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Drinking and Driving By: Amber Matthews and Raley Vines 1.

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2 Drinking and Driving By: Amber Matthews and Raley Vines 1

3 Legal Limit  All 50 states have now set.08% BAC as the legal limit for Driving Under the Influence. For those under 21, there is a zero tolerance limit―any amount of alcohol is grounds for a DUI arrest.  Drinking and driving starts to effect you at the BAC of 0.02 and severely at 0.05. By the time you reach the BAC of 0.08 your muscle coordination is poor. 2 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

4 Consequences of Drinking While Driving  Temporary impounding of your vehicle  A fine of up to several thousand dollars  Probation  Possible jail time  Revocation of your driver's license  Community service  Completion of substance abuse classes at your own expense  Penalties increase substantially if you are involved in an accident. 3 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

5 Possible Accidents  It is not uncommon for drunk drivers to get into accidents that do not involve other cars. Some drivers tend to think it is okay to drive while intoxicated as long as it is on roads that are unpopulated because the risk of running into another car is diminished. However, there are a number of instances in which drunk drivers have had severe car accidents involving trees, power lines, ditches, or even houses. 4 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

6 Possible Injuries  Some of the most common serious injuries caused by DUI accidents include:  Spinal cord  Brain injuries  Broken bones  Whiplash  Paralysis 5Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

7 Facts  An estimated 32% of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian.  Nearly 13,000 people are killed each year in alcohol-related accidents  Over 1.4 million arrests for DWI each year and 780,000 are convicted 6 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

8 More Facts  Every 53 minutes in America, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash. That equates to 27 people every day.  Every 90 seconds, someone is injured from a drunk driving incident.  Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teens, and roughly 1/3 of these accidents involve alcohol or another substance.  211 children were killed in drunk driving crashes in 2010. Of those 211 children, 62% were riding in the car with the impaired driver. 7 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

9 Dustin Church On July 10, 2004, 18-year-old Dustin Church was hanging out with friends when they decided to go on a late-night pizza run. But on the way home, in the short two-mile stretch between the restaurant and the driver’s house, the speeding car ran off the road, hit an embankment and landed upside-down in a Connecticut river. The driver was an impaired teenager, who had been illegally drinking underage and using drugs. Dustin was in the backseat of the two-door car as it sank into the river. The two in the front seat survived. But not Dustin. He died trying to get out of the backseat. He died trying to breathe as the car sank deeper. In short, he died trying to live. But he didn’t live, he drowned. 8 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

10 Pictures 9 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

11 Video  10 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

12 Abdallah Khader  Abdallah Khader was just 2 years old in 2009 when his family's car was hit by a drunk driver. At age 8, he succumbed to the injuries he sustained in that crash. Abdallah's parents tell WFAA he died at a Fort Worth, Texas, medical center; he had been in a near-vegetative state since the crash, strapped to a chair and on oxygen, and he frequently suffered from pneumonia, including at the time of his death. Meanwhile, Stewart Richardson—whose blood alcohol level was about three times the legal limit on the night of the crash in Arlington, Texas—remains in jail awaiting trial. 11 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

13 Conclusion  We hope this presentation has given you a better insight on the effects of drinking and driving. 12 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

14 Works Citied     driving.html driving.html  Accidents/Drunk-Driving-Accidents.shtml Accidents/Drunk-Driving-Accidents.shtml    13 Amber Matthews and Raley Vines

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