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A review of Lafayette Parish School System Policy: as it applies to students Provided by the Department of Heath and Wellness Office of Child Welfare and.

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Presentation on theme: "A review of Lafayette Parish School System Policy: as it applies to students Provided by the Department of Heath and Wellness Office of Child Welfare and."— Presentation transcript:

1 A review of Lafayette Parish School System Policy: as it applies to students Provided by the Department of Heath and Wellness Office of Child Welfare and Attendance

2 So, call me maybe??? Hey, you’re back to school now, and this is crazy But here are the school rules, so follow them maybe School might get hard and you might get craaaazy But here are your teachers, so trust them maybeeee !

3 Happy New Year! Every school year brings an opportunity for positive change and a fresh start for each student.

4 Knowledge is Power Today we are going to give you an overview of those items in the parish policy that effect you the most: – Dress Code – Attendance – Discipline

5 Five Good Reasons to Have A Dress Code? 1) Promote school safety – Book sacks must be mesh or clear – If your school has IDs, they must be displayed at all times while on campus. They must be worn on a lanyard around the neck or clipped to the shirt collar.

6 2) Minimize distractions based on personal appearance – Unnatural hair colors are not allowed. (*Unnatural is defined as not naturally occurring on people) – Extremes in hair styles that are deemed distracting to the learning environment are not permitted. – No other visible piercings other than in the ears. – no artificial nails, painted faces or other distracting makeup.

7 3) Promote decency – Wear clothing that fits appropriately and can be worn without exposing undergarments. – Clothing should not be excessively tight or excessively large. Clothes so small that mid-drifts are exposed is not allowed. – Clothing should be free from holes, frayed edges, or tears. They should not be see through. – Clothing should not contain anything that would offend your fellow classmates.

8 4) Foster an attitude of respect for authority – We recognize the desire of young people to express themselves through clothing and grooming, however, we must insist that students respect the educational environment. – Any combination of clothing and jewelry that law enforcement agencies currently consider gang-related are not permitted.

9 5) Prepare students to enter a work force that often has rules regarding dress, conduct and appearance – No sagging; underwear is UNDER for a reason! – Tattoos that are offensive or vulgar in nature will have to be covered at all times.

10 Uniform: Shirts A. COLOR Middle Schools: white, red, navy B. STYLE Short or long sleeve colored polo style golf shirts in designated colors. Approved school t-shirts may be worn on any day of the week with school uniform bottoms. Polos may not have large emblems, logos or decoration.

11 Uniform Bottoms A. COLOR: Middle Schools: khaki or navy blue B. STYLE: BOYS: uniform style pants or shorts GIRLS: uniform style pants, shorts, capris, skirts, skorts or jumpers C. LIMITATIONS: No wind suits, gym shorts, leggings, jeans or sweat pants allowed. No cargo pockets. Slacks and shorts must fit at the waist. Neither under garments nor any part of the midsection should be visible. Pants cannot slip when walking. Sagging is not allowed and is strictly enforced. Length for skirts, skorts, and jumpers must be no shorter than 4” above the knee.

12 Uniform: Shoes SHOES: Closed toe and closed back shoes must be worn at all times.

13 UNIFORM: OUTER WEAR A. FIT: All outerwear must be of reasonable fit. B. STYLE: Sweatshirts, jackets and coats can have hoods but the hood may only be worn OUTSIDE. YES, HOODIES ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!

14 UNIFORM: HEADWEAR A.Hats, caps, sweat bands, earmuffs and bandannas are not allowed. B. Knit caps may be worn outside only in extremely cold weather.

15 Principal’s Discretion to Make Uniform Exceptions Principals may declare spirit days and allow students to wear school spirit shirts. Dress-up days are also allowed at principal’s discretion (such as when school pictures are scheduled). Principals may determine guidelines for belts and the tucking of shirts. Principals may also allow students to wear other uniforms such as ROTC, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, band, chorus, etc. Other questions about uniforms should be referred to the school principal.

16 Violation of Dress Code Policy: WARNING: Strictly following the dress code may result in various school rewards!!!!!!!  Violations will be subject to school disciplinary action.

17 Attendance

18 School: Your Future Depends on it Why do you need to come to school? Because your education is a personal ticket to success!! State law requires that until you are 18 you must come to school every day unless you have an acceptable excuse such as: a doctor’s excuse, dentist excuse, funeral, etc. LPSS goal is to ensure that you reach the potential we see in YOU! What to do if you are absent? As soon as you return to school, bring your excuse and turn it in Ask your teacher(s) for any make up work needed

19 5 Absences 5 How many is too many? – A student is considered habitually absent or habitually tardy after the fifth unexcused absence or fifth unexcused check-in or check-out within any school semester.

20 Absences What happens if you miss too many days? – You place yourself at risk for failure If you take our time, we take yours. Attendance recovery is available to prevent you from failing a class, but is held during breaks, weekends or holidays. – Too many absences may lead to Juvenile Court intervention. – Your driver's permit or license may be denied or suspended in accordance with state law


22 PBIS Each school has Rules and Expectations posted for students and teachers as a guide for expected behaviors in every setting. Rewards/incentives are offered and earned for displaying your positive behaviors.

23 Why do we have rules?  Maintain order  Provide a safe environment for all  Provide the best learning opportunities to all students

24 What happens when you break a rule? Minor Infraction: a low intensity, inappropriate behavior that is handled by the teacher, for example: – Dress code/id violation – Horseplay – Tardy to class Possible consequences: – Verbal warning – Phone call home – Assigned special extra duties

25 What happens when you break a rule? Major infractions: an inappropriate behavior that disturbs the campus environment, for example: – Fighting – Harassment – Bullying – Possession of a cell phone

26 Possible Consequences – In School Suspension – Off Site Suspension – Loss of School Privileges – Before or After School Detention – Removal to Alternative Site

27 Fighting A hostile confrontation with physical contact involving two or more individuals 1 st offense: In School Suspension 2 nd offense: Off site suspension 1-9 days 3 rd offense: Recommended removal to alternative site

28 Bullying and Harassment

29 Unwanted and repeated written, verbal, or physical behavior, including any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, by an adult or student. Possible Consequences:  Referral to counselor  Loss of privileges  Off site suspension 1-9 days  Report to law enforcement  Threat assessment

30 Cell phones are not permitted on campus For cell phones and electronics: 1 st Violation: Confiscation for 5 School Days 2 nd Violation: Confiscation for 30 School Days 3 rd Violation: Remainder of Year Confiscation. The parent must pick up the item on the last day of school for students. All items not picked up by the last day of school will be donated to charity or discarded by the principal. When cell phones are confiscated all of the working parts of the phone must be submitted (including the SIM-Subscriber Identity Module-card). Failure to comply with the confiscation results in a Recommendation for Expulsion. For all other items (i.e. toys, games): at the principal’s discretion

31 Illegal----Regrettable

32 Just don’t do it! The presence of drugs, alcohol and/or weapons on campus, including in your car, will result in: – Contact with law enforcement – Without exception, you will be expelled to an off campus expulsion site

33 Trouble on the Bus??? Remember, there is a Bus Policy…if you can't follow the rules you don't get to ride.

34 Skeletons in your closet…… Discipline follows you all year……. even if you move.

35 IMPORTANT We only covered the highlights so please take your student handbook home, review it with your parents and have them sign and return the permissions page.

36 For Every Problem, There is a SOLUTION When in doubt or in need of assistance, contact your teacher, guidance counselor, school based social worker or an administrator. TOGETHER WE CAN

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