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+ Managing Innovations in Indian Education System Ajay Goyal.

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1 + Managing Innovations in Indian Education System Ajay Goyal

2 + Right to Education Bill -2008 Clause 29(2) “The academic authority, while laying down the curriculum and the evaluation procedure [under sub-section (1)], shall take into consideration the following, namely:- a) conformity with the values enshrined in the Constitution; b) all round development of the child; c) building up child's knowledge, potentiality and talent; d) development of physical and mental abilities to the fullest extent; e) learning through activities, discovery and exploration in a child friendly and child- centered manner; f) medium of instructions shall, as far as practicable, be in child's mother tongue; g) making the child free of fear, trauma and anxiety and helping the child to express views freely; h) comprehensive and continuous evaluation of child's understanding of knowledge and his or her ability to apply the same.”

3 + Recommendations Introduction of Problem Based Learning (PBL) system learning is initiated by a posed problem, query, or puzzle that the learner wants to solve Students work in small learning teams, bringing together collective skills at acquiring, communication, and integrating information. Regular assessment and feedback system Involve parents/guardians and classmates too Pace and Type of assignments to be adjusted accordingly

4 + Contd. More attention on practical learning Innovative tools must be accompanied with books Relevance of theory in real/commercial life Introduction of democracy Flexible time-table Electives Flexibility to take-off for some time; gap is not bad

5 + Contd. Motivating lectures Lecture/Meeting with Experts Self assessment sessions Opening of more vocational training institutes No need of higher education to get in Public-Private Partnership if needed

6 + Contd. Introduction of English as language from the beginning Motivate teachers to put more sincere efforts No tuition Education at door via electronic media Video recording of lectures Motivation for self learning Unification of state boards and Central Board

7 + Thanks…

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