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Superconducting Undulator R&D Review SLAC, LBNL, ANL Jan. 31, 2014 07:00 AM (PST) Kings River Room (B052-306), SLAC or “Go-To-Meeting” teleconference.

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Presentation on theme: "Superconducting Undulator R&D Review SLAC, LBNL, ANL Jan. 31, 2014 07:00 AM (PST) Kings River Room (B052-306), SLAC or “Go-To-Meeting” teleconference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superconducting Undulator R&D Review SLAC, LBNL, ANL Jan. 31, 2014 07:00 AM (PST) Kings River Room (B052-306), SLAC or “Go-To-Meeting” teleconference

2 SCU R&D Review, Jan. 31, 2014 Superconducting Undulator (SCU) Motivation Using an SCU for the LCLS-II HXR undulator… …allows full performance to 5 keV (SASE & self-seeded) and with 50-70 m less undulator (or more taper) …has orders of mag. less sensitivity to rad. dose …is much less sensitive to e  emittance (new high-rate gun) …produces very low pressure in a small vacuum chamber (gas scattering at 1 MHz) Schematic of the LCLS-II facility with the new SCRF linac and two new undulators, along with the existing copper (Cu) linac, undulator and experimental halls. The “Cu Linac” is in the 3 rd km of the SLAC tunnel. HXR FEL SXR FEL

3 SCU R&D Review, Jan. 31, 2014 SCU R&D Plan in Brief ANL… Build 2-m test cryostat (based on existing design at APS) Build & test 1.5-m long NbTi prototype planar undulator ( u = 21.0 mm) LBNL… Build & test 1.5-m long Nb 3 Sn prototype planar undulator ( u = 18.5 mm) Develop and apply shimming to each of the NbTi and Nb 3 Sn cold masses Both Labs… Develop (refine) field measurement and field correction techniques Demonstrate predicted field, field quality, end-field corrections, field measurement and tuning, cold mass fiducialization, and integration of cold mass into cryostat Goal: Within 18 months deliver fully functional SC prototype undulator(s) which meet LCLS-II specifications see presentations on Jan. 31

4 SCU R&D Review, Jan. 31, 2014 Review Committee and Charge NameInstituteE-Mail AddressConfirmed Mikael Eriksson, chairMax – 12/18/13 Sara CasalbuoniANKAsara.casalbuoni@kit.eduYes – 12/18/13 David LarbalestierFSUlarbalestier@asc.magnet.fsu.eduYes – 12/17/13 Joachim PfluegerEXFELjoachim.pflueger@xfel.euYes – 12/18/13 Johannes BahrdtHZBjohannes.bahrdt@helmholtz-berlin.deYes – 01/08/14 Review Committee: Charge to the Committee: 1.Is the SCU R&D plan technically sound, and is it well enough defined in scope, schedule, and cost so as to produce definitive results that can support a baseline design change to the hard x-ray LCLS-II undulator, by May 2015? 2.If the plan appears insufficient, what recommendations can the committee make to improve the chances for supporting a baseline change within 18 months? 3.What further alterations might be made to solidify the plan and move it forward in time or reduce costs?

5 SCU R&D Review, Jan. 31, 2014 DRAFT Agenda for Jan. 31 Review * (2014) Review Agenda (all times Pacific/SLAC): 07:00 AM (5 min)Welcome and ChargeNorbert Holtkamp (SLAC) 07:05 AM (30 min)SCU Advantages in LCLS-IIPaul Emma (SLAC) 07:35 AM (20 min)Undulator Tolerance EstimatesHeinz-Dieter Nuhn (SLAC) 07:55 AM (50 min)SCU Development at ANLEfim Gluskin (ANL) 08:45 AM (10 min)(break)- 08:55 AM (50 min)SCU Development at LBNLSoren Prestemon (LBNL) 09:45 AM (20 min)SCU Field MeasurementsDiego Arbelaez (LBNL) 10:05 AM (25 min)(executive session)Committee Only 10:30 AM(adjourn)- * Carried out by video conference to save travel. Chairman assembles committee response in writing within 2 weeks (Feb. 14, 2014) Meeting site at (no password needed):

6 SCU R&D Review, Jan. 31, 2014 Tele-Conference Instructions We will use Go-To-Meeting to connect You don’t need any previous experience Brief instructions will be sent before the meeting (see right side of this slide  ) These will download the software you need You only need a computer (with monitor screen) and a telephone (cell OK) You can swap PC-mic/speakers for phone Call P. Emma if trouble ( +1 510 612-9033 ) 1. Please join my meeting. meeting/join/298937589 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone: United States: +1 (213) 493-0619 Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6925 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 503 473 Access Code: 298-937-589 Audio PIN: shown after joining the meeting. Meeting ID: 298-937-589 1. Please join my meeting. meeting/join/298937589 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone: United States: +1 (213) 493-0619 Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6925 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 503 473 Access Code: 298-937-589 Audio PIN: shown after joining the meeting. Meeting ID: 298-937-589 We will hold a connection test on Jan. 27 at 08:00 AM (Pacific Time) = 17:00 European Time, if you can attend. I will send a reminder on Jan. 23. You will simply click the blue link at right and dial the telephone (or use your PC microphone & speakers) as also listed at right. We will confirm that all of you can connect. It should be brief and easy. Note country-specific phone numbers (toll free from within country). Note country phone numbers

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