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Presentation on theme: "ISTITUTO TECNICO COMMERCIALE “ANTONIO ZANON”"— Presentation transcript:


2 Udine (population 96,000 ca.) Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (NE Italy)

3 Town charter 987 a.d. Under Venetian Republic (15th-18th centuries) Under Austro-Hungarian Empire (late 18th-mid 19th centuries)

4 Founded 1866

5 140 teachers 1,287 students (14-18 years old) 4 courses of study
ERICA: Foreign correspondents IGEA : Accountants Mercurio: Accountants/Computer programmers Technical Lycée

6 Timetable Monday to Saturday
33-36 hours/week, six 50-minute periods/day

7 ITC Zanon also offers Night school for adults (bookkeeping diploma)
Courses in foreign languages and computer studies for the community Courses of Italian for immigrants Education for prisoners at local jail

8 Educational “autonomy” 1998 Schools now take more responsibility for
curriculum planning extra-curricular projects economic policy

9 ITC Zanon Eurolanguages Project
General courses for teachers Training courses for future CLIL practitioners Implementation of foreign language medium teaching

10 General language courses for teachers
English, German, French, Spanish any level Revise, improve, complement existing skills Promote intercultural/plurilingual awareness represent “nursery” for future CLIL teachers

11 CLIL training course 60 hours language revision/communication
language of classroom management Readings on CLIL worldwide Microlanguage of subject

12 Training of CLIL teachers
Univerity: initial training in-class observation preparation of post-graduate course of specialisation for future CLIL trainers/teachers Training course: minimum 60 hours + drilling Two-week course abroad Implementation: min. 1 module/term or 1 hr. CLIL/week Ongoing support group

13 Sept 1998-May 1999 June 1999-Sept 1999 September 1999 November 1999
CLIL Implementation Sept 1998-May 1999 June 1999-Sept 1999 September 1999 November 1999 Teacher training courses 3 Lingua B-funded “finishing” courses abroad CLIL across the curriculum bilingual education seminar

14 CLIL Diffusion February 2000
2-day training workshop for all schools interested Setting-up of Udine CLIL Network (see University of Venice website)

15 Schools belonging to the Udine CLIL Network
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “Antonio Zanon” Istituto Tecnico Industriale “Arturo Malignani” Liceo Scientifico “Niccolò Copernico” Liceo Classico “Jacopo Stellini” Istituto Magistrale “Caterina Percoto” Istituto Professionale “Bonaldo Stringher” Liceo Scientifico”Giovanni Marinelli”

16 ITC Antonio Zanon


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