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Class 3-4 Values, Motives, Styles, Characteristics Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Career “Anchors.

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Presentation on theme: "Class 3-4 Values, Motives, Styles, Characteristics Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Career “Anchors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 3-4 Values, Motives, Styles, Characteristics Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Career “Anchors (wrap-up) Social Motives Theory Learning Style Inventory John Holland Occupational Codes Case Study: Alex Dean

2 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Career Fit Model

3 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Career Factors Skills Interests Values

4 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Career Factors SkillsPerformance InterestsSatisfaction Values Commitment

5 Career Anchors (Edgar Schein) Technical / Functional Competence TF General Managerial CompetenceGM Autonomy/IndependenceAU Security/StabilitySE Entrepreneurial CreativityEC Service/Dedication to a CauseSV Pure ChallengeCH LifestyleLS

6 Group Tally ANCHOR Highest2nd Highest Technical / Functional Competence General Managerial Competence Autonomy / Independence Security / Stability Entrepreneurial Capability Service / Dedication to a Cause Lifestyle Pure Challenge

7 Paired Interview Describe a change you made in your work role. What was the original situation (job, organization)? What the reasons that you chose this first job or organization? What did you like about it? What aspects did you not enjoy? Why did you decide to change?

8 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Exercise of Imagination Look quickly at the picture (10 to 15 seconds) Write the story it suggests (5 minutes) If you cannot think of what to write, use these questions to help you with your story: –What is happening ? –Who are the people ? –What has led up to this situation ? –What is wanted ? By whom ? –What will happen ? –What will be done ?

9 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style McClelland’s Theory of Motivation Need for Achievement Need for Power (or influence) Need for Affiliation

10 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Achievement Motivation Concern for a standard of excellence. Wanting to win or do well in competition. Self-imposed standards for good performance. Emotionally involved in attaining a goal. Involvement in a unique accomplishment, invention or creation.

11 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Power Motivation Getting or maintaining control of the means to influence another person. Wanting to win a point, to show dominance. Wanting to convince someone or gain a position of control. Wanting to avoid weakness or humiliation. Teaching, advising, or inspiring another person.

12 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Affiliation Motivation Establishing, maintaining, or restoring a positive emotional relationship with another person. Liking or wanting to be liked by someone else. Concern about an interpersonal relationship that has been disrupted; taking action to restore a relationship. Interest in the well-being and happiness of another person.

13 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Learning Style Inventory Learning styles are preferences in how you approach learning situations Describes the ways you learn and how you deal with ideas and day-to-day situations Knowing more about your learning styles can help you better understand: –How you solve problems –How you work in teams –How you manage conflict –How you make career choices –How you negotiate personal and professional relationships

14 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Differences in How We Perceive Concrete Experience - “Feeling” - Those who sense and feel tend more to the experience itself - They immerse themselves in concrete reality - They perceive through their senses - They are intuitive Abstract Conceptualization - “Thinking” - Those who think through the experience tend more to abstract dimensions of reality - They analyze what’s happening - Their intellect makes the first appraisal - They “reason the experience

15 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Differences in How We Process Experience and Information ( How we make it part of ourselves) Active Experimentation or “Doing” Some of us jump right in and try it Reflective Observation or “Watching” Others watch what’s happening and reflect on it

16 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Learning Style Types Divergers Study life as lived Reflect about what they find Start with what they see and then generalize (Social scientists) Assimilators Start with an idea or abstraction Reflect about it, play with it Watch the idea take different shapes. (Research and design) Convergers Start with an idea and try it out Conduct experiments, test it to see if it works (Engineers) Accommodators Don’t start with ideas but what they see, hear, touch, feel. Plunge in and try it out in action. (Marketing and sales) “Feeling / Sensing” “Thinking” “Watching” “Doing”

17 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Learning Styles Diverging Being imaginative Understanding people Recognizing problems Brainstorming Being open-minded Testing assumptions Assimilating Creating models Defining problems Developing theories Being patient Identifying themes Converging Solving problems Making decisions Reasoning deductively Defining problems Being logical Planning Accommodating Getting things done Leading Taking risks Initiating Being adaptable, practical Deciding on-the-spot “Concrete Experience” “Abstract Conceptualization” “ Reflective Observation ” “Active Experimentation”

18 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Planning A Vacation Imagine that you have a 3-week vacation approaching and that you are beginning to think about it. Of the activities listed below, which would you do and in what order: a) Decide where I’ll go, what I’ll do, and how I’ll get there b) Consider all the things that could keep me from going on vacation c) Just pack and go d) Envision the perfect vacation e) Schedule a time when I’ll plan my vacation f) Other:

19 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Alex Dean - Events “External Career” Independent study - unconventional program at Holy Cross University of Michigan Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute National Institute for Health (NIH) Married Sally Crawford Managed lab at NIH Marriage fails Business School Cromwell Consulting Considering venture capital, staring a business, and pharmaceutical management

20 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Alex Dean: Transition Factors

21 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Holland Codes RealisticConventional InvestigativeEnterprising Social Artistic

22 Occupational Categories Source: Self-Directed Search Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style Realistic “Thing” Oriented Practical Crafts Technical Mechanical Investigative “Idea” Oriented Theoretical Inquiry Analysis Science Artistic Writing Expressive Creative Music Drama Social “People” Oriented Helping Warm Teaching Human Resources Social Services Enterprising Negotiating Selling Influencing Management Business Planning and Development Conventional Organizing Facts / Data Meticulous Office Practices Predictable

23 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style “Accomplishments” Exercise Challenges:What was the issue? Who was involved? What was at stake? What problems or obstacles had to be overcome? Actions:What did you do? What kinds of decisions did you need to make? How did you go about solving the problem? Results:What happened? What was the effect? How were results measured either quantitatively or qualitatively?

24 Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the Workplace Motivation and Learning Style “Accomplishments” Review What did you notice about the skills being used in the accomplishment example? What values were expressed in the accomplishment story? What characteristics of the work or work environment were most important? What did you find most interesting and rewarding about the accomplishment? Has your sense of accomplishment or success changed over time?

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