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New Assessment and tracking of Pupil Progress at West Byfleet Junior School Parents Information Evening March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "New Assessment and tracking of Pupil Progress at West Byfleet Junior School Parents Information Evening March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Assessment and tracking of Pupil Progress at West Byfleet Junior School Parents Information Evening March 2015

2 Why do we need a new Assessment system? The system of levels that has been in place for over 20 years, will no longer fit the new National Curriculum. The new National Curriculum sets out what is to be taught within year groups but does not provide any system for assessing pupil’s progress. All schools have been free to develop their own assessment and tracking procedures.

3 Key principles of the new Assessment system A balance between summative and formative assessment by teachers. Simple to understand by staff, pupils, parents and governors. Provide confidence about the standards children are at in their learning. Summative assessment means- assessing a child by means of a test on a particular day, e.g. Sats Formative assessment means-Teacher continually assessing pupils by means of questionning, observations and pupil feedback

4 What will our Assessment system look like? We will split the year groups into two phases. Year 3 and 4 will be Phase B (Lower Key Stage 2) Years 5 and 6 will be Phase C (Upper Key Stage 2)

5 What does each phase mean? Each phase has 6 steps e.g Phase B has B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6. These are also steps in learning. Each Phase step will represent how much of the curriculum for a particular subject is covered securely.

6 The age related expectations for a year correspond to the mid phase e.g. B2 If they were achieving above the age related expectations they would be for example at B3 Some exceptionally able children will be entering the phase for the year above

7 Annual Reports for Years 3,4 5 Years 3,4 and 5 will have an Annual report, reporting the new achievement for pupils. An explanation will accompany the reports to explain clearly what the descriptions mean.

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