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UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties.

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1 UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties

2 -G. Washington was part of no political party -Washington warned about political parties dividing the nation -Simultaneously, his former Sec. of State [Jefferson] and his former Sec. of the Treasury [Hamilton] quarreled about the existence of a national bank -Hamilton, a loose constructionist and supporter of national power, argued for the bank -Hamilton founded the Federalist party Page 1 1796-1800 — Federalists UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties

3 -Jefferson was elected the first D-R president -In 1800, this marked a monumental moment in U.S. and world history — a peaceful, democratic shift in power among opposing political viewpoints Page 2 1800-1828 — Democratic-Republicans UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties (continued) -Jefferson, a strict constructionist and supporter of state ’ s rights, opposed the bank -Jefferson founded the Democratic-Republican Party -John Adams, a Federalist was elected president in 1796

4 -The D-Rs came to represent the South and farming — the Federalist party was dying -When wealthy, northern manufacturers began entering the party, they took control — splitting D-R party -Creating the Democrats and the Whigs Page 3 UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties (continued) 1828-1840 — Democrats -Once again, the [2 nd ] national bank divided the two parties -In 1828, Andrew Jackson helped form a new party — the Democrats

5 -The Democrats became the common man ’ s party, continuing to serve the cause of the South and farming -The North and manufacturers rallied around a new political party — the Whigs Page 4 (continued) UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties 1840-1860 — Whigs -The Whig party enjoyed some success, electing two presidents -W. Harrison & Z. Taylor both died in office -The Whig party lost power as the issue of slavery grew and smaller parties developed -One being the Republican party

6 -Arguing that slavery should not expand west into the territories, the Republican party (Abraham Lincoln) won the presidency in 1860 -The Republican party received credit for ending slavery and saving the union -The Republicans gained the support of northern states, businessmen, laborers and former slaves -The newly powerful Republicans denied Democrats power during “ Reconstruction ” Page 5 UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties 1860-1932 — Republicans

7 -With the nation in the depths of the Great Depression and Herbert Hoover ’ s policies not working, a shift in power took place -Democrat, Franklin Roosevelt was elected -Democrats supported: 1.Government spending to stimulate the economy 2.Farmers 3.Labor Unions 4.Social Security -Democrats grew the size, scope and spending of government tremendously during this period Page 6 UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties 1932-1952 — Democrats

8 -Control of the presidency and government has been divided in the last half century -Republicans such as Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan have valued the military, capitalism and more conservative values -Democrats such as Kennedy, Carter and Clinton have valued social equality, economic aid to the middle and lower class and a greater liberal agenda Page 7 1952-Present UNIT #6 Taking Part in Government CHAPTER #15 Political Parties LESSON #2 Beginnings of U.S. Political Parties

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