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Mirror Stage Imaginary Symbolic Real

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1 Mirror Stage Imaginary Symbolic Real
Lacan Mirror Stage Imaginary Symbolic Real

2 Mirror Stage Self-Presence Historical moment
Conceptual transformation of psychic life Represents a regressive concept: a moment, and condition, to which we want to return. Exists then as a point of rupture: introduction of self-difference as the basic condition of psychic life.

3 Imaginary Ideal-I phase: full self-presence
Disrupted by castration anxiety Father’s prohibition: disrupts the psychic life of the imaginary Paternal Prohibition: Law of the Father, Name of the Father Threat of fragmentation of the body accompanied by imposition of the law Infant/Child leaves the Imaginary for the Symbolic

4 Symbolic Structured as a language: symbolic order designates identity to be a form of signification Subjectivity/Ego: signifier on some signified concept in the Symbolic realm. We are little more than a sign, an identity premised on some place within a signifying chain, determined by where we end up after leaving the Imaginary.

5 Symbolic Order As a sign, ego therefore subjected to the play of difference, of self-difference, ala Derrida. Ego/Identity always incompletely realized, never achieves the fullness of Imaginary self-presence. Dependence on language as psychic life keeps us from recovering fullness of psychic life in the imaginary.

6 The Real Most “nebulous” of the three arenas of psychic life in Lacan.
Language, signifying properties, our only way to represent the Real. Because of differance of language: we can never represent the Real; we can only represent a signification of it. The Real always returns us to our lack of self-presence.

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