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Published byMeagan Ward Modified over 9 years ago
UCLA Leadership Institute Addressing Barriers to Learning & Teaching and Re-engaging Disconnected Students
UCLA We just missed the school bus. \ Don’t worry. I heard the principal say \ no child will be left behind. /
UCLA In the accompanying handouts we have included more than we cover in the power point slides. Our hope is that you will look the handouts over when you have time. Feel free to use any handout as is or by adapting them.
UCLA Topics to be Covered I.Why is a System of Learning Supports Imperative for School Improvement? II. What is a System of Learning Supports? Rethinking Intervention III. What is a System of Learning Supports? (cont.) Reworking Infrastructure
UCLA Topics IV. Intrinsic Motivation: Engaging and Re-engaging Students, Families, & Staff V. What’s involved in Getting From Here to There VI. Planning Next Steps
UCLA I. Why is a System of Learning Supports Imperative for School Improvement?
UCLA <><><><><><><><><> The current focus of school improvement policy and practice is too limited to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed at school. <><><><><><><><><>
UCLA The limited focus contributes to: –High Student Dropout Rates
UCLA The limited focus contributes to: –High Student Dropout Rates –High Teacher Dropout Rates
UCLA The limited focus contributes to: –High Student Dropout Rates –High Teacher Dropout Rates –Continuing Achievement Gap
UCLA The limited focus contributes to: –High Student Dropout Rates –High Teacher Dropout Rates –Continuing Achievement Gap –So Many Schools Designated as Low Performing
UCLA The limited focus contributes to: –High Student Dropout Rates –High Teacher Dropout Rates –Continuing Achievement Gap –So Many Schools Designated as Low Performing –High Stakes Testing Taking its Toll on Students
UCLA The limited focus contributes to: –High Student Dropout Rates –High Teacher Dropout Rates –Continuing Achievement Gap –So Many Schools Designated as Low Performing –High Stakes Testing Taking its Toll on Students –Plateau Effect
UCLA Some of the data: The dropout rate for our nation remains unacceptably high. In 2006, the Education Trust reported that nearly 25 percent of the ninth grade population will not end up graduating from high school.
UCLA Some of the data: Take reading levels as an example. Despite reports of small recent gains, most American students, across grade levels, are reading at the most basic levels and “only about 30 percent of high school students read proficiently and more than a quarter read below grade level.”
UCLA Data from the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) clearly shows the plateau effect related to academic achievement.
UCLA Three Lenses for Viewing School Improvement Efforts
UCLA Lens #1 = All Students Not some -- ALL youngsters are to have an equal opportunity to succeed at school
20 Lens #1 = ALL Students Range of Learners Motivationally ready and able Not very motivated/ lacking prerequisite skills/ different rates & styles/ minor vulnerabilities Avoidant/ very deficient in capabilities
UCLA Lens #2 = Barriers to Learning and School Improvement Range of Learners I = Motivationally ready and able Not very motivated/ lacking prerequisite II = skills/ different rates & styles/ minor vulnerabilities III = Avoidant/ very deficient in capabilities No barriers Barriers To Learning, Development, Teaching Instructional Component Classroom Teaching + Enrichment Activity Desired Outcomes (High Expectations & Accountability) (High Standards)
22 For most students, it’s more about Environmental Conditions Neighborhood Family School and Peers than about Individual deficits And, of course, a holistic approach emphasizes >Protective Buffers (strengths, resiliency) >Promoting Full Development Appreciating the Full Range of Barriers to Learning and School Improvement –
UCLA Examples of Environmental Conditions extreme economic deprivation community disorganization, including high levels of mobility violence, drugs, etc. minority and/or immigrant status
UCLA Examples of Family Conditions chronic poverty conflict/disruptions/violence substance abuse models problem behavior abusive caretaking inadequate provision for quality child care
UCLA Examples of School & Peer Conditions poor quality school negative encounters with teachers negative encounters with peers inappropriate peer models
UCLA Examples of Individual Conditions medical problems low birth weight/neurodevelopmental delay psychophysiological problems difficult temperament & adjustment problems inadequate nutrition
UCLA Caution: Don’t let anyone misinterpret the term >Barriers to learning It encompasses much more than a deficit model of students.
UCLA And, it is part of a holistic approach that emphasizes the importance of >Protective Buffers (e.g., strengths, assets, resiliency, accommodations) & >Promoting Full Development
UCLA Lens # 3 = Engagement & Disengagement Source of Motivation Extrinsics Intrinsics Intrinsics/ Extrinsics Engagement Intervention Concerns Disengagement (psychological reactance) Avoiding Over-reliance on Extrinsics, Maximizing Intrinsic Motivation, Minimizing Behavioral Control Strategies
UCLA Engaging & Re-engaging Students in Classroom Learning It’s time to pay greater attention to how schools >maximize Intrinsic Motivation >minimize Behavior Control Strategies >re-engage Disconnected Students >sustain Teacher Motivation
UCLA Motivation, and especially Intrinsic Motivation are fundamental intervention concerns related to student (and staff) problems
UCLA First Concern – Enhancing understanding of intrinsic motivation as related to academic achievement and the achievement gap Second Concern – Reducing overemphasis on behavior/social control & enhancing appreciation of the impact of psychological reactance Third Concern – Re-engaging students who have become actively disengaged from classroom instruction Fourth Concern – Teacher motivation
UCLA <><><><><><><><><><><> From the perspective provided by these three lenses, schools need to revisit their school improvement plans with an eye to what’s missing. <><><><><><><><><><><>
Brief Activity Think about how your school improvement plan addresses students who do not come to school motivated and ready to learn. Using the three lenses, jot down what’s being done to: (1) Address barriers to learning (2) Re-engage disconnected students 34
UCLA I. Why is a System of Learning Supports Imperative for School Improvement? (cont.) School Improvement Planning: What’s Being Done & What’s Missing?
UCLA What we see around the country Talk about fragmented!!! Psychological Testing Violence & Crime Prevention Special Education After-School Programs HIV/Aids Prevention Pupil Services District Juvenile Court Services Community-Based Organizations Mental Health Services Social Services HIV/AIDS Services Child Protective Services Pregnancy Prevention Counseling Codes of Discipline Physical Education Health Education Clinic Health Services Nutrition Education School Lunch Program Drug Prevention Drug Services Smoking Cessation For Staff
37 Why the fragmentation? Current situation at all levels in the educational system with respect to student/learning supports is that the efforts are Marginalized in school improvement policy and practice Fragmentation is one result and isn’t solved by focusing solely on improving coordination Poor cost-effectiveness is another result (up to 25% of a school budget used in too limited and often redundant ways) So is counterproductive competition for sparse resources (among school support staff and with community-based professionals who link with schools)
38 Why the Marginalization? How school improvement planning addresses barriers to learning and teaching Direct Facilitation of Learning & Development Instructional / Developmental Component Management Component Governance and Resource Management Safe schools & Some Student & Family Assistance Besides offering a small amount of school-owned student "support” services, schools outreach to the community to add a few school-based / linked services.
Clearly, there are some supports; what’s missing is a dedicated, unified, and comprehensive component focused on: (1) addressing barriers to learning and teaching AND (2) re-engaging students who have become disconnected from classroom instruction 39
The missing component becomes evident when school improvement plans are analyzed with respect to what is planned for those students who do not come to school every day motivated and ready to learn. 40
41 The need is to move from the prevailing two-component framework to a three-component framework in order to develop a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports Direct Facilitation of Learning & Development Instructional/ Developmental Component Management Component Learning Supports Component Addressing Barriers to Learning Governance and Resource Management
UCLA Governance and Resource Management (Management Component) Unifying Policy & Practice for Addressing Barriers to Learning Addressing Barriers to Learning/Teaching (Enabling or Learning Supports Component) Direct Facilitation of Learning (Instructional Component) Examples of Initiatives, programs and services that belong under the umbrella >positive behavioral supports >programs for safe and drug free schools >bi-lingual, cultural, and other diversity programs >compensatory education programs >family engagement programs >special education programs >mandates stemming from the No Child Left Behind Act & other federal programs
Activity: Discuss what you think teachers at your school would answer if asked what proportion of their students show up each day motivationally ready and able to do what the teacher has planned to teach that day. Why are so many students not motivationally ready and able? After your discussion, enjoy a break. 43
UCLA With all the budget problems, We have to do everything on a shoestring. \ Are you saying you \ still have a shoestring? /
UCLA What’s the community doing?
UCLA AGENCY REFORM Restructuring and Reforming Community Health and Human Services
UCLA The intent of current agency reform policy – >end fragmentation >enhance access to clientele The focus – >interagency collaboration >school-linked services, sometimes based (co-located) at a school
UCLA Problems – >doesn’t integrate with school’s efforts to address barriers to learning >limits the focus to current agency work As a result, current agency policy produces – >an additional form of fragmentation >counterproductive competition >greater marginalization
UCLA It is important to remember that Community Agency Reform is not the same thing as Strengthening Communities
UCLA The major intent of agency reform is to restructure services to reduce fragmentation.
UCLA The major intent of agency reform is to restructure services to reduce fragmentation. The emphasis is mainly on interagency collaboration.
UCLA The major intent of agency reform is to restructure services to reduce fragmentation. The emphasis is mainly on interagency collaboration. Schools have been included since they offer better access to agency clients. Thus, the concept of school linked services, and the idea of community agencies co-locating services on a school site.
UCLA Because the focus is on services, little attention is paid to »integrating community resources with existing school programs and services designed to address barriers to learning; »including a full range of community resources; »strengthening families and neighborhoods by improving economic status and enhancing other fundamental supports.
UCLA School Banks Police Day care Center Faith-based Institutions Higher Education Institutions Local Residents Businesses Restaurants Health & Social Services Agencies Community Based Orgs.; Civic Assn. Media Artist & Cultural Institutions Library Senior Citizens From Kretzmann & McKnight -- Communities have many resources!
UCLA To Recap: School improvement policy and planning have not addressed barriers to development, learning, and teaching as a primary and essential component of what must be done if schools are to minimize behavior problems, close the achievement gap, and reduce the rate of dropouts
UCLA To Recap: As a result, current efforts are marginalized, fragmented, often redundant and off track, and they have resulted in counterproductive competition for sparse resources
UCLA To Recap: The need is for a comprehensive system of learning supports that (1) addresses barriers to development, learning, and teaching & (2) (re-)engages students in classroom learning
UCLA In the handout, material, we have put some key questions we hope you are thinking about at this point. For discussion: What are the many external and internal barriers interfering with your students learning and your teachers teaching and how does all this affect your schools?
59 Some matters that work against dealing effectively with addressing barriers to learning and teaching
UCLA Next: We turn to four fundamental, interrelated concerns involved in moving forward to develop a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports
Toward developing, implementing, & sustaining a unified and comprehensive component Four Fundamental and Interrelated Concerns Framing Interventions to Address Barriers to Learning and Teaching into Policy a Comprehensive System Revision of Interventions Rethinking Developing SystemicOrganizational & Change Mechanisms for Operational Effective Implementation, Infrastructure Sustainability, & Replication to Scale Also, counter the overemphasis on extrinsic reinforcers by reintroducing a focus on intrinsic motivation.
UCLA We begin discussing these fundamental concerns by clarifying a way to frame interventions as a comprehensive system for addressing barriers to learning and teaching and re-engaging disconnected students
UCLA II. What is a System of Learning Supports? Rethinking I ntervention
UCLA Overview A Sequential Approach Defining Learning Supports Framing a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports >Continuum >Content >Major examples of intervention activity in each content arena Combined Continuum and Content Arenas
UCLA Promoting learning & Healthy Development plus Prevention of Problems (System of Prevention) Intervening as early after onset of problems as is feasible (System of Early Intervention) Specialized assistance for those with severe, pervasive, or chronic problems (System of Care) as necessary Needed: An Integrated Sequence of Interventions that Includes a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports
UCLA Defining Learning Supports Learning supports are the resources, strategies, and practices that provide physical, social, emotional, and intellectual supports to enable all pupils to have an equal opportunity for success at school by directly addressing barriers to learning and teaching and re-engaging disconnected students. A comprehensive, multifaceted, and cohesive learning supports system provides supportive interventions in classrooms and school-wide and is fully integrated with efforts to improve instruction and management at a school.
UCLA Framing a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports to Address Barriers to Learning
UCLA Meeting the needs of all students requires >promoting assets >preventing problems & >dealing with problems And doing so in keeping with the principle of providing what is needed in the least disruptive and restrictive manner
UCLA A system of learning supports frames both an intervention continuum & delineated arenas of content
UCLA Levels of Intervention Continuum—Interconnected Systems for Meeting the Needs of All Students: One key Facet of a Learning Supports Component Systems for Promoting Healthy Development & Preventing Problems primary prevention – includes universal interventions (low end need/low cost per individual programs) Systems of Early Intervention early-after-onset – includes selective & indicated interventions (moderate need, moderate cost per individual) Systems of Care treatment/indicated interventions for severe and chronic problems (High end need/high cost per individual programs) School Resources (facilities, stakeholders, programs, services) Community Resources (facilities, stakeholders, programs, services) See examples
UCLA Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention
UCLA Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning
UCLA Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning Crisis/ Emergency Assistance & Prevention
UCLA Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning Crisis/ Emergency Assistance & Prevention Support for Transitions
UCLA Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning Crisis/ Emergency Assistance & Prevention Support for Transition Home involvement & Engagement In Schooling
UCLA Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning Crisis/ Emergency Assistance & Prevention Support for Transition Home involvement &t Engagement In Schooling Community Outreach
UCLA Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning Crisis/ Emergency Assistance & Prevention Support for Transition Home involvement &t Engagement In Schooling Student & Family Assistance Community Outreach
UCLA Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning Crisis/ Emergency Assistance & Prevention Support for Transition Home involvement &t Engagement In Schooling Student & Family Assistance Community Outreach Infrastructure >leadership mechanisms
UCLA Major Examples of Activity in Each of the Six Basic Content Arenas
UCLA Classroom-Based Enabling & Re-engaging Students in Classroom Learning FOCUS: Classroom based efforts to enable learning Prevent problems; intervene as soon as problems appear Enhance intrinsic motivation for learning Re-engage students who have become disengaged from classroom learning
UCLA Classroom-Based Enabling (cont.) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Opening the classroom door to bring in available supports Redesigning classroom approaches to enhance teacher capability to prevent and handle problems and reduce need for out of class referrals Enhancing and personalizing professional development Curricular enrichment and adjunct programs Classroom and school-wide approaches used to create and maintain a caring and supportive climate
UCLA Crisis Assistance and Prevention FOCUS School-wide and classroom-based efforts for >responding to crises >minimizing the impact of crises >preventing crises
UCLA Crisis Assistance and Prevention EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Ensuring immediate assistance in emergencies so students can resume learning Providing Follow up care as necessary Forming a school-focused Crisis Team to formulate a response plan and take leadership for developing prevention programs Mobilizing staff, students, and families to anticipate response plans and recovery efforts Creating a caring and safe learning environment Working with neighborhood schools and community to integrate planning for response and prevention
UCLA Support for Transitions FOCUS School-wide and classroom-based efforts to >enhance acceptance and successful transitions >prevent transition problems >use transition periods to reduce alienation >use transition periods to increase positive attitudes/motivation toward school and learning
UCLA Support for Transitions EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Welcoming & social support programs for newcomers Daily transition programs (e.g., before/afterschool, lunch) Articulation programs Summer or intersession programs School-to-career/higher education Broad involvement of stakeholders in planning for transitions
UCLA Home Involvement in Schooling FOCUS School-wide & classroom-based efforts to engage the home in >strengthening the home situation >enhancing problem solving capabilities >supporting student development and learning >strengthening school and community
UCLA Home Involvement in Schooling EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Addressing specific support and learning needs of family Improving mechanisms for communication & connecting school and home Involving homes in student decision making Enhancing home support for learning and development Recruiting families to strengthen school and community
UCLA Community Outreach for Involvement and Support (including Volunteers) FOCUS Building linkages and collaborations to strengthen students, schools, families, and neighborhoods
UCLA Community Outreach for Involvement and Support (including Volunteers ) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Planning and Implementing Outreach to Recruit a Wide Range of Community Resources Systems to Recruit, Screen, Prepare, and Maintain Community Resource Involvement Reaching out to Students and Families Who Don't Come to School Regularly – Including Truants and Dropouts Connecting School and Community Efforts to Promote Child and Youth Development and a Sense of Community
UCLA School Banks Police Day care Center Faith-based Institutions Higher Education Institutions Local Residents Businesses Restaurants Health & Social Services Agencies Community Based Orgs.; Civic Assn. Media Artist & Cultural Institutions Library Senior Citizens From Kretzmann & McKnight -- Communities have many resources!
UCLA Student and Family Assistance FOCUS Specialized assistance provided through personalized health and social service programs
UCLA Student and Family Assistance Providing support as soon as a need is recognized and doing so in the least disruptive ways Referral interventions for students & families with problems Enhancing access to direct interventions for health, mental health, and economic assistance Care monitoring, management, information sharing, and follow-up assessment to coordinate individual interventions and check whether referrals and services are adequate and effective Mechanisms for resource coordination and integration to avoid duplication, fill gaps, garner economies of scale, and enhance effectiveness Enhancing stakeholder awareness of programs and services
UCLA For more specific examples and mapping and analysis self study surveys for each arena, see the Center’s online resource aid: Guide to resource mapping and management to address barriers to learning: An intervention for systemic change
UCLA Combined Continuum and Content Arenas Levels of Intervention Systems for Promoting Healthy Development & Preventing Problems Systems for Early Intervention (Early after problem onset Systems of Care Content Arenas Classroom- Focused Enabling Crisis/ Emergency Assistance & Prevention Support for transitions Home Involvement in Schooling Community Outreach/ Volunteers Student & Family Assistance Activity: Mapping & Analyzing Learning Supports
UCLA Systems for Promoting Healthy Development & Preventing Problems Accommodations for differences & disabilities Specialized Assistance & other intensive interventions Systems for Early Intervention (early-after problem onset) Systems of Care (a)* (b)* (c)* (d)* (e)* (f)* System of Learning Supports is Designed to Produce a Declining Proportion of Students Needing Special Assistance Intervention Content Arenas (a) = Classroom-focused enabling; (b) = Support for transitions (c) = Home involvement in schooling; (d) = Community outreach/volunteers; (e) = Crisis/ emergency assistance and prevention; (f) = Student and family assistance Levels
UCLA The framework is meant to guide development of a comprehensive system of learning supports as a primary and essential component of school improvement. Reminder: Such an enabling component is meant to: (1) address interfering factors and (2) re- engage students in classroom instruction
UCLA What’s Missing? Range of Learners No barriers Barriers To Learning, Development, Teaching Instructional Component Classroom Teaching + Enrichment Activity Desired Outcomes (High Expectations & Accountability) (High Standards) I = Motivationally ready and able Not very motivated/ lacking prerequisite II = skills/ different rates & styles/ minor vulnerabilities III = Avoidant/ very deficient in capabilities
UCLA An Enabling or Learning Supports Component to Address Barriers and Re-engage Students in Classroom Instruction Range of Learners No barriers Barriers To Learning, Development Teaching Instructional Component Classroom Teaching + Enrichment Activity Desired Outcomes (High Expectations & Accountability) (High Standards) I = Motivationally ready and able Not very motivated/ lacking prerequisite II = skills/ different rates & styles/ minor vulnerabilities III = Avoidant/ very deficient in capabilities Enabling Component (1)Addressing Interfering Factors (2) Re-engaging Students in Classroom Instruction
UCLA To Recap: School improvement planning for developing a comprehensive system of learning supports to address barriers to learning and teaching requires: (1) adoption of a umbrella framework that can unify current efforts (2) expansion of the framework for school accountability (to account for efforts to enhance social and personal functioning and address barriers to learning and teaching -- we will detail this later)
UCLA To Recap: Combining a continuum of intervention with a discrete set of content arenas to establish a comprehensive framework to guide development of an enabling/learning supports component. The resulting matrix provides a mapping tool and a planning guide for developing a comprehensive set of learning supports.
UCLA Activity Looking at schools you know: How close are they to having a unified and comprehensive system of learning supports? To answer this, many schools are using our Center’s tool for mapping & analyzing Learning Supports – (It’s online as part of a toolkit of aids) Take a few minutes now to do a bit of mapping using this aid.
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