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ESP: Extrasensory Perception

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1 ESP: Extrasensory Perception
Module 6

2 Question of the day: Type 1 11/8/10
Do you believe in psychics? Why or why not? Have you ever experienced a psychic moment that is beyond explanation? If yes please explain.

3 Objectives Students will be able to…
Understand the different types of psychic experiences Argue if scientific proof is necessary in order to acknowledge ESP as something that is real.

4 ESP (Extrasensory Perception)
A group of psychic experiences that involve perceiving or sending information outside normal sensory processes. Not acknowledged by psychologists, why? Not measurable

5 ESP – Four Groups Telepathy Precognition Clairvoyance Psychokinesis
Transfer one’s thoughts to another or read someone’s thoughts Precognition Predict future Clairvoyance To perceive events or objects out of sight Psychokinesis Move objects without touching – mind over matter.

6 Psi phenomena Process of info or transfer of energy by methods that have no known physical or biological mechanisms – stretch the law of physics

7 Examples Telepathy Precognition Clairvoyance Psychokinesis
Derren Brown - How did he do it? Precognition Would you believe him if he had called you? What can people do with the info if it can only be connected after the fact? Clairvoyance Why is John’s “talent’ questioned by so many? Psychokinesis Who is James Randi?

8 James Randi A magician that wants to keep the fake “psychics” out of the lime light and actually find a real psychic Began with a $10,000 check Ended his search last March with a $1,000,000 offer. No one has won Edwards has not taken the challenge

9 Ganzfeld Procedure Zener Cards Genzfeld
5 symbols – circle, waves, square, plus sign, and star Hold up the card and you must guess what it is. Problem is you need to eliminate guessing and trickery Genzfeld Reclining chair, closed room, headphones, and eye protection with photos

10 Assignment: Type 3 Read the article on the young girl from Russia that challenged Randi. Write a quick reaction to the ESP abilities AFTER our discussion. Are you still a believer, a new believer, or is it all a fraud? Explain your reasons in detail. FCAs 1. A detailed reaction to the article (5pts) 2. A detailed response to your thoughts on ESP, include one or all of the groups mentioned with details on your thoughts. (5pts)

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