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Festo AG & Co. KG, Esslingen

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Presentation on theme: "Festo AG & Co. KG, Esslingen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Festo AG & Co. KG, Esslingen
Vision Sensors – no engineering, no risk? Dr. Herbert Hufnagl Festo AG & Co. KG, Esslingen BU Machine Vision

2 „Vision Sensor“ – my definition
Machine Vision? "The use of devices for optical, non-contact sensing to automatically receive and interpret an image of a real scene in order to obtain information and/or control machines or processes" AVA, 1985 (Batchelor/Whelan) „Vision Sensor“ – my definition „A Vision Sensor is a machine vision device; the setup and operating maintenance of this device can be performed by non-vision experts“

3 MV vs. Vision sensors: Engineering vs. „Plug and Work“
MV needs engineering  system integrators Most system integrators have < 10 employees and act locally Germany > 100 system integrators Depts at big endusers can also be system integrators Vision Sensors: reduced complexity, setup by non-vision experts Focused and standardized products enable standardized services (Hotline…) Main problems: Identification of „killer applications“ Danger: too much simplification for real applications

4 Machine vision in factory automation
Quality inspection Check completeness Non contact measurement (part geometry) Surface inspection Identification OCR Code reading Handling and assembly Part recognition / part position determination End effector positioning Navigation of mobile robots Machine setup / diagnosis Recording of highspeed videos

5 „Vision Sensors“: possible application fields
Quality inspection Check completeness Non contact measurement (part geometry) Surface inspection Identification OCR Handling and assembly Part recognition / part position determination End effector positioning Navigation of mobile robots Machine setup / diagnosis Recording of highspeed videos

6 Machine vision: how it works
media reflexion light illumination object lens sensor Processing, analysis, recognition, … result control image …also for vision sensors!

7 …also for vision sensors!
Lighting …also for vision sensors!

8 …also for vision sensors!
Optics, filters …also for vision sensors!

9 …also for vision sensors!
Optics …also for vision sensors!

10 Machine Vision integration…
„Vision Sensor with binary output like light barrier “ versus „an image is more than a thousand words“ e.g. position information, deviation…

11 100% quality control of parts: good/bad, orientation, part type

12 Festo Checkbox® – a vision sensor for moving parts
Festo Checkbox® – a vision sensor for moving parts Steps to take to integrate the Checkbox Integrate Checkbox (and actuators) in the machinery Parameterise the integrated PLC to handle the feeding process and actuator functions (engineering tool “CheckKon”) Teach-In the different parts and/or use engineering tool “CheckOpti” for setup of inspection task

13 Checkbox Compact - Product description
Checkbox Compact Classic Checkbox Compact PLC Checkbox Compact Plus Checkbox Compact Flex Actuators Buffer sensors/feeding device Diagnosis via PC (RS232) 24 V power supply Display Teach Start/Stop PLC connection Input Encoder

14 Festo Checkbox features
2D-geometry check - backlighting Part rates to the mechanical limit (really 30 parts/s) Part speeds up to 3 m/s Part management (Actuators, jam, control of feeder, counting, minimum distances…) Part length l=2mm to l=2m Part height h=0,5 mm to h = 80 mm Integration from automation experts (not vision experts) Minimum engineering from Festo necessary

15 Compact Vision System SBOx-Q-… - area besed
Vision sensor for Detection of the position of parts within its field of view to control Festo servo drives (x- an y-coordinates and rotation angle) Type identification Orientation detection 2D quality inspection sorting Integration of Image sensor, electronics, Ethernet and CAN interfaces, some 24 V I/Os. SBOI-Q-…: + optics and lighting

16 Compact Vision System SBOI-Q-…/SBOC-Q-…
Compact Vision System SBOI-Q-R1B Integrated optics and lighting system (high-capacity LED) Working distances: 22 – 1000 mm Field of view: 14 x 10 mm … 540 x 390 mm Adjustment of lens: approx. 1:5 via screw Dimensions: 45 mm x 45 mm x 83,7 mm Compact Vision System SBOC-Q-R1B Field of view and working distance variable thanks to connecting facility for C-Mount and CS-Mount lenses (standard lenses) Lighting system not integrated Dimensions: 45 mm x 45 mm x 136,7 mm

17 Compact Vision System SBOI/SBOC – Connectivity
Ethernet (TCP/IP, Easy IP) PC for set-up, diagnosis Connectivity to intranet/internet; live image viewable via Internet Explorer FED for teach, status messages, type select… FEC for reading feature values (e.g. coordinates and rotation angle of parts) CAN (Festo CP) Additional I/Os (at sales release one input and one output module) Ethernet CAN

18 CPX-CP: converts Festo CPI to Fieldbus „X“
SBO is CP – Slave (16I, 16O) Up to 4 cameras to: Profibus, Interbus-S, CC-Link,….

19 Application example: inspection of brake/fuel tubes

20 Layout right left Checkbox right Camera 4 MAC: 00-1B
End test right Camera 3 MAC: 00-1A Screw inner diameter Camera 1 MAC: 00-0D Screw inner diameter Camera 2 MAC: 00-19 End test left Checkbox left

21 Image sensors: conclusions…
Even simple machine vision applications need a minimum of user interaction, the possibility to change parameters and to understand their behaviour (more than „Teach“) - highly standardized application specific engineering tools - simple Interface to standard decentral HMI Every machine vision device needs minimum communication channels to machine control systems (more than RS232 and some 24V I/O) - high bandwidth interface for setup (live image…) - support of industrial fieldbus standards for apps with more than good/bad - no „black box“ behaviour to PLCs – e.g. integration of plc runtime

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