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Engagement Strategies for ESL Students

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Presentation on theme: "Engagement Strategies for ESL Students"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engagement Strategies for ESL Students
In the Social Studies Classroom Introduce selves, background

2 Check In 1) On a Post-It note, please write
Name What you know about cooperative learning 2) Place your Post-It on the smiley face continuum.  While participants are posting, observe where they’re placing their Post-Its and what they already know to draw upon throughout presentation. Kim

3 Agenda Sharing Strategies What is Cooperative Learning? (Frayer model)
Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up (SUHUPU) Timed-Pair-Share What is Cooperative Learning? (Frayer model) Review & Assessment Strategies Fan & Pick Rally Coach Quiz-Quiz-Trade Lesson Planning Lindsay

4 SUHUPU Stand Up (Push chair in) Hand Up
Pair Up with someone you don’t know Stand back-to-back and wait for further instructions Kim

5 Timed-Pair-Share 30 seconds each Name School Courses
What you hope to get out of today Lindsay

6 Partner with another pair and introduce one another.
Share partner’s name, school, courses, & hope for today Gather your belongings and sit in this group of 4 Before moving on, call on a few participants and prompt them to share what their partners said (hopes for today) (Kim)

7 Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up
Students stand up, put their hands up, and quickly find a partner. Teacher says, “_____ up, _____ up, and _____ up!” Students stand up and keep one _____ in the air until they find the _______ partner who’s not a teammate. Teacher asks a ________ or gives an assignment. Teacher provides _____ _____. _____ share using: Rally Robin Timed-Pair-Share Rally Coach Kim

8 Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up
Students stand up, put their hands up, and quickly find a partner. Teacher says, “Stand up, hand up, and pair up!” Students stand up and keep one hand in the air until they find the closest partner who’s not a teammate. Teacher asks a question or gives an assignment. Teacher provides think time. Pairs share using: Rally Robin Timed-Pair-Share Rally Coach

9 SUHUPU Management Tips
Give think time Use “Write-Pair-Share” before SUHUPU ½ students up Students stand back-to-back Discourage “magnets” Encourage “shadows” Kim

10 Partners take timed turns listening and sharing.
Timed-Pair-Share Partners take timed turns listening and sharing. Teacher announces a topic and states _____ _____ each student will have to share. Teacher provides _____ _____. In pairs, Partner A ______; Partner B _______. Partner B ________. Thank you for sharing! One thing I heard you say was… One think I learned listening to you… Partners switch roles. Lindsay

11 Partners take timed turns listening and sharing.
Timed-Pair-Share Partners take timed turns listening and sharing. Teacher announces a topic and states how long each student will have to share. Teacher provides think time. In pairs, Partner A shares; Partner B listens. Partner B responds. Thank you for sharing! One thing I heard you say was… One think I learned listening to you… Partners switch roles. Lindsay

12 Timed-Pair-Share Management Tips
* Helps ESL students acquire and use language* Provide think time/writing time State who goes first (taller, shorter, older, younger, most brothers, etc.) Model response modes Paraphrase Compliment Respond (question, comment, etc.) Use a timer Can be used standing in class or seated as team Lindsay

13 What is Cooperative Learning?
Definition a teaching strategy in which teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject Characteristics Positive Interdependence Individual Accountability Equal Participation Simultaneous Interaction Cooperative Learning Examples Timed-Pair-Share Rally Coach Fan & Pick Quiz-Quiz-Trade Step-by-step structures that fulfill PIES Non-Examples “Talk to your neighbor about…” “Check your answers with your neighbor.” Answer these questions at your table. Review vocabulary. Lindsay

14 Students play a card game to respond to questions.
Fan & Pick (4 students) Students play a card game to respond to questions. _______ __ holds question cards in a fan and says, “Pick a card, any card!” _______ __ picks a card, reads the question out loud and allows five seconds of Think Time. Student #3 _______ the question. Student #4 ________ to the answer: For right or wrong answers, Student #4 checks and then either praises or ______________. For higher-level thinking questions that have no right or wrong answer, Student #4 does not check for correctness, but _______ and paraphrases the thinking that went into the answer. 5. Students rotate roles, one person clockwise for each new round. Kim

15 Students play a card game to respond to questions.
Fan & Pick (4 students) Students play a card game to respond to questions. Student #1 holds question cards in a fan and says, “Pick a card, any card!” Student #2 picks a card, reads the question out loud and allows five seconds of Think Time. Student #3 answers the question. Student #4 responds to the answer: For right or wrong answers, Student #4 checks and then either praises or tutors/coaches. For higher-level thinking questions that have no right or wrong answer, Student #4 does not check for correctness, but praises and paraphrases the thinking that went into the answer. 5. Students rotate roles, one person clockwise for each new round. Kim

16 Fan & Pick (2 students) Student #1 fans. Student #2 picks and reads.
Student #1 answers. Student # 2 tutors or praises. Students switch roles. Kim

17 Conduct Fan & Pick at your tables to get to
know one another. Youngest player starts with #1 Roles rotate clockwise. Lindsay

18 Fan & Pick Management Tips
State who goes first Discourage magnets Encourage shadows Model & Post directions Cards prewritten or number cards matched with overhead Lindsay

19 Round Table Variations
Pair (2) Team (3-4) Oral Rally Robin Round Robin Written Rally Table Round Table Rally Coach Simultaneous Round Table text text Lindsay text text text text

20 How could you use Fan & Pick in your classroom?
2 minutes Conduct Round Robin at your table. Round Robin Present task (Lindsay) Share out one idea from each group and record on Post-It paper. (Kim)

21 Rally Robin & Round Robin
“I share, you share.” Teacher poses a problem to which there are ________ possible responses or ________. In pairs, students take turns ______ responses or solutions. “I share, you share, everyone shares.” Teacher assigns a topic or question with ______ possible answers. In teams, students respond ______, each in turn taking about the same amount of time. Kim

22 Rally Robin & Round Robin
“I share, you share.” Teacher poses a problem to which there are multiple possible responses or solutions. In pairs, students take turns stating responses or solutions. “I share, you share, everyone shares.” Teacher assigns a topic or question with multiple possible answers. In teams, students respond orally, each in turn taking about the same amount of time. Kim

23 Partners take turns, one solving a problem while the other coaches.
Rally Coach Partners take turns, one solving a problem while the other coaches. Set-up: One set of high-consensus problems and one pencil per pair. Partner A solves the first _______. Partner B watches and listens, ______, and praises. Partner B ______ the problem. Partner A watches and listens, checks, and _______. Repeat starting at _____ __. Lindsay

24 Partners take turns, one solving a problem while the other coaches.
Rally Coach Partners take turns, one solving a problem while the other coaches. Set-up: One set of high-consensus problems and one pencil per pair. Partner A solves the first problem. Partner B watches and listens, checks, and praises. Partner B solves the problem. Partner A watches and listens, checks, and praises. Repeat starting at step 1. Lindsay

25 Rally Coach DIRECTIONS: Label each statement with a + if the vocabulary word is used correctly or a – if the vocabulary word is used incorrectly. Example: The state of Texas produces many goods, such as oil, beef, concrete, and computer chips. 2. Many countries export these goods from Texas. Lindsay & Kim

26 How did it go? Directions The Activity Lindsay & Kim

27 Rally Coach Management Tips
Model Coaching can be hinting or teaching 1 paper per pair 1 pencil per pair, or different colors Sit side-by-side Debrief with students what worked Use it as guided practice before independent practice Use it as a homework check before selecting examples to model Lindsay

28 2 minutes: Rally Table w/ shoulder partner ways to use Rally Coach
General Applications Vocabulary Maps Timelines Fill-in-blank worksheet T/F worksheet Steps in a process Charts & graphs Practice TAKS questions Specific Content Share ideas and post on Chart Paper (Kim)

29 Quiz-Quiz-Trade Students quiz a partner, get quizzed by a partner, and then trade cards to repeat the process with a new partner. Stand Up- _____ __- Pair Up. Partner A _______. Partner B _______. Partner A ______ or ___________. ______ roles. Partners _____ cards. ______ steps 1-6 a number of times. Kim

30 Quiz-Quiz-Trade Students quiz a partner, get quizzed by a partner, and then trade cards to repeat the process with a new partner. Stand Up- Hand Up- Pair Up. Partner A quizzes. Partner B answers. Partner A checks or paraphrases. Switch roles. Partners trade cards. Repeat steps 1-6 a number of times. Kim

31 Principles of Constitution Quiz-Quiz-Trade
Model with cards (Kim)

32 Quiz-Quiz-Trade Management Tips
Model movement and praise Decide who goes first ½ class up Students write answer before first round or provide answer on cards Get a pack of index cards and # 1-20 List Qs on overhead Lindsay

33 Lesson Planning Where can I incorporate ONE of the engagement strategies we learned and practiced today? What questions will I ask/prompts will I use? What tools do I need to organize or create? Lindsay & Kim

34 Check Out Move your Post-It to your new level of comfort incorporating cooperative learning and engagement strategies with ESL students. Lindsay

35 SUHUPU & Timed-Pair-Share
Stand back-to-back 1 minute: Timed-Pair-Share What will you take back and use? How will you use it? (Think Time) Shorter person goes first Kim & Lindsay

36 Exit Ticket: 2 & a Wish On a notecard Lindsay

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