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A DOPTION.  OCOK will conduct general and child specific recruitment activities for adoption motivated homes for children from and referred to Region.

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2  OCOK will conduct general and child specific recruitment activities for adoption motivated homes for children from and referred to Region 3b.  OCOK will manage all general and child specific adoption inquiries. R ECRUITMENT

3  DFPS and OCOK will collaborate on recruitment efforts such as:  The Heart Gallery  Wednesday’s Child  TARE  Wendy’s Wonderful Kids  OCOK will work with DFPS to develop child specific profiles  OCOK will provide notice to any adoption events hosted by DFPS R ECRUITMENT

4  OCOK will ensure that home studies on all potential adoptive homes are conducted and approved.  OCOK will refer potential adoptive families to an agency in their geographic area on a rotating basis to have their home study completed.  OCOK will provide the agency with the adoption referral form attached to an email containing the Adoption Home Study Referral.  OCOK will provide any further documentation the family may have such as a previous kinship assessment or previous home study completed. H OME S TUDIES

5  OCOK will take the lead on review of a child and available home studies.  OCOK will coordinate and host a selection staffing with the following parties within 7 business days:  DPFS  CASA  Ad Litem  Guardian Ad Litem H OME S ELECTION AND S TAFFING

6  By the next business day following the selection staffing OCOK will send official notification to DFPS via email of:  Recommendation of adoptive home  No recommendation of adoptive home  Once a home is selected and approved, OCOK will provide all appropriate information to the prospective family (psychological evaluations, service plans, etc.) once it has been received from DFPS. H OME S ELECTION AND S TAFFING

7  When the prospective family agrees to proceed with the adoption process, DFPS will:  Complete redaction of the file within 15 business days  Provide a copy to OCOK  OCOK forwards redacted file to the Provider Case manager within 2 business days of receipt  Upon denial of an adoptive home recommendation OCOK will continue the recruitment of adoptive homes to find a match for the child. H OME S ELECTION AND S TAFFING

8  Once the prospective family has reviewed the child’s file OCOK will ensure a presentation staffing is held with:  Prospective Family  Current Family  CASA  Ad litem  Guardian ad litem P RESENTATION S TAFFING

9  At the presentation staffing a transition plan will be created including both the current family and the prospective family.  The transition plan will include:  Adoption preparation activities  Pre-placement visits  Any other related tasks P RESENTATION S TAFFING

10  Once an adoptive home has been identified OCOK will work with CPS and the adoptive family to facilitate the physical placement of the child in the home. P LACEMENT OF THE C HILD

11  In order to ensure placement stability, OCOK will be contracting with CPS to deliver services to children placed with adoptive families prior to consummation.  The CPA will be responsible for managing all services, including but not limited to monthly post-placement supervision.  The CPA will provide documentation of these services to the OCOK Care Coordinator. A DOPTION S ERVICES

12  Referrals and Placements  844-777-OCOK (6265)   Service Planning, Court Reports, Coordination of Services   Quality Improvement and Contracts   Foster-Adopt and Kinship Inquiries  OCOK C ONTACT I NFORMATION

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