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Published byNeil Thomas Modified over 9 years ago
LESSON 44 CONNECTIONS 1. How could you use 2 Corinthians 5:21 and a diagram representing God’s Great Exchange to explain to someone that their sins are forgiven? Certainly. All have sinned. And all who believe that Jesus lived and died to take away their sin are members of the holy Christian church.
LESSON 44 CONNECTIONS 2. How do we receive forgiveness of sins? Through faith in the gospel.
LESSON 44 CONNECTIONS 3. Evaluate this statement: We receive forgiveness through the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus earned our forgiveness, but the Holy Spirit brings us to faith.
LESSON 44 CONNECTIONS 4. What tools does the Holy Spirit use to bring us to faith so that we receive forgiveness? The gospel in God’s Word and the sacraments.
Ephesians 2:8,9 It is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
LESSON 45 CONNECTIONS 1.What good works do we expect to see in the lives of the following Christians: Father? Provides for family. Teaches them God’s Word. Helps others. Disciplines children. Child? Obeys parents and teachers. Faithfully completes homework. Helps others. Pastor? Comforts sick and grieving with God’s Word. Faithfully teaches God’s Word to congregation. Counsels troubled. Lutheran teacher? Faithfully teaches God’s Word & other subjects. Patiently helps struggling students. Uses God’s Word in Christian discipline.
LESSON 45 CONNECTIONS 2. Evaluate this statement: Good works that please God can only come from the heart of a believer. True. Works not done out of love for God are always done for the wrong reasons.
The 3 rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy Christian church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
The 3 rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed What does this mean? I believe that I cannot by my own thinking and choosing believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me by the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith.
The 3 rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed In the same way he calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith.
The 3 rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed In this Christian church he daily and fully forgives all sins to me and all believers. On the Last Day he will raise me and all the dead and give eternal life to me and all believers in Christ. This is most certainly true.
ALL PEOPLE WILL WITNESS CHRIST’S POWER 1.Read Ecclesiastes 12:7. What is the “dust,” and why does the inspired writer say it returns to the ground? The dust refers to our bodies. It returns to the ground because that’s from what God formed Adam’s body.
ALL PEOPLE WILL WITNESS CHRIST’S POWER 2.Read Job 19:25-27. What evidence do you see that Job believed that his body would rise from the dead on judgment day? He said that even though his flesh would be destroyed, he would later see God with his own eyes.
ALL PEOPLE WILL WITNESS CHRIST’S POWER 3.The Bible shows us several instances in which Jesus raised people from the dead— Jairus’ daughter, Lazarus, the young man at Nain, and himself. Why is it important for us to read these examples which show that Jesus has power to raise the dead? Our faith is strengthened as we are reminded that Jesus has power over death. One day he will raise us also.
ALL PEOPLE WILL WITNESS CHRIST’S POWER 4.How is it possible for bodies that have decayed to come back to life? Jesus will command it. He has shown that he has the power to do that.
ALL PEOPLE WILL WITNESS CHRIST’S POWER 5.Read John 5:28,29. How might you use this passage to answer a person who asks if you believe in life after death? You might point to the words of Jesus that say “a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out.”
ALL PEOPLE WILL WITNESS CHRIST’S POWER 6.Recall the account of judgment day in Matthew 25:31-33. The Bible tells us that Jesus will come in his glory but doesn’t say exactly what that means. How do you picture Christ’s glory on that day? Jesus will be shining brightly so that everyone will see him. He will come with a loud trumpet call and with angels.
ALL PEOPLE WILL WITNESS CHRIST’S POWER 7.Though the Lord doesn’t tell exactly what judgment day will look like, he does tell us what will take place. What will happen? He will sit on his throne in heavenly glory and the angels with him. Everyone will be gathered before him, and he will separate them as a shepherd separates his sheep.
ALL PEOPLE WILL WITNESS CHRIST’S POWER 8.Rosa’s best friend tells her: “I know I’m dying. I am afraid to die.” If you were Rosa, how might you talk about Jesus’ power over death to give her comfort? Read Bible stories in which Jesus raised someone from the dead, including the Easter account. Remind her that Jesus’ resurrection means she, too, will rise.
KEY POINT #1 Christ will raise all people from death.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY 9.Recall Matthew 25:34-46. Describe the judgment that will take place on the Last Day. Jesus will welcome those on his right to heaven because of their fruits of faith. Jesus will condemn those on his left to hell because they had no fruit and no faith.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY 10.Where we spend eternity will depend on whether or not we have faith in Jesus as our Savior. Why will Jesus be able to point to our good works as proof that we had faith? Where there is faith, good works will follow.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY 11.Some of those on Jesus’ left may have attended church fairly regularly. They may think they should be welcomed into heaven. What proof will Jesus give that they didn’t have faith? Jesus is able to look into hearts; we can’t. The lack of good works will be proof that they didn’t have faith.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY 12.Think about the suffering of those who die without faith. Someone once said that thought alone should encourage us to tell the whole world about Jesus. What do you think he meant by that? The thought of never-ending suffering in the fires of hell is so horrible, we would want to spare anyone from that suffering.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY 13.Read John 3:16. What blessing is received by those who died with faith? Eternal life.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY 14.Read John 14:2. Jesus talked about many rooms in his Father’s house. What are those rooms? The places reserved for us in heaven.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY 15.Paul Gerhardt was a pastor who lost 4 of his children. Despite such sadness, he wrote some very beautiful hymns. Why was he able to praise God through all his grief? He firmly believed that his children were enjoying eternal life and that they would meet again in heaven.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY 16.Tell whether the statements are true or false, and correct the false statements. a. God will raise the really good people from death, while the rest will go to hell. FALSE-Faith determines who goes to heaven. b. Those who have died and those who are still living will be gathered before Jesus on the Last Day. TRUE
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY c. The soul will navigate throughout the universe for 2000 years and then return to be united with the body and become alive again. FALSE-The soul goes to either heaven or hell and stays there until the Last Day. d. If you’re not good enough to go to heaven, nor bad enough to go to hell, your soul will go to purgatory until you’ve earned salvation. FALSE-There is no such place as purgatory, and Jesus has completely earned salvation for you.
BELIEVERS WILL EXPERIENCE GOD’S GLORY e. Christ will gather all people, believer and unbelievers, those already dead and those still alive, on the Last Day. TRUE.
KEY POINT #2 God will give eternal life to all believers.
WHAT WILL THE LORD DO ON THE LAST DAY? 1.Christ will raise all people from death. 2.God will give eternal life to all believers. SUMMARY On the Last Day the Lord will raise all people from death and give eternal life to all believers.
LESSON 46 CONNECTIONS 1. Why are Christians able to find great comfort as we think about what will happen on judgment day? We will see the Lord in all his glory and receive his invitation to take the inheritance he has prepared for us in his heavenly mansions.
LESSON 46 CONNECTIONS 2. Job 19:25-27 is read at many funerals. What truth is expressed with these words that makes the passage so comforting? My Redeemer lives, and though my body will decay after death, yet it will be raised to life again so that I will see God with my own eyes.
LESSON 46 CONNECTIONS 3.A man whose daughter died said, “I find great comfort when I read passages about Jesus raising others from the dead.” Why are those passages so comforting? They show that Jesus has power over death. We can trust that he will be able to keep his promise to raise us to life again.
LESSON 46 CONNECTIONS 4. Jesus tells us that on judgment day he will point to our deeds. Why are our deeds proof that we did or did not have faith? Where there is faith, good works will result.
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