lesson plans and study guides on implementation of the 7 habits for multiple grade levels Activity-Guides/ Audio book and-Management/The-Leader-in-Me/29325 The New York Times: Stephen Covey’s Death herald-of-good-habits-dies-at-79.html?_r=0

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