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Adult II Couples Class. PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Country Haven Church -Heup Family -Haraway Family -Tony: Cancer treatments.

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Presentation on theme: "Adult II Couples Class. PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Country Haven Church -Heup Family -Haraway Family -Tony: Cancer treatments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adult II Couples Class


3 PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Country Haven Church -Heup Family -Haraway Family -Tony: Cancer treatments -Cathy Laster: Cancer treatments -Abraham Garcia: Cancer treatments -Griffith Goodyear -Global Missions Offering

4  Benevolence Fund  Pastor Appreciation  R.E.A.P. (P-Team)  Scripture Readers Needed  Monthly Fellowships  November??  December – Woffords  January ??  Dinner out Friday (30 Nov)  5th Sunday Breakfast (30 Dec)  Quarterly Service Project  Ends of the Earth Project  Olive Grove Terrace Visitation (28 Oct)  Harvest Festival (31 Oct)  Men’s Prayer Breakfast (3 Nov)  Goulde Shower (4 Nov)  Blood Pressure Checks (11 Nov)  Lantz Baby Shower (11 Nov)  Youth SNAC (11 Nov)  Thanksgiving Meal (14 Nov)  Mexico Mission Team (Nov 17-24)  Mid Week Service (20 Nov)  Church Offices Closed (21-23 Nov)  Olive Grove Terrace Visitation (25 Nov)

5 Adult II Couples Class

6 Creation: God reveals His goodness through creation and His mercy in response to sin. Patriarchs: God reveals His response to the faithfulness of men (Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph). Exodus: God liberates Israel, and leads them to the Pro- mised Land and shapes them into a nation holy to Himself. Conquest: Joshua, relying on God’s presence and power, leads Israel to possess and settle the Promised Land. Judges: Every man does what is right in his own eyes, and Israel falls into the sin cycle.

7 Kingdom: God raises up a suc-cession of kings from Saul to Solomon who rule over a united Israel. Divided: Israel divides into the northern and southern king- doms and each descends into rebellion and idolatry, inciting God’s judgment. Captivity: A succession of wicked kings brings God’s judg-ment of captivity on first Israel, then Judah. God moves to preserve a remnant of Judah for seventy years in Babylon. Return: After the seventy years, God moves in the hearts of pagan kings to authorize the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s temple and allow His people to return to their own land. Silent: After the Jews return, God is silent for 400 years. Israel builds religious schools that evolve to teach religious interpretations of God’s Law rather than the Law itself.


9 Iva May and Dr. Stan May

10 Jesus used parables often in His teachings, but par-ables were common in the Old Testament as wellJesus used parables often in His teachings, but par-ables were common in the Old Testament as well Balaam uses a parable about a lion to describe Israel to Balak Balaam uses a parable about a lion to describe Israel to Balak Jothan comforts Israel after Abimelech with his parable about a tree Jothan comforts Israel after Abimelech with his parable about a tree Samson uses a parable-like riddle to confound the Philistines Samson uses a parable-like riddle to confound the Philistines Nathan confronts king David over the death of Uriah with a parable about a lamb Nathan confronts king David over the death of Uriah with a parable about a lamb The Old Testament prophets use parables to portray Israel’s sin and coming judgment The Old Testament prophets use parables to portray Israel’s sin and coming judgment


12  Parable – Stories drawn from everyday life to convey a moral or religious truth and is designed to convey essentially a single truth rather than a complex of truths (George Eldon Ladd) “An earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” “An earthly story with a heavenly meaning.”  Today’s lesson focuses on the parable of the soils















27  When Jesus warned His disciples to be wary of following after false Messiah’s, to what natural phenomena did He compare His real return so they would know what to look for?  “For just like the lightning, when it flashes out of one part of the sky, shines to the other part of the sky, so will the Son of Man be in His day.” (Luke 17:24)  When the Scribes and Pharisees presented the woman caught in adultery to Jesus, what did He do before and after proclaiming, “Let he who is without sin…be the first to throw a stone at her.”  “They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. ” (John 8:6)  How long had Lazarus been dead in the tomb when Jesus raised him back to life?  “On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days?” (John 11:17)

28  While Jesus was teaching in the temple, He confronted the Scribes and Pharisees about their ‘true’ father, the devil. What two wicked attributes did Jesus ascribe to the devil?  “You are of your father the devil...he was a murderer from the beginning, and…there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44)  In the parable of the hired workers, at what hour did the landowner hire the last of the workers?  “And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day long?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He *said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’.” (Matthew 20:6-7)

29 Adult II Couples Class

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