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RM Product Update October 2009 Alexander Mabrich, PE, Msc Senior Engineering Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "RM Product Update October 2009 Alexander Mabrich, PE, Msc Senior Engineering Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 RM Product Update October 2009 Alexander Mabrich, PE, Msc Senior Engineering Consultant

2 RM Bridge V8i RM Wizards –Steel (concrete deck) –Steel (orthotropic deck) –Precast Girder Bridges –Reinforced slab –Land XML RM Draw –Automated Plans Production

3 RM Wizards

4 RM Wizards are regular data objects in the RM data file. One RM Wizard item is stored as one “parent” object: a whole bridge structure. RM Wizards will open the connection to other products (LEAP, BridgeKey) or interfaces (ISM)

5 RM Wizards For non-experienced RM user, Wizards should be understood as a “Press button” solution. For experienced RM user the situation is different: experienced user will be able to understand and manipulate generated data for his special purposes.

6 RM Wizards Wizard will automatic generate data: Structural model, Loading definition, Construction sequence Calculation of all loadings and load combination Data for design code checks Results in form of sheets, diagrams, plots and drawings. This automatic generation is following predefined rules, so user can understand his outputs.

7 RM Wizards: Configuration RM Wizards are designed as following: User can always go back to dialogs and change data again User should normally not change or manipulate wizard generated data (structure, loading etc) Instead of changing generated data, user should go to original wizard input.

8 RM Wizards: Design Codes RM Wizards are designed as following: Separate dialogs for separate design codes Currently implemented AASHTO and EUROCODE. Other design codes will follow.

9 RM Wizards: Superstructure Each superstructure has its own (specific) definition: Prestressed Girder, Reinforced Slab, Steel Girder Concrete Slab, Steel Girder Steel Deck. Although input for superstructure is specific for different bridge decks the whole input sequence is driven in similar way

10 Precast Girder

11 Reinforced Slab

12 Steel (with Concrete Slab)

13 Steel (with Orthotropic Plate)

14 RM Wizards: Substructure The sub-structure definition is common for all wizards. Drop Cap Pier, Hammerhead Pier and Wall Pier are available. Fixity of support is controlled within the wizard. Complex logic of connecting separate structural part is implemented within RM.

15 RM Wizards: Loads Self-weight, Live, Traffic, Braking and Temperature load are defined in the Wizard. Seismic loads are defined with the Response Spectrum Method. Pier settlement and bearing replacement are also considered. Creep and shrinkage effects during construction and final can be defined.

16 RM Wizards: Analysis Three different level of modeling and analysis are predicted: Beam Grillage Detailed FEM Current implementation is beam and grillage model. FEM will follow in next release.

17 RM Wizards : Future Development FEM model in Wizard Wizard Hollow box (60% finished) Piers and foundation Wizard – pre/post-tensioning Wizard for Chinese market Schedule – new GUI - Results Loading – using groups - Results

18 RM Wizards: : Future Development Special Loads 1.Allowing the user to consider other loads than standard loads of design codes. 1.Abnormal convoy 2.Accident action 3.Earth pressure 4.Ice pressure 5.Vessel collision 6.Dynamic wind action 2.Allowing defining special design combinations 1.Distinguish ordinary actions and 2.Extraordinary actions (different safety requirements) 3.Combinations for bearing design only 4.Design forces for local proof checks (e.g. lateral bending of slab)

19 RM Wizards: Future Development Construction Sequences Span by span Cantilevering techniques Precast Segmental

20 RM Wizards Demonstration

21 RM Draw Manager

22 RM Draw Manager is an automated plans generation tool inside RM Bridge. Extracts information and results from the RM Bridge Model and assembles that into user defined plan sheets. Plan sheets are CADD files in Microstation or AutoCad format (dgn, dwg). CADD 3D Models are also generated

23 23 | WWW.BENTLEY.COM RM Draw Manager: What It is Generated… General Layout –3D Model –3D Tendon –Alignment Axes –Horizontal Alignment –Vertical Alignment –Elevation view Deck –Typical Sections –Tendon Groups –Segment Sections Construction –Simulation –Camber Lines Shop Drawings –Individual Segment Sections –Segments with Rebar quantities and location

24 24 | WWW.BENTLEY.COM RM Draw Manager: Drawing Composition Production drawings will be generated based on Template Drawings. These templates indicate what and where the RM Bridge drawings will be placed into the sheets.

25 Thank you!

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