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IN THE PAST Class-exchange in Zuoz (CH) 1996 Comenius 2008- 2010 IN THE PRESENT Interview to a student who was in the USA Interview to a “Comenian”

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1 IN THE PAST Class-exchange in Zuoz (CH) 1996 Comenius 2008- 2010 IN THE PRESENT Interview to a student who was in the USA Interview to a “Comenian”

2 Class-exchange in Zuoz (CH) We interviewed Carlotta and Eleonora, two students that took part in the very first class-exchange with the Lyceum Alpinum of Zuoz organized by our school in 1995-1996… “It was long time ago...16/17 years ago. We were attending the last year at the Liceo Scientifico in Chiavenna and this was the first class-exchange ever organized by our school. Before leaving we were very curious to get to know such a famous High school: this college is actually attended by students from all over the world, most of them coming from wealthy families. So we were not going to get in touch only with Swiss students living in a nearby area, but with students from Europe, Asia, South America... CHIAVENNAZUOZ

3 …Going there meant for us to get in touch with young people "different" from us: at the end we understood that they were "normal teenagers" like us. We had the opportunity to attend some lessons and to spend some free time with them inside and outside the college (going skiing for example). Actually we were hosted in their college: we overnighted there and had meals with them. The lesson style was different from ours in Chiavenna, the food and their daily life as well, because they lived there all together and rarely went home. It was an interesting and funny experience to spend a few days in this prestigious school.”

4 The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is a boarding school in Zuoz in the Upper Engadine. The school was founded in 1904 and soon developed into a full-fledged high school, which gained an international reputation. The school currently hosts 220 boarding students, 110 of which come from more than twenty countries.


6 “We really enjoyed the trip to Czech Republic because it was an opportunity to meet foreign teenagers, to get to know other ways of thinking and traditions and to practice the English language. We visited Prague the first two days; it is a beautiful city, with a lot of monuments and shops. The last three days we went to Ostrava where we did a lot of activities with our partners from Turkey, Hungary and of course Czech republic. Besides we spent the last day touring the surrounding areas. We were very lucky to have this opportunity and the Czech people were very welcoming with us. It has been an experience that we will remember forever !” Greta, Ludovica, Matteo, Giulio, Gloria, Beatrice, Valentina

7 “ It was a great and useful experience. The people were very friendly, the sites very interesting, different from ours, but however fascinating. Even if the days were full of things to do, we would have spent more time there.” Marco, Elia, Margherita “The cities and places are rich in nature, culture and facilities. People are nice, the hospitality and the kindness that Turkish people showed us were very surprising.” Francesca, Leonardo, Elisa, Katrin “ The Comenius project was very useful, because it helped me understand that we look at the other cultures with too much distrust and that we have wrong ideas about the other countries. I went to Turkey and after this experience my perception of this country changed. Before the trip I thought that Turkish people were very closed, shy and that they didn’t feel like opening up to foreign people. I immediately changed my mind: when we arrived in Turkey, the students welcomed us in a very friendly way and they involved us in many activities. They were very kind and generous and they let us become a part of their life. We talked about many things: sports, school, music, free time, religion, politics, shared many things and had fun together. We stayed there only few days, but we became friends and I hope we will meet again. It was a wonderful experience and it convinced me to go abroad again, because I think that the knowledge of other cultures without prejudices is really important.” Paola

8 Here are some of the students’ considerations: “The project Comenius, that we did in these two years, was very interesting. We met a lot of people and got to know their culture. This project gave us the opportunity to interact with foreign students from Turkey, Hungary and Czech Republic. In my opinion our school and schools in general should more often take part in European projects like this.” “I participated in a mobility and I have to say that I lived a very beautiful exchange-holiday. The people were friendly and the places fantastic. I discovered new cultures and ways of life. I realized that this kind of project is essential, nowadays, to know the world, to improve our culture and to open our minds. All things considered I must say that this was a wonderful project and a unique opportunity to enrich my fund of experience.” “I think that the Comenius project was a useful experience: we improved cooperation and friendship. We made some Easter crafts, we did gardening, voluntary activities, we performed a play, Romeo and Juliet, and we recorded nice video clips. Some students visited the partner countries and these trips were wonderful experiences.”

9 Here are some of the teachers’ considerations: “We believe that being involved in a project like this helped our students to gain a much better insight into different European cultures, traditions and languages, and to overcome possibly existing prejudices enriching their global growth. This project allowed the students to open their minds and to use new technologies permitting them to feel an active part of the world. Moreover the participation in the partnership was a great opportunity for our students to develop their relationship with other European schools and to enhance their awareness of European citizenship. Students learnt not only how to spend their spare time effectively, but they improved their language skills, personal skills, self-confidence and motivation too” “We enjoyed and benefited from the opportunity of working with schools from other European countries very much. Cooperation and exchange had a positive impact on our pedagogical skills and motivation and increased our project management skills too.”



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