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Dakota Demery.  /hannahs_portfolio/2010/05/the-issue-of- legalizing-gay.html

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1 Dakota Demery

2  /hannahs_portfolio/2010/05/the-issue-of- legalizing-gay.html /hannahs_portfolio/2010/05/the-issue-of- legalizing-gay.html  Upon first glance, this appears as a simple opinion piece. Upon further reading, however, you will notice it is spoken as a piece of rational logic. It does not preach the side of pro-gay rights, but instead gives the facts of the matter.

3  nnrecod.html nnrecod.html  I am referring to the specific quotes:  “This is an earthquake issue. This will change our state forever. Because the immediate consequence, if gay marriage goes through, is that K-12 little children will be forced to learn that homosexuality is normal, natural and perhaps they should try it.”  “This is a very serious matter, because it is our children who are the prize for this community, they are specifically targeting our children.”  These are clearly Pathos, a Bachmann states that children are in danger if homosexuals would be allowed to marry. She obviously is trying to frighten the people she is speaking to in order to influence their decisions on the topic.

4   In this statement, the ACLU frequently uses its own ethos to almost prop itself up as a beacon of hope. While it does support gay marriage and rights, it deliberately mentions itself frequently in order to have the reader remember its generosity, for lack of a better word.

5  As a homosexual man, it is clear which side of this argument I stand on. While many times I find it hard to question the character and intellect of those who oppose my viewpoint, I know that they are their own people with their own views of right and wrong. I will not say, however, that I don’t see their views as incredibly skewed. I know, though, that simply having both sides bash one another back and forth will only leave both sides bruised and unhappy. We must learn to actually listen to what one another is saying and then we can begin peaceful debates.

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